HENRI GODTS. Vente aux enchères. - page 120-121

Éditions du XVI
eeuwse drukken
theologie te Keulen, door de landvoogdes van de Nederlanden afgevaardigd naar het
concilie van Trente. Het betreft een bewerking van de Vulgaat van 1477 en werd bezorgd
onder toezicht van de Universiteit van Keulen. Beide titels, gedateerd 1548 (colofon
1547), versierd met omlijsting van bijbelse taferelen in houtsnede. Gotische typografie op
2 kolommen met versierde inititalen en verlucht met 70 scènes uit het Oude Testament.
# Machiels B439 ; # VD16 B 2865 ; # Darlow & Moule 3286 ; # Biogr. Nat. II-450/451 ; # niet
in Adams.
 Édition originale de cette version néerlandaise de la Vulgate revue par Alexandre Blanckaert, un
carmélite d'origine gantoise et professeur de théologie à Cologne. Illustrée de 2 titres avec encadrement
gravé et de 70 bois in texto dans l'Ancien Testament (titre doublé, manque 2 ff. lim. et f. 6 de la 1re partie,
qqs faibles mouill.). Plein veau moderne (lég. frotté).
289 – (Religion, Bible) -
Biblia cu[m] concordantiis veteris et novi testame[n]tis
(Impressa autem Lugduni [Lyon], per M. Jacobum Sacon. Expensis notabilis viri
Antonii Koberger Nurembergensis, 1516 die 17 mensis decembris).
In-f°: [14]-cccxvii-[1 bl.]-[25] lvs (slightly yellowed, some errors in foliotation, ink stains, small dampstains in
some margins, foxing, rare marginal handwritten notes, small hole in the text of lf. ci, last blank lf. placed after
lf. cccxvii (?), blind stamp on title-page).
Century binding: calf, ribbed spine, red sprinkled edges (boards covered up with leather posteriorly, slightly
rubbed, numerous scratches on the boards, corners dulled, blind stamped
rovenance on upper board).
1.000/ 1.200 €
Copy rubricated and ruled. Edition of one of the Sacon-Koberger Bibles printed between
1512 and 1522 by Sacon from Lyon for Anton Koberger (publisher of the famous
Nuremberg Chronicle).
First edition
containing the “concordantie ex viginti libris Josephi
de antiquitatibus et bello iudaico excerpte” of Flavius Josephus given by Johannes de
Gradibus. Illustrated with 2 full-pages figuring the Creation of the World and the Adoration
of the Magi, one threequater picturing Solomon asleep and c. 130 woodcuts in the text.
Title printed in red with a full-page representing in front of a portico John the Baptist, Saint
Augustine and Saint Jerome on the sides, the arms
of the Holy Roman Empire and those of Nuremberg.
Text, partly in red, printed on two columns with
decorated initial letters, some large, and the printer's
mark at the colophon. With the tables of concordance
of the Gospels printed in red typographical columns
and followed by the “Interpretationes nominum
Hebraicorum”, a dictionary of Hebrew names often
supplied with early printed Bibles.
# Baudrier XII 339/340 ; # Adams B-993 ; # STC
French 53 ; # USTC 144530 ; # Darlow & Moule 6101
(ed. 1521) and 6102 (ed. 1522) ; # not in Machiels nor
in Soltész.
▲ Provenance : J.M. Chedeville (handwritten
 Édition lyonnaise illustrée de 3 pleines pages (1 sur le
titre) et de c. 130 vignettes in texto dont une grande figurant
Salomon endormi. Qqs passages imprimés en rouge comme le décor des tables de concordance des
Évangiles. Plein veau du 17
s. (lég. jauni, dernier f. blanc placé après le f. cccxvii (?), plats recouverts
de veau postérieurement, griffes sur les plats).
290 – (Religion, Bible) -
EUSEBIUS Emesenus episcopus.- Homilias in Evangelia,
quae cunctis diebus dominicis totius anni, ac feriis quadragesimalibus legi
solent, nunc primum in lucem aeditae [...].
Antverpiae, apud Joan. Steelsium (typis Joan. Latii), 1555.
Small in-8°: 278-[6] lvs (handwritten
rovenances, one crossed out on the title-page, some underlinings, small
defect in the margin of lf. 19, tears reinforced in lf. 152, dampstains in the second half of the vol.).
Century binding: vellum with visible sewing, flat spine, red sprinkled edges (stains, edge of upper board
partly split with small lack, flyleaves renewed, slightly trimmed).
200/ 250 €
Second edition of the Latin translation (1
ed. : Paris, 1554) of the homelies on the Gospels
by Eusebius (c. 300- c. 359), bishop of Emesa and disciple of Eusebius of Caesarea (263-
339). The attribution of those homelies are discussed : for some scholars they could have
been written by Latin authors like Saint Eucher of Lyon, Faustus of Riez, Caesarius of
Arles…after Eusebius , for others by an unknown Eusebius called “the Gallicanus”. Printer's
mark on title-page and contemporary handwritten Bible references in some margins.
# Adams E-1066 ; # BT I-1078 ; # USTC 404968 (giving Eusebius Caesariensis as author) ;
# not in Machiels nor in Soltész.
Seconde édition de la traduction des homélies sur les Évangiles d'Eusèbe, évêque d'Émèse. L'attri-
bution de celles-ci est discutée: écrites pour certains par des auteurs latins postérieurs à Eusèbe, dues
à Eusèbe “le Gaulois” pour d'autres. Plein vélin du 17
s. (mouill. dans la 2
moitié, taches à la rel.).
291 – (Religion, Bible) -
[HOLBEIN le jeune, Hans].- Icones historiarum veteris
testamenti [...].
Lugduni [Lyon], apud Joannem Frellonium, 1547.
In-4°: [52] lvs (washed, uniformly yellowed, margins of lvs L2-L3-L4 renewed, tear in lf. L4).
Bound by Chambolle-Duru: black morocco, ribbed spine, gilt double fillets on the edges, gilt roll-stamps on the
turn ins, gilt edges (flyleaves renewed).
1.200/ 1.500 €
First issue
of this edition with the quatrain on leaf L: “Du peuple Juif les grandz pechez
et vices, Pleure et lamente Isaie prophete, Puis Dieu (par luy) de ce peuple reiecte,
L'hipocrisie avec leurs sacrifices”. Illustrated with 98 woodcuts in the text whom 4 figuring
the Evangelists by Hans Holbein the Younger. Those vignettes had already been published
in 1538 by Gaspar Trechsel in Lyon (92 woodcuts with Latin descriptions). The illustrations
in this edition are accompanied by Latin and French captions of the writer and printer Gilles
Corrozet (1510-1568). Mark of Frellon on title-page.
# Baudrier V-209 ; # Adams B-1963 ; # USTC 79186 ; # Funck 276 and 336 (ed. 1540) ; #
not in Soltész nor in Machiels.
 Suite de 98 bois par Hans Holbein le jeune illustrant l'Ancien Testament. Plein maroquin noir par
Chambolle-Duru (ex. lavé, ff. L2-L3-L4 remargés).
292 – (Religion, Bible) - 
NICOLAS de Hannappes.- Exemplorum omnium
sacrosanctae scripturae liber absolutissimus [...].
(Tubingae [Tünbigen], apud Huldericum Mohartum, 1533).
Small in-8°: [10]-263-[1 bl.] lvs (dampstains passim, some large, slightly browned, wormholes passim, margins
reinforced/repaired in the beginning, rare marginal handwritten notes).
Century binding: marbled calf, gilt decorated ribbed spine with gilt monograms, red edges (wormholes,
joints partly split, handwritten notes on the upper flyleaf repaired in the margin, some edges and corners
dulled, slightly trimmed).
150/ 200 €
First edition
under the title “Exemplorum omnium sacrosanctae scripturae” of the famous
1...,100-101,102-103,104-105,106-107,108-109,110-111,112-113,114-115,116-117,118-119 122-123,124-125,126-127,128-129,130-131,132-133,134-135,136-137,138-139,140-141,...
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