HENRI GODTS. Vente aux enchères. - page 106-107

eeuwse drukken
Éditions du XVI
259 – (Auteur de l'antiquité) - 
JUVENALIS, Decimus Junius.- Satyrae decem et
sex. Cum annotatiunculis in margine adiectis, quae brevis commentarii vice
esse possint.
Parisiis, apud Simonem Colinaeum, 1528.
In-8°: 68 lvs (light dampstains passim, handwritten notes in the last lvs margins, handwritten mention partly
erased on title-page, last quire unbound).
Contemporary binding: parchment, flat spine with title with pen (slightly soiled and trimmed).
300/ 400 €
First edition
of this postincunabulum containing the satirical work on the Roman society by
the poet Juvenal edited by Coelius Curio. Vignette of Simon Colin on title-page, one dotted
initial letter.
# Renouard 125 ; # Adams J-759 ; # STC French 248 ; # USTC 181140 ; # not in Soltész
nor in Machiels.
 Édition originale de cet ouvrage satirique donné avec les commentaires de Coelius Curio. Plein
parchemin de l'ép. (claires mouill. passim., rel. lég. défraîchie).
260 – (Auteur de l'antiquité)
Ens. 3 ouvr. en 4 vol.
MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius.-
Epigrammaton libri XIIII [...].
Lugduni, apud Joannem Frellonium (excudebat Symphorianus Barbierus), 1559.
In-16°: 335 pp. (slightly browned, dampstains, some foxing and stains, some tears in the margins, marginal
wormholes in the end, handwritten
rovenance crossed off on title-page).
Contemporary emblazoned binding: flexible vellum, boards with blind stamped coats of arms in the center,
ribbed spine with blind stamped flower tools, gilt edges, author's name with pen on the tail edge (ties lacking,
handwritten notes on upper board, upper flyleaf lacking, large tear and wormhole in the lower one, paper
unstuck on the lower pastedown).
120/ 150 €
Martialis, born in Spain (c. 38/40-c. 100/103), lived most of his life in Rome under some of
the most notorious Roman Emperors. He is known as one of the greatest epigrammatists
whose work still remains very enjoyable to read and never appears dated. This edition is
given by the French humanist Jean Boulier. Copy entirely ruled ; printer's mark on title-page.
# Baudrier V-248; # Adams M-707; # USTC 206082 ; # not in Machiels, Soltész, STC
▲ Provenance : unidentified emblazoned supra libros with a fess in the center, three stars
above and below a hand pointing out a star ; “Francisci de Rubeij” (handwritten mention).
: (1). QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius.- Oratoriaru[m] institutionu[m] libri. XII [...].
Parisiis, ex officina Claudii Chevallonii, 1527, in-8° contemporary vellum (without the 2
containing the “Declamationes”, slightly browned, dampstains, large in the end, marginal
wormholes, some stains, small hole in lf. 125, tears in last lf.).— (2). APULEIUS, Lucius.-
Opera, quae quidem extant, omnia [...]. Basileae, per Sebastianum Henricpetri, [1597], 2
(on 3) vol. in-8° contemporary parchment (3rd vol. lacking, strongly browned, foxing).
Édition des Épigrammes donnée par J. Boulier. Plein vélin souple armorié de l'ép. (lég. bruni, mouill.).
Avec un post-incunable de Quintilien et un ouvrage d'Apulée joints.
261 – (Auteur de l'antiquité)
Ens. 2 traductions du même ouvr.
Historia mundi naturalis [...]. In libros XXXVII. distributa, vivisque imaginibus
illustrata [...].
Typis excudebatur Francoforti ad Moenum [Frankfurt am Main], (officina Martini
Lechleri impensis Sigismundis Feyerabendii), 1582.
2 parts in 1 vol. in-f°: [32]-528-[52], [183] pp. (2 blank lvs in the preliminary lvs and p. 101 lacking, dampstains,
foxing, some browned pp., some marginal wormholes).
Contemporary binding: calf, gilt decorated ribbed spine, sprinkled edges (boards partly detached, rubbed, turn
ins lacking, scratches, some large, corners and joints repaired, edges very dulled).
150/ 200 €
Edited by the Czech scholar Sigmund Gelen (1497-1554) and illustrated after Hans
Burgkmaier, Josse Amman, etc., with c. 500 woodcuts in the text, some large and one
emblazoned at the dedication. With extensive indexes at the end ; large different printer's
marks on title-pages.
# Adams P-1579; # Soltész P-661 ; # Nissen, ZBI, 3191 ; # VD 16 P 3550 ; # USTC 663395 ;
# not in Machiels.
▲ Provenance : from the College of Mechelen to Johann Broers, 27-08-1765 (handwritten
ex-praemio) ; Oeuvre nationale des aveugles (ex-libris).
: L'histoire du monde [...]. Lyon, Claude Senneton, 1566, in-f° plein vélin de l'ép.
(incomplet du vol. II, mentions d'app. mss sur le titre, pet. défauts).
 Illustré de c. 500 gravures in texto. Plein veau de l'ép. (2 ff. blancs au début et p. 101 manquants,
mouill., plats part. détachés, rouss.). La traduction française de 1566 du t. I (sur 2) est jointe.
262 – (Auteur de l'antiquité) -
PLINIUS Minor.- Epistolarum libri X [...].
(Basileae, per Hieronymum Froben. et Nic. Episcopium, calendis Martii) 1552.
2 parts with continued pagination in 1 vol. in-f°: [10]-[2 bl.]-1/494-[2 bl.], 495/628-[20] pp. (quires Eee and Eff
inverted, slightly yellowed, wormholes in the margins of first pp., pale and small dampstains in some margins,
pp. 496 and 498 stuck together, rare stains, 66 blank lvs bound at the end of the volume).
Century emblazoned binding: sprinkled calf with ties, boards with gilt coat of arms in the center encircled
by a gilt fillet, gilt decorated ribbed spine, blue sprinkled edges (small lacks, rubbed on the edges, error in the
stamp of the coat of arms on the lower board, corners very dulled, small scratches).
500/ 600 €
Edited by the Italian humanist Giovanni Maria Cattaneo (+ 1529 ?), the first nine books
cover a serie of Pliny's personal letters adressed to his family, friends and associates,
the tenth contains exclusively missives directed to or from the Emperor Trajan and was,
contrary to the others, never intentend for publication by Pliny himself. This collection is
rightly considered to be one of the most valuable and truthful testimonies of the Roman
society in those days. The second part of the volum contains the “Liber de viris, in re
militari et administranda republica” edited by the Alsacian humanist Conrad Lycosthenes
(1518-1561). Work in neat typography with small decorated initial letters, some dotted, and
Froben's marks on title-page and at the reverse of last page.
# Adams P-1545 ; # USTC 604741 ; # VD16 P 3489 ; # not in Soltész nor in Machiels.
▲ Provenance : supra libros of the family Laurin. Identified as from Marc Laurin (1530-
181) but stamped later as the binding is posterior, perhaps attribuable to Henri Florent
Laurin (1618-1662) whose portrait is stuck on the upper pastedown ; Parmentier 1792,
“titulo donationis” (handwritten mention).
Lettres éditées par l'humaniste italien Cattaneo. La seconde partie, donnée par Lycosthenes, contient
le “Liber de viris, in re militari et administranda republica”. Plein veau moucheté armorié du 17
(cahiers Eee et Fff inversés, pp. 496 et 498 collées ensembles, 66 ff. vierges reliés à la fin).
1...,86-87,88-89,90-91,92-93,94-95,96-97,98-99,100-101,102-103,104-105 108-109,110-111,112-113,114-115,116-117,118-119,120-121,122-123,124-125,126-127,...
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