HENRI GODTS. Vente aux enchères. - page 102-103

Éditions du XVI
251 –
FICINO, Marsilio.- Epistolae.
[Nuremberg], (per Antonium Koberger impraesse, anno incarnate deitatis 1497.
xxiiii. februarii finiunt foeliciter).
In-8°: [1]-CCXLIII-[9] lvs (tables bound at the end instead of the beginning, h4 blank lacking, holes in the
margins of title-page and last lvs, 2 tears repaired on title-page, dampstains, handwritten note on the back of
Century binding: calf, gilt decorated ribbed spine, red edges (upper joint partly split, scratches, flyleaves
1.200/ 1.500 €
Second edition (1
ed. : Venice, 1495) of the correspondence by one of the most influential
humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance (1433-1499). Letters to Giovanni
Pico della Mirandola, Angelo Poliziano, Bernardo Bembo, Ermolao Barbaro, etc. dealing
with various subjects : religion, moral, music, Plato, philosophy, medicine, astronomy,
books, mythology, etc. Illustrated with a schema in texto in the letter “Genelogia & Genesis
Platonis”. Ficino was the first translator of the extant works of Plato in Latin and as a reviver of
Neoplatonism, ran the Florentine Academy created by Cosimo de' Medici. The philosopher
and scholar Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) was one of his students.
# Pollain 1478 ; # Hain 7062 ; # Goff F-155 ; # BMC II-443 ; # Stillwell F-155 ; # GW 9874 ;
# USTC 744848.
Seconde édition (éd. orig.: 1495) de la correspondance de l'humaniste italien Ficino traitant de sujets
variés (littérature, Platon, religion…). Plein veau du 18
s. (tables reliées à la fin au lieu du début, mors
sup. part. joint).
252 –
LIVIUS, Titus.- [Historiae romanae decades].
(Impressum Venetiis, s.n., 1491. die.v. novembris regnante inclyto domino Augustino
Barbadico dux Venetiarum).
In-f°: [23 with 2 blank lvs incl.]-2/166-clxvii/ccxxxii lvs (some blank lvs but copy complete, dampstains, some
larger in the end, marginal wormholes in the beginning ang larger in the end, foxing, stains, corrections in some
running titles, errors in foliotation).
Contemporary binding: parchment, ribbed spine with title with pen (small wormholes and stains, handwritten
notes on the flyleaves).
700/ 800 €
First edition
of the first four decades edited by the Italian historian Marco Antonio Coccio
Sabellico (1436-1506). The bibliographies mention various publishers : for Goff and Polain,
it is Matteo Capcasa, for Hain it is Bernardinus Herasmius and for USTC and GW it is
Giovanni Rosso di Vercelli. BMC and Hain mention a 1493-edition under the name of Rosso
di Vercelli which might confirm the hypothesis of USTC but in his dedication to Benedetto
Cornario, Sabelicco writes he published this work under the request of Bernardinus
Herasmius. Unfortunately nothing is known about this Venitian publisher. The “Historia
romanum” is preceded by the commentaries on each book by Sabellico and by the “Epitoma
decadum quattuordecim [...]. Historici [...]” of the Roman historian Lucius Annaeus Florus
Copy amply annotated in the margins by several hands consisting in keywords and
philological remarks.
# Polain 4529 ; # Hain 10137 ; # Goff L-245 ; # Stillwell L-217 ; # USTC 993538 ; # GW M
18491 ; # BMC V-414 (ed. 1493).
▲ Provenance : Robert de Billy (1869-1953), French ambassador and friend of Marcel
Proust (emblazoned ex-libris).
Édition originale des 4 premières décades de Tite-Live données par l'historien Sabellico. Ex. amplement
annoté dans les marges. Plein parchemin de l'ép. (mouill., galeries de vers marg. et dans la rel.).
eeuwse DRUKKEN
253 – (Antiquité, Mythologie) -
GIRALDI, Giglio Gregorio.- De deis gentium [...].
Basileae, per Joannem Oporinum, (1548).
In-f°: [6]-1/257-263/365-371/764-[68] pp. (blank lvs
4 and AAa4 lacking, two jump paginations, light
marginal dampstains, first lvs partly unbound, some stains, foxing, marginal wormholes, rare contemporary
and modern handwritten notes).
Century binding: half calf, marbled paper boards, gilt decorated flat spine, red sprinkled edges (wormholes,
spine rubbed, lacks, edges and corners very dulled, handwritten notes on upper pastedown and flyleaf, notice
of catalogue on upper flyleaf).
300/ 400 €
First edition
of this history of the ancient gods and goddesses by Giraldi (1479-1552),
scholar and poet born at Ferrarra. This work with the “Genealogia deorum gentilium libri”
of Giovanni Boccaccio are among the first dealing with mythology. Text decorated with
ornemental initial letters figuring the “Alphabet of children” of Hans Holbein the Younger.
# Adams G-718; # USTC 629427 ; # VD16 G 2103 ; # not in Machiels nor in Soltész.
▲ Provenance : Philippe de Schoutheete de Tervarent (born in 1932), former Belgian senior
official (emblazoned ex-libris).
 Édition originale de cette histoire des anciens dieux et déesses. Demi-veau du 19
s. (incomplets
des ff. α4 and AAa4, mouill. marg. au début, galeries de vers marg., dos frotté, coupes et coins très
254 – (Antiquité) - 
GOLTZIUS, Hubert.- Fastos magistratuum et triumphorum
romanorum ab Urbe condita ad Augusti obitum ex antiquis tam numismatum
quam marmorum monumentis restitutos.
Brugis Flandrorum [Bruges], (excudebat Hubertus Goltzius), 1566 (mense martio).
In-f°: [24 engr. title incl.]-288-[44] pp. (foxing, some pp. slightly yellowed, scribles on pp. 90-91, stains,
dampstains at the end).
Modern binding: beige paper case, flat spine, gilt chiselled edges (small lacks, foxing and stains, small label on
the spine, flyleaves renewed).
500/ 600 €
First and only edition
of this work on the history of the Ancien Rome, from its origins until
the death of August, containing 234 wood or copper engravings related to numismatics and
epigraphy. Allegorical engraved title figuring Rome dominating the enslaved people ; large
mark of Goltzius (1526-1583) at the reverse of last leaf.
# USTC 401258 ; # BB III-247/248 ; # Funck 323 ; # Hubertus Goltzius en Brugge. Cat.
1...,82-83,84-85,86-87,88-89,90-91,92-93,94-95,96-97,98-99,100-101 104-105,106-107,108-109,110-111,112-113,114-115,116-117,118-119,120-121,122-123,...
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