eeuwse drukken
Éditions du XVI
d'expo. Brugge, 1983, p. 50 and n° 40 ; # Adams G-833 ; # BT 1296 ; # not in Machiels nor
in Soltész.
Édition originale et unique de cet ouvrage relatant l'histoire de la Rome antique, des origines à la mort
d'Auguste. Contient 234 pl. numismatiques ou épigraphiques. Cartonnage moderne (rouss., taches, pet.
manques à la rel.).
255 – (Auteur de l'antiquité)
Ens. 2 ouvr. édités par les Estienne
graeca regum & ducum, philosophorum item, aliorúmque quorundam: ex
Plutarcho & Diogene Laertio. Cum latina interpr. [...].
[Genève], excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1568.
In-16°: [32]-703 pp. (foxing, slightly yellowed in the margins, tiny wormholes in the margins, rare small stains).
Century binding: red morocco, boards encircled by two gilt fillets, gilt decorated ribbed spine (joints partly
split, lack in the upper turn in, corners dulled, blind stamped
rovenance on upper board).
150/ 200 €
First edition
of this collection of aphorisms and anecdots taken from Plutarch and
Diogenes Laertius after the model of Erasmus' apophthegmata. Text in Greek with the
Latin translation in juxtaposition by the Venetian humanist Raffaele Regio (c. 1440-1520).
Last work with the mention “Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus” on title-page. The religious
Uldrich Fugger (1528-1584) was from 1557 Estienne's protector and financier, helping him
in printing his first books.
# Renouard 131 ; # Adams A-1329 ; # Machiels A-819 ; # USTC 450567 ; # not in Soltész.
: CAESAR, Caius Julius.- Rerum ab se gestarum commentarii. De bello Gallico [...].
Civili Pompeiano libri [...]. Alexandrino [...]. Africo [...]. Hispaniensi [...]. Lutetiae, ex officina
Rob. Stephani, 1544, in-8° sewed (binding lacking, first quires unbound). Copy ruled.
Édition originale de cette collection d'aphorismes extraits de Plutarque et Diogène Laërce, avec textes
grec et latin. Plein maroquin du 19
s. (lég. jauni, mors part. fendus). Un ouvrage de Jules César joint.
256 – (Auteur de l'antiquité)
Ens. 2 ouvr. du même auteur
Νικοµαχειον βιβλια δεκα
. Aristotelis de moribus ad Nicomachum libri decem [...].
Heidelbergae, (excudebat Lodovicus Lucius), 1560 (mense septembri).
In-8°: [8]-567 [i.e. 571]-[1] pp. (handwritten
rovenance crossed off on title-page, handwritten Greek alphabet
on the blank p. in the beginning and rare marginal handwritten notes, slightly yellowed, marginal dampstains
in the beginning, rare stains and foxing).
Contemporary binding: calf on wooden boards, blind stamped boards with fillets, a large roll-stamp and small
fleurons, ribbed spine with blind fillets (clasps lacking, joints reinforced with leather, label stuck on the spine,
turn ins lacking, small lacks at the spine, small wormholes, upper flyleaf lacking, handwritten notes on the
pastedowns, extended at the lower one).
150/ 200 €
Work describing Aristotle's ethics edited by the French poet and humanist Adrien Turnèbe
(1512-1565). Typography on two columns with parallel text Greek and Latin.
# Soltész A-551 ; # USTC 612964 ; # VD 16 A 3403 ; # not in Adams, Machiels, Dibdin.
▲ Provenance : P.P.C. Lammens (ex-libris).
: Stagiritae, physicorum libri VIII [...]. Tomus Secundus. Lugduni, apud Horatium
Cardon, 1601, in-12° contemporary calf (part I lacking, wormholes).
Ouvrage décrivant l'éthique aristotélicienne édité par A. Turnèbe. Plein veau de l'ép. (lég. us., mors
renforcés). Avec le vol. II d'un autre ouvrage d'Aristote joint.
257 – (Auteur de l'antiquité) -
Ιλιασ [− Οδυσσεια. Βατραχοµνοµαχια,
υµνοι, λβ [...]].
[En grec: (Strasbourg, Wolfgang Köpfel und Peter Braubach)], 1534.
2 vol. in-12°: 277-[3] [engr. title incl.], 251-[5]-[56] lvs (errors in foliotation but copy complete, slightly
yellowed, scattered foxing, dampstains, some marginal tears in vol. II).
Century binding: half calf, green paper boards encircled by a gilt roll-stamp, flat spines with gilt fillets and
flower tools (joints partly split, dampstains on upper boards, small lacks, small labels stuck on the spines, blind
rovenances on upper boards and flyleaves, handwritten notes on two flyleaves).
500/ 600 €
Second edition (1
ed. : 1525) of this early postincu-
entirely in Greek
containing the major works
of Homer, including the Batrachomyomachia and the
Homeric Hymns, edited by the protestant human-
ist from Marburg J. Lonicer (1497-1569). The second
volum contains a biography of Homer by the Pseudo-
Herodotus and the Pseudo-Plutarch. Work opening on
a typographical title within a woodcut frame figuring fa-
mous characters of the Iliad (Achilles, Hector, Priam,
Hecuba…); two large printer's marks of Köpfel at the
end of volume I and of the Hymns.
# Adams H-747 ; # Dibdin II-46 ; # VD16 H 4653 and H
4693 ; # USTC 663894 and 679245 ; # not in Soltész
nor in Machiels.
Post-incunable contenant l'Iliade, l'Odyssée, les
Batrachomyomachies et les Hymnes homériques, suivis par
une vie d'Homère des pseudo Hérodote et Plutarque. Demi-
veau du 19
s. (erreurs de foliotation mais ex. complet, lég.
jauni, mouill., mors part. fendus).
258 – (Auteur de l'antiquité) -
HOMERUS.- La Ulyxea, traduzida de griego en
lengua castellana, por el Secretario Gonçalo Perez. Nuevamente por el mesmo
revista y emendada [...].
Impressa en Venetia, en casa de Francisco Rampazeto, 1562.
In-8°: [16]-795-[1] pp. (foxing, some lvs slightly browned or yellowed, small dampstains in the margins, some
stains, small stamp on title-page).
Contemporary binding: parchment with small flaps, flat spine with title with pen (ties lacking, upper flyleaf
lacking, blind stamped
rovenance on the upper board).
250/ 300 €
Revised edition of the first Spanish translation of the Odyssey by Gonzalo Pérez (1500-
1567), State Secretary of Carlos I and Felipe II. Printer's mark on title-page, emblem
woodcut figuring a centaur in a labyrinth with the caption “In silentio et spe” engraved on
the lower flyleaf. The first edition of the translation was published in 1550.
# STC Italy 331; # Adams H-799 (ed. 1553) and 800 (ed. 1556) ; # USTC 343043 ; # not in
Soltész nor in Machiels.
Traduction espagnole de l'Odyssée par Gonzalo Pérez. Plein parchemin à petits rabats de l'ép. (rouss.,
qqs pp. lég. brunies ou jaunies).