HENRI GODTS. Vente aux enchères. - page 114-115

Éditions du XVI
eeuwse drukken
276 – (Égyptologie) -
PIERIO VALERIANO, Giovan Pietro.- Hieroglyphica, sive De
sacris Aegyptiorum aliarumque gentium literis commentarii. A Caelio Augustino
Curione duobus libris aucti, & multis imaginibus illustrati [...].
Basileae, per Thomas Guarinum, 1575 (mense martio).
In-f°: [20]-1/12 pp.-13/441-[23] lvs (Fff2 lacking, tear in the margin of title-page repaired, tears at pp. 168 and
368 reinforced, dampstains, some pp. slightly browned, rare foxing, rare handwritten notes, some stains).
Century binding: calf, ribbed spine, red sprinkled edges (soiled and rubbed, scratches, spine, joints, edges
and corners renewed).
800/ 1.000 €
Work considered as the most important of the Renaissance on egyptology and as a
complete collection of that time knowledges related to hieroglyphs (symbols, emblems…).
Pierio Valeriano (1477-1558), Italian humanist, has collected every informations from the
ancient and modern authors, sacred or profanes, and even from the Kabbalah and the
Bible. The two treatises added by Karel Utenhove (1536-1600) concern the symbols of
Greek gods and mythological animals. Illustrated
with more than 300 woodcuts in the text and a full-
page portrait of the author. With ornemental initial
letters and two printer's marks. The first edition was
published in 1556.
# Adams V-52 ; # Soltész V-14 ; # Machiels V-16 ;
# USTC 662732 ; # VD 16 V 117 ; # not in Caillet
(other ed.).
▲ Provenance : Samuel George Smith (1822-
1900), English banker and Conservative Party
politician (emblazoned ex-libris) ; Philippe de
Schoutheete de Tervarent (born in 1932), former
Belgian senior official (id.) ; Thomas D. Barlow,
“March 12 1903” (handwritten mention).
 Important manuel d'égyptologie, illustré de plus de
300 in texto et d'un portrait à pleine page de l'auteur. Plein
veau du 19
s. (Fff2 manquant, qqs pp. lég. brunies, rel.
défraîchie, dos, mors, coupes et coins refaits).
277 – (Emblemata) -
JUNIUS, Hadrianus.- Emblemata, ad D. Arnoldum Cobelium.
Eiusdem aenigmatum libellus, ad D. Arnoldum Rosenbergum.
Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1565 (idibus Maii).
In-8°: 149-[3]-[15] pp. (p. 7 lacking and replaced by a reproduction, p. 47 lacking, some small tears in the
margins repaired, rare foxing, nudity of the emblem XXIII hidden).
Bound by Asper: glazed calf, boards encircled by two gilt fillets, ribbed spine with thiny gilt roll-stamps, fillets
on the turn ins and gilt datum at the lower turn in (turn ins and 2 corners slightly rubbed, flyleaves renewed,
handwritten notes on the upper one).
200/ 250 €
First edition
issued in 1.250 copies. Contains 58 emblematic themes composed by
Hadrianus Junius or Adriaan de Jonghe (Hoorn 1525-Middelburg 1575) illustrated with
54 woodcut vignettes (of 58 though 2 are reproduced), engraved by G. van Kampen
and A. Nicolai after G. Ballain and P. Huys. These illustrations are accompanied by their
summarized meanings, for some a dedication to a prominent personality, and a 4 lines
explanatory Latin poem. They are followed by detailed explanations of each emblem (pp.
66-143). Work entirely encircled by a decorative frame. Junius studied medicine in Bologna
and was the preceptor of the future Christian IV of Denmark. Later he was named doctor in
Haarlem and in Middelburg. He is also a book author in medicine, natural history, philology,
history, etc.
# Voet 1476-1477 ; # Sorgeloos 274-275 ; # Landwehr, LC, 398 ; # Praz 384 ; # BT 1662 ;
# Biogr. univ. XXI-332/333 ; # NNBW VII-682/694 ; # Funck 344 ; # Adams J-444 ; # USTC
401188 and 401197 ; # not in Machiels.
▲ Provenance : Lisa and Leonard Baskin 1977. Baskin (1922-2000), American sculptor,
book-illustrator, writer and teacher, was a book and ephemera collector (handwritten
mention) ; Fort Hill, i.e. Baskin's home (ex-libris).
Édition originale. Ex. illustré de 54 (sur 58 mais 2 bois ont été remplacés par des photocopies) sujets
emblématiques sur bois accompagnées d'une sentence, quelques fois d'une dédicace et de 4 vers en
latin. Plein veau glacé par Asper (incomplet des pp. 7 et 47, p. 7 remplacée par une reproduction).
278 – 
ERASMUS, Desiderius.- Adagiorum chiliades tres, ac centuriae fere
totidem [...].
(Tubingae, in aedibus Thomae Anshelmi Badensis, impensis providi viri Lodovici
Hornecken, 1514. Mense martio).
In-f°: [26]-249-[1 bl.] lvs (tears repaired whom one on title-page, very slightly yellowed, stains, marginal
dampstains, wormholes).
Century binding: red morocco, gilt decorated boards with several fillets, roll-stamps and angular fleurons,
ribbed spine fully gilt decorated, gilt edges (joints and turn ins slightly rubbed, upper joint partly split, light
scratches, small stains on lower board, edges and corners slightly dulled, notice of catalogue stuck on the upper
flyleaf partly cut).
1.200/ 1.500 €
Early postincunabulum
in neat typography of Erasmus' collection of Greek and Latin
Adagia. Contains in this version 3.260 proverbs edited by the Venitian publisher and
humanist, Aldo Pio Manuzio (1449-1515).
# Bibl. Erasmiana, 14 ; # Erasmus online n° 28 ; # Adams E-454 ; # USTC 653256; # VD16 E
1932 ; # not in Machiels nor in Soltész.
▲ Provenance : Thomas Brooke (1830-1908), 1
Baronet, director of the London and North
Western Railway (emblazoned ex-libris) ; Martin Schupp (id.) ; de Vooght (id.) ; Augustin
Legillon, Bruges 1809 (ex-libris) ; Henry Yates Thompson, november 1924. Thompson
(1838-1928) was a British newspaper proprietor and collector of illuminated manuscripts
Post-incunable contenant 3.260 proverbes donnés par Manuzio. Plein maroquin rouge du 19
s. (déch.
dont une réparée sur le titre, trous de vers).
279 – (France, Henri IV) -
[BOUCHER, Jean].- Apologie pour Jehan Chastel
parisien, exécuté à mort, et pour les pères & escholliers, de la Société de Jésus,
bannis du Royaume de France. Contre l'arrest de Parlement, donné contre eux à
Paris, le 29 Décembre, 1594 [...]. Par François de Vérone, Constantin.
S.l., s.n., 1595.
In-8°: [12]-243 (i.e. 253)-[3] pp.
Rel. du XVII
s.: plein veau, plats cernés d'un double filet avec petit fleuron d'angle doré, dos à nerfs fleuronné
doré, tr. rouges (coins émoussés).
300/ 400 €
Rarissime édition originale
, parue sous pseudonyme, de cette apologie de l’assassinat
d'Henri IV.
Fin juillet 1593, Henri IV se (re)convertit au catholicisme par opportunité politique et
réussit tant bien que mal à se rallier la population et la noblesse dont une partie résiste.
Le 27 décembre 1594, Jean Châtel, âgé de 19 ans, tente d'assassiner Henri IV mais ne le
blesse que légèrement (il “luy rompt une dent"). Châtel est un ancien élève des jésuites et
ces derniers sont accusés d'avoir inspiré son méfait. Un de ses anciens professeurs est
pendu et brûlé publiquement et deux autres bannis (mais réhabilités plus tard) tandis que
1...,94-95,96-97,98-99,100-101,102-103,104-105,106-107,108-109,110-111,112-113 116-117,118-119,120-121,122-123,124-125,126-127,128-129,130-131,132-133,134-135,...
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