HENRI GODTS. Vente aux enchères. - page 124-125

by sijn Hoocheyt ende by sijn Excel[len]cie ende by die leden der stadt van Antwerpen
gesloten tot ghemeyn welvaren ende ruste der selver stadt. [4] ff. (sporadische vlekjes).
# Voet 1896 ; # Knuttel 453 ; # Ruelens en De Backer 54 ; # BT 2867.
Publication des conclusions de la “Paix de religion” instaurée en 1579. Relié avec le texte d'un accord
plus détaillé entre les parties quant à l'application concrète de cette paix. Pleine basane moderne (plats
lég. déformés).
299 – (Science, Chimie & Alchimie) - 
DORN, Gerhard.- Chymisticum artificium
naturae, theoricum et practicum [...].
S.l., s.n., 1568.
In-8°: 156-[4 bl.] pp. (foxing, mould in the margins of pp. 87 and 89, handwritten notes in the margins erased).
Century binding: half calf with small vellum corners, marbled paper boards, flat spine with gilt roll-stamps
(small traces of use, stamps on the upper flyleaf).
500/ 600 €
First edition
of this theorical and practical work illustrated with
5 woodcuts in the text and one esoteric on title-page (with the
“Monas Hieroglyphica"). First part of three printed at Basel by
Thomas Guarin according to USTC and VD16 or at Frankfurt
by Duveen, the second and third parts were published the fol-
lowing year under the title: “Artificii chymistici physici, meta-
physicique, secunda pars & tertia [...]”. Dorn added in 1570 the
“Lapis metaphysicus, aut philosophicus qui universalis medic-
ina vera fuit patrum antiquorum [...]”. The Belgian philosopher,
alchimist and bibliophile Dorn (c. 1530-1584) was an ardent
defensor of Paracelsus and translated many of his books in
# Ferguson I-220 ; # Duveen 177-178 ; # USTC 622589 ; #
VD16 D 2399 ; # not in Adams, Machiels, Soltész, Caillet.
Édition originale de cette première partie illustrée de 5 bois in texto et
1 ésotérique sur le titre. Les 2
et 3
parties furent publiées en 1569 et
Dorn ajouta un ouvrage sur la “Lapis metaphysicus aut philosophicus”
en 1570. Demi-veau à petits coins de vélin du 18
s. (rouss., lég. traces d'us.).
300 – (Science, Chimie & Alchimie) - 
ERASTUS, Thomas.- Disputatio de auro
potabili [...].
Basileae, apud Petrum Pernam, 1578.
In-8°: [8]-24-148-[11] pp. (marginal wormholes, rare foxing or stains, pp. slightly yellowed).
Century binding: threequarter calf, paper boards, flat spine with gilt fillets (joints, spine and turn ins slightly
rubbed, rare scratches, edges and lower corners dulled, flyleaves renewed, stamp on upper flyleaf).
500/ 600 €
First edition
of this work in which Erastus (1524?-1583) refutes the theories of alchimists and
physicians on the “Aurum potabile”, and more particularly the ones of Paracelsus (1493-1541).
Erastus, or his real name Thomas Lieber, was a doctor and professor of medicine at Bale Uni-
versity and an ardent opponent to alchimy and to Paracelsus. Instead of being placed in the
beginning, this copy is followed by the “Iudicium [...] cometarum [...]”, a treatise on the comets
and their “veris fundamentis & natura principiis” (cfr title-page).
# Adams E-909 (with the same collation as ours) ; # USTC 602219 (with the 24 pp. bound at
the end) ; # VD16 E 3674 (id.) and E 3685 ("Iudicium [...] cometarum") ; # Duveen 193-194
ed. of 1584) ; # not in Machiels, Soltész, Caillet.
 Édition originale de cet ouvrage dans lequel Erastus réfute les théories sur l'"or potable”, plus
particulièrement celles de Paracelse. Suivi par un petit traité sur les comètes. Demi-veau à coins du 18
s. (galeries et trous de vers marg., dos, mors et coiffes lég. frottés).
eeuwse drukken
Éditions du XVI
# BT 6279 ; #
; # niet in Adams, noch in Machiels (signaleert Loven, Maes,
1584, onder “Maniere”, M-130).
Gebonden met
: SOUTHWELL, Robert.- Corten reghel van een goet leven [...]. Antwerpen,
Cnobbaert, 1626, [10]-109-[1] pp. (wormgaten, watervlekken). Vertaling door de jezuïet
Jacobus de Villegas (Brugge 1581-1632 Maastricht) van “A Short Rule of good life” (s.l.n.d. ;
uitg. van de vertaling : 1625). # Biogr. univ. XXXIX-714/715 ; # De Backer-Sommervogel
VII-1409/1412 en VIII-781.
: (1). [AVILA, Thérèse d'].- Den wech der volmaectheyt [...]. Overgeset uut
het Spaensch [...]. Bruessel, Rutgeert Velpius, 1613, in-8° eigentijdse perkamenten band
(onfris).— (2). [FÖRNER, Friedrich].- Rosa Pentaphyllata. [...]. Bambergae, apud viduam
Augustini Crinesii, 1630, in-12° 19
eeuwse band.
 Deuxième édition (?) de la traduction de cet ouvrage de dévotion basée sur la vie de la mystique
Berinzaga (inc. des 2 dern. pp., plein veau abîmé). Relié avec un ouvr. du jésuite Southwell. 2 autres
ouvr. de dévotion sont joints.
297 – (Religion) -
PLATINA, II.- Historia de vitis pontificum romanorum [...].
Coloniae, apud Maternum Cholinum, 1574.
3 parts in 1 vol. in-f°: [24]-429-[3 bl.], 104, 76-[28] pp. (slightly browned, some handwritten notes in the
margins and corrections in the text, a few words crossed off in Platina's life, rare foxing, marginal tears, some
repaired as on title-page, several stains on pp. 76-[77] of last part).
Contemporary binding: pigskin, boards fully blind stamped with fillets and roll-stamps (floral ornaments and
Virtues), gilt decorated ribbed spine, blue eges, guards (17
Cent. calf stuck on the original spine, rubbed spine
and turn ins, small lacks, upper joint partly split, ties lacking, corners dulled).
200/ 250 €
Principal work of Bartholomeo Sacchi de Platina known as “Il Platina” (1421-1481), Italian
scholar and librarian of the Vatican. First published in 1479, this history of popes was
completed and revised by several authors like the Augustinian hermit Onofrio Panvinio
(1530-1568) who gave this edition and wrote the ecclesiastical timeline in the second
part. Followed by two treatises of Panvinio (on the burial rites among early Christians and
religious feasts celebrated in Rome) and an explanatory index. The third part of this work is
composed of other opuscula by Platina as “De Falso & Vero bono, dialogi”, “Contra amores”,
“De vera nobilitate”, etc. Vignette of Maternus Cholinus on title-page ; one historiated initial
letter at the dedication.
# Adams P-1425 ; # Machiels P-948 ; # Soltész P-594 ; # VD 16 P 3266.
▲ Provenance : Michel Wittock (emblazoned ex-libris).
Histoire des papes donnée par Panvinio, suivie d'une chronologie ecclésiastique du même et divers
traités. Pleine peau de truie de l'ép. (lég. bruni, déch. marg., qqs-unes réparées, dos en veau collé sur
le dos originel au 17
298 – (Religion) -
De Religions-vrede.
T' Antwerpen, Christoffel Plantijn, 1579.
In-8°: [6] ff. (sporadische vlekjes).
Moderne band: basaan, gladde rug met titel in goud (platten licht gebogen, rechtermarge onafgesneden,
bovenmarge te kort afgesneden).
150/ 200 €
Eerste uitgave
van de publicatie van de besluiten van de godsdienstvrede die in 1579 werd
ingesteld door aartshertog Mathias, de Prins van Oranje en de Staten-Generaal om de
spanningen te temperen tussen de katholieken en protestanten in de stad Antwerpen.
Geïllustreerd met het stadswapen op de titel. Een incident tussen calvinisten en katholieken
zorgde voor een versnelde implementatie van de besluiten alsook voor een gedetailleerder
akkoord betreffende de relaties tussen calvinisten en katholieken (zie onder).
# Voet 1894 (variant B) ; # Knuttel 456 ; # Ruelens en De Backer 52 ; # BT 2869.
Gebonden met
, in hetzelfde jaar uitgegeven bij dezelfde drukker : Poincten ende articlen
1...,104-105,106-107,108-109,110-111,112-113,114-115,116-117,118-119,120-121,122-123 126-127,128-129,130-131,132-133,134-135,136-137,138-139,140-141,142-143,144-145,...
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