1119 [Leaf - Nürnberg]
, handcol. double page woodcut from the latin ed. of Hartmann
Schedel’s “Nuremberg Chronicle”, Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 1493, 34 x 52,5 cm, leaf 36,5 x 55 cm
(visible part). Framed (not unframed). Central fold, as usual.
Large beautiful perspective view of the city. Only the city of Nuremberg is given a double page
illustration, with no text.
1120 [Leaf - Nürnberg]
[SCHEDEL, Hartmann]
- Liber chronicarum. Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 1493,
2 ff., c. 47 x 33 cm (some edges strenghtened with tape).
Blat CXIIII and CXX. Der Werlt / Das sechst alter. Two incunabel leaves from the German edition of
the famous Nuremberg Chronicle. With 13 and 11 woodcuts depicting several saints like Policarpus,
Felicitas mit de. VII sune, Aulus gellius, Praredis, Ptolomeus etc.
1121 [Leaf - Nürnberg]
Sexta etas mundi
, single-leaf woodcut from Schedel’s “Liber chronicarum”,
Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 1493, 36 x 22,5 cm, coloured, text on verso. Framed (not unframed; sl.
Beautiful presentation of Jesus Christ surrounded by the Twelve Apostles. Each of the evangelists
being represented by his symbol in the corners.
1122 [Leaf]
- Large rubricated leaf, c. 36,5 x 28 cm, from an early printed Latin dictionary, in 2 cols.
-eeuwse drukken ~ Editions XVI
1123 [Aldine imprint - agriculture]
Libri de re rustica
. M. Catonis lib. I. M. Terentii Varronis lib.
III. L. Iunii Moderati Columellae lib. XII. Eiusdem de arboribus (...). Palladii lib. XIIII. De duobus
dierum generibus, simulque de umbris, & horis (...). Venice, Heirs of A. Manutius & A. Torresani,
Dec.1533, 4to, old vellum (front flyleaf gone), gilt spine, [54]-295-[1] ff. (usual spotting, stain on
title, faint marg. dampstain at end). Good copy.
2nd Aldine ed. (1st 1514) of the corpus of Roman agriculture. A few woodcut diagrams. Woodcut
Aldine device on title, A1r and O8v. Printed in italics. Capital spaces with guide-letters. A few old
marginal ms. notes.
Index Aur. 134.373. UCLA 264. Renouard 109:9. STCItalian (BL) Suppl.
29. Wellcome I 5899. Not in Durling, Machiels.
~ Famous fraud by Giovanni Nanni ~
1124 [Antiquity]
- Antiquitatum Italiae ac totius orbis libri quinque, Commentarijs
Ioannis Annij Viterbensis (…) illustrati. Antwerp, (J. Grapheus for) J. Steelsius, 1552, 8vo, cont.
blindstamped calf (rubbed, joints splitting, head and tail def.), spine on 4 raised bands, remains of
vellum ties, [48]-748-[44] pp. (paper age-toned, some quires dampstained). Good copy.
Rare Antwerp ed. of a famous fraud by Giovanni Nanni (Annius, 1432-1502). During 1498
Annius, an official of Pope Alexander VI, claimed to have discovered lost books of the Babylonian
Greek author Berosus. These were in fact an elaborate forgery. However, they greatly influenced
Renaissance ways of thinking about population and migration, because Annius provided a list of
kings from Japhet onwards, filling a historical gap following the Biblical account of the Flood.
Annius also introduced characters from classical sources into the biblical framework, publishing
his account as “Commentaria super opera diversorum auctorum de antiquitatibus”. Some ms.
notes and underlinings.Woodcut mark on title. In italics.
BT 307. Pettegree NB 22133. Index
Aur. 117.910. Adams B-789.
1...,275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284 286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,...432
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