1096 [Miniature]
2 initials
, on vellum, 16th c. (?). Painting heightened with gold.
Initial “D”, 18,6 x 18,8 cm, cut out from an antiphonary (?). Stuck by upper edges on 1 f., 27,5 x
36 cm. Painted and decorated flowers in diff. colours on gilt background. - [The Holy Family in the
temple in initial “S”], 14,8 x 14 cm, on a leaf from an antiphonary (folded, letters somewhat faded).
Large initial “S” in red, green and gilt, on the left side a view on the temple scene. All within a gilt
double ruled border. Printed music on red staves.
1097 [Miniature]
Historiated letter “S”
, on vellum, 18th c. (?).
Historiated initial-letter “S” showing a Pope (perhaps the 1st Pope Petrus = Simon) with at his feet
books and a tiara, the triple crown of popes. In the background a hilly landscape.
1098 [Miniature]
- [
2 women at the tomb of Christ in initial “A”
], s.n. [Flanders?], 15th c. (?), painting
heightened with gold, 3 x 4 cm, vellum 18 x 12,5 cm. Stuck on grey paper (sl. browned), pricking
holes. Some sm. stains, sm. tear of 1 cm in left border.
Fragment of a Book of Hours with a blue 5-line initial painted in blue, green and pink representing
2 women mourning at Christ’s tomb, and a 2-line initial “h”? Text within a fine executed penwork
border depicting flowers with some gilt leaves, strawberries, a bird and a man. On verso 2-line
initial “D”. 16-line Latin text.
1099 [Miniature]
- [
Woman saint in letter “D”
], 16th c. (?), painting heightened with gold, +/- 6,5 x 7,4
cm, with marginal extensions totalling +/- 15 cm, vellum 16,5 x 12,6 cm. Some scratches, a few sm.
black stains in the blue backgroud.
Fragment of an antiphonary, representing a saint holding the palm of martyrdom in one hand and
bloody pliers in other hand: St. Agatha (breasts) or St. Apollonia (teeth)?, wearing a pink dress
on azure blue background, initial painted in gold, dark pink and purple with sm. white penwork
decoration, vegetal ornaments in blue and green extending in the left margin.
1100 [Philosophy - Saint-Brieuc]
Logica data a D.D. Bonamy Gymansiarcha et P(hiloso)phiae
P(ro)fessore in celeberrimo Brioci Collegio anno d(omi)ni 1719. Menager.
[Saint-Brieuc, c.
1719], cont. blindruled calf (endpapers gone), spine on 4 raised bands. In very good condition. Latin
manuscript on paper, c. 17 x 13 cm, [10]-391-[23] pp. (old numbering).
Rare philosophy course given in the College of Saint-Brieuc (Bretagne). P. [1] Title; p. [2] ‘menager
curé’; pp. [3-10] Latin and French texts; pp. 1-391 Latin course; pp. [392-394] Latin verses; pp.
[395-407] Latin index.
1101 [Philosophy - science]
Physica seu Lycei peripatetici schola tertia ad tertium volumen
, quo libri ad contemplationem rerum na(tur)aliu(m) p(er)tinentes exponuntur. [France?,
after 1696], cont. vellum (stained), flat spine (upper half heavily dampstained, occ. worming, tear in
last f., some old marg. repairs at end). Acceptable condition.
Latin manuscript on paper, c. 28,5 x 18,5 cm, some 450 pp., written within ruled border. Course on
Aristotelian physics given in the Arts Faculty of a university in North-West Europe, dealing with
nature and astronomy (at the end).
Phil(osophi)ae pars 3tia universam Physicam complectens.
[Spain, 18th c.], cont. vellum
(sl. loosening, stained, scribbling on covers), flat spine titled in ink (some staining, a single burning
hole, tear in last f.). Latin manuscript on paper, c. 21 x 15 cm, [328] pp. (mod. pencil numbering),
written in a legible hand. Similar course from 18th-c., Spain, full-page woodcut front. “San
Agustin”. Early 19th-c. Spanish ownership entries on endpaper and flylvs. Typed survey of contents
loosely inserted. (2 vol.)
1...,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276 278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,...432
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