Spiritus’ with facing Latin), “Een waarachtich nieu liedeken van het vergeven der stadt hulst 18
aug. 1596” (17th-c. copy of ed. Antwerp, A. de Ballo, 1596), “Een liedeken vandejacht” (1661),
“Droevich liedeken oft beklach van een nonneken” (10 stanzas, 4 pp.), “Liedeken 1681”, “Joos
Jooris”’. (2 vol.)
1107 [Songs]
- “
Vlaamse liederen in handschrift, 17e-19e eeuw
”. Important collection of 116 Dutch
songs, with a few in French or German. [Southern Netherlands, 17th-19th c.], Dutch manuscript(s)
on paper, various sizes, some folded, mod. gilt half leather, 22 x 17,5 cm, titled “
Vlaamse liederen
243-[1] pp. (mod. pencil pagination; some ff. stained, frayed or partly def.), table of contents (11
pp.) bound with at front. In reasonably good condition.
Cfr. ill.
Extensive and interesting collection of manuscript song texts (many with melody indication
“Stemme”): love songs, soldiers’songs, religious songs (i.a. on Christmas, one with music notation,
pp. 36-37), political songs i.a. “De Vlaamsche Leeuw”, “Vlaemsche Marseillaise” [c. 1830],
“Nieuwen Belgischen onzen Vader” [c. 1830]), but also on daily life (i.a. on tea). Text on p. 203
written in the shape of a heart. At the end (p. 237) a letter of Richard de Cneudt to P. Frédéricq (2
December 1909).
~ Fascinating 15th-c. document in Catalan ~
1108 [Spain - Catalonia]
- “
Libre de Recorts e dels negocis Ed(e)les rebudes y despeses
fet(e)s p(er)
mj Johan Beuda Canonge y cabiscoll maior d(e)la seu de gerona Comensant en los mes de Janer
any mcccclxxxxvj. En Gerona”. January 1498-July 1498, Catalan manuscript on narrow folio-
size paper, c. 28,5 x 10,5 cm, sewn and unbound in coarse wr. (dampstained); kept in a half cloth
box (cardboard sides def.), filled up with a similar sewn vol. of blank paper (some ff. seriously
dampstained or with ink fading, a few tears), [1 blank]-[1]-110-[4] ff. (f. 10 torn out; ff. 48-50 &
53-55 loose; ff. 21, 23, 37, 38, 41, 42, 47, 59, 66, 72, 92, 97, 98, 102, 105-107, 110-[114] blank). In
reasonably good condition.
Cfr. ill.
Fascinating document on (ecclesiastical) life in late medieval Girona (and Catalonia) 1496-1498,
compiled by Johan Beuda, canon of the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary and principal of its Latin
School. The detailed account of his expenses and income is a “Fundgrube” for local social and
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