~ Beautifully decorated manuscript in a rich Venetian baroque binding for the Contarini family ~
1111 [Venice - binding]
- “
Eletione in Abbadessa dem Monas(teri)o delle Verg(i)ni di Vene(zi)a dell’
Ordine di S. Agostino
, Congregatione di S. Marco di Mantoua dell’ illustriss(i)ma & reuerend(issi)
ma Madre Suor Maria Gioconda Conta(ri)ni” [and] “
Gratulatio coram serenissimo principe
Aloysio Contareno
atque excellentissimo collegio in solemni inauguratione Mariae Iucundae
Contarenae Sacri Asceterij Sanctae Mariae de Virginibus antistitae habita ab Helena Delphina”.
[Venice, 1683], Italian and Latin manuscript on 4to-size paper, c. 25,5 x 18,5 cm, richly goldtooled
cont. vellum (somewhat loosening, a few tiny defects), covers with double rectangular pattern of
gilt ornamental borders with interior corner pieces and oval central painted Contarini coat-of-arms
within gilt oval border, gilt flat spine, a.e.g. with small tooled gauffering (a few unobtrusive sm.
dampstains), [47 (+ 9 blank)] ruled ff. Very well preserved.
Cfr. ill.
Elegant italic handwriting in brown ink, titles and names rubricated, title-pages (ff. 1 & 32) with
coloured decoration within gilt ruled borders, initials gilt with a few historiated calligraphic initials
heightened in red or gold. Italian and Latin
texts on the election in 1683 of Maria Gioconda
Contarini as new abbess of the Venetian convent of Santa Maria delle Vergini
. Important text
for the monastic history of Venice and its leading patrician dynasties. The 2nd text is a very rare
speech held by
Helena Dolfin in the presence of Alvise Contarini (1601-1684), 106th Doge of
(1676-1684). At the end follows a short added chronicle of events under abbess Contarini in
the period 1682-1693. Armorial bookpl. M. Lugol. Collector’s tickets of Comte Henry Chandon de
Briailles 1898-1937. Catalogue cutting pasted on front flyleaf describing a very similar manuscript.
A more detailed description is available.
1112 [Aalst]
- Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae [with
additions by Hieronymus Tornieli]. Aalst, Dirk Martens, 4 July 1490, folio, 17th-c. mottled calf
(rubbed, some repairs), gilt spine on 5 raised bands, blue sp. edges, 234 (of 334) ff., numbered [1],
1-218, 319, [14] (lacking text ff. 219-318 and 2 blanks; prelims bound at the end, margins of 1st and
last ff. strengthened, bottom corner of last quires dampstained with some mouldy patches). Good
rubricated in red and blue
Cfr. ill.
Large part (letters A-N) of this impressive folio ed. from the 2nd Aalst (Alost) press (1486-1492)
of Dirk Martens. This is the only Low Countries ed. of the “Summa Angelica” of the Franciscan
canon lawyer Angelo Carleti (1411-1495), 1st printed in Chivasso. His alphabetically arranged
encyclopedia of cases of conscience was very popular, although Luther detested it and had it
publicly burned in 1520. Printed in 2 cols of 56 ll.
ISTC ia00720000. GW 1931. ILC 243.
Goff A-720. Polain 210. IDL 294. BMC IX:127. BnF A-387. Mees 84. Heireman A-132. Not in BSB
~ Compilation of medieval astronomical knowledge ~
1113 [Augsburg]
- Compilatio de astrorum scientia decem continens
tractatus. Augsburg, E. Ratdolt, 9 January 1489, 4to, old vellum (18th c.), red edges, [107 (of 110)]
ff. (lacking final blank, half title and final f. in exc. facsimile on old paper; somewhat short, some
tears repaired, a few ff. mounted, worming in blank inner margin of some ff.). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
1...,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280 282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,...432
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