on title.
DBS VIII c. 145 nr. 9. Pettegree NB 29577 = FB 50080. Labarre 307. Bibl. Marian.
Lovan. 1615. Not in Adams, BL.
Sautel, Petrus Justus, S.J.
- Lusus poëtici allegorici sive Elegiae oblectandis animis et
moribus. Douai, M. Mairesse, 1686, 12mo, cont. gilt calf (front joint splitting, rubbed), 161-[7] pp.
(somewhat stained and thumbed). Douai ed. of the Latin poetry of the French Jesuit Sautel (1613-
1662). Old ownership entries i.a. “Philippus Albertus van pouille ex dranoultre 1698”. Libr. st.
Labarre 2615. DBS VII c. 666 nr. 2. BCNI 14635. Not in Oberlé. (2 vol.)
1146 [Douai/Antwerp imprint]
ALLEN, William
- Libri tres. Id est, De sacramentis in genere (…).
Antwerp, J. Fowler (in fine: Douai, L. de Winde), 1576, 4to, cont. vellum (stained), flat spine (some
def., heav. stained), green edges, [28]-653 (= 657)-[19] pp. (somewhat staining and spotting, upper
margins of 2A2-3 def. sl. touching running title).
1st ed. 1st issue
of this work on the Lord’s Supper and the Sacraments by William Allen (1532-
1594), English cardinal and professor of theology at the English College of Douai. Mark on title.
Engr. armorial bookpl. of the Bavarian Grand ducal library (“ex electorali bibliotheca sereniss.
Utriusq. Bavariae ducum”).
BT 5029. Pettegree NB 710. Adams A-754. Bn-Opale plus.
COPAC. Allison/Rogers 6.
1147 [Duelling]
MUZIO, Girolamo
- Il duello del Mutio iustinopolitano con le Risposte cavalleresche
[rev. ed.]. Venice, D. Farri, 1566, 8vo, 18th-c. blindstamped vellum (head def.), spine on 4 raised
bands with gilt label, 223-[13] ff. (lower margin of 2nd half def. and strengthened (touching a few
letters), some ff. stained or spotted).
Rare ed. (1st 1550) of a famous treatise on the laws and usages of duelling by G. Muzio from
Capodistria (1496-1576). Woodcut mark on title and part title. In italics. Old name on title.
Edit16 37976. BnF (1). Cp. Thimm (Fencing) 201 (other eds.). Not in Adams, STC Italian (BL).
1148 [Dutch Revolt]
Eersame goede manne(n)/ het is nu hooch tijt dat ghy lieden eenmael besluyt
oft ghy het Spaensch iock wilt teenemael aflegghen ofte niet. [Low Countries, s.n., 1579], 4to,
disbound, [4] ff., good copy (cut short shaving bottom lines and sheet signature, blank bottom
corner of A1 torn off, last p. soiled).
Extr. rare pamphlet against Catholic attempts of reconciliation with Spain. It is also an appeal
to rise against treacherous kings (in Spain and in France). Large (14 ll.) historiated initial “E”.
Gothic type.
Pettegree NB 13458. BT 5854. Knuttel 427. BSB München (1).
1149 [Elzevier imprint]
-Anticuyckius et Commentariorum de eucharistica
harmonia, libri tres, adversus Henrici Cuyckij Cancellarij Academiae Louaniensis orationem
paraeneticam, transsubstantionem pontificiam, Missae idolomaniam, & manducationem carnis Iesu
Christi corporalem. Accessit Iustitia reformationis, congregationisque Ecclesiae Wourdanae, ad
Christianam communitatem, cum Hollandiae & aliarum Prouinciarum Belgicarum Ecclesijs ex Dei
verbo reformatis. Leiden, L. Elzevier (col. Pt. 1: Woerden, A. Schouten), 1598 (col.: 1599), 8vo,
18th-c. half calf (worn, covers loose), blue sp. edges, 126 (= 127)-[1], 421-[15] pp. (incl. Errata, but
lacking the folding “Tabula methodica”, cut short occ. shaving printed marginalia, paper age-toned,
some minor thumbing). Good copy.
1st ed.
of the “Anticuyckius” combined with a re-issue of the 1595 ed. of “Harmonia” (Willems
27) minus the prelims. H. Boxhorn (1545-1631), a former
parish priest, became a fervent
opponent of the Catholic doctrine of transsubstantiation. The present ed. contains his attack on the
Louvain theologian H. Cuyckius (1546-1609), bishop of Roermond. Name on front flyleaf “J.Fr.
Vandevelde”, Louvain theologian and librarian, (1743-1823).
Pettegree NB 5633. Typogr. Bat.
763. Willems 35. STCN (i.a. BL).
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