1125 [Antiquity]
- De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni Regis Macedonum
opus (…). Omnia (…) in laudem (…) Alberti, Comitis Palatini Rheni (…) congesta, per
Christophorum Brunonem (…). Basel, Froben Press (H. Froben & N. Episcopius), (March) 1545,
folio, old vellum (sl. loosening, def. at head, tail & bottom edge of lower cover), [8]-171-[13] pp.
(some ff. spotted). Good wide-margined copy.
Important humanist ed. of the ancient Latin biography of Alexander the Great. It is the 1st ed. with
the supplements to Books I-II.
Splendid full-page woodcut arms of dedicatee
on verso of title, and
of C. Bruno on *4r. Woodcut mark at the end. Bookpl. Bookseller’s stamp.
VD-16 C-6466.
Index Aur.148.802. Adams C-3123. Machiels C-847. STCGerman (BL) 233. Not in BnF.
1126 [Antwerp imprint]
GARETIUS, Joannes, O.S.A.
- De vera praesentia corporis Christi in
sacramento Eucharistiae (...). Antwerp, Widow of Martinus Nutius, 1561, 8vo, cont. overl. vellum,
new endpapers, 221-[10-1 bl.] ff. (some soiling and dampstaining, sm. tear in title). Good copy.
Only ed.
of this religious work by the learned Louvain theologian J. Garetius (Louvain 1499-1571).
It is a collection of texts and quotations from hundreds of authors on the presence of Christ in the
Eucharist. The texts are divided in 10 classes, the last ones reserved for “heretics” and Jews. Other
writers cited incl. Ruusbroek, Erasmus, Vives, etc. Woodcut mark on t.-p. Blind stamp on title.
BT 5834. Adams G-239 (1). Not in NUC.
1127 [Antwerp imprint]
LANSPERGIUS, Joannes, O.Carth.
- Enchiridion militiae Christianae, ad
nouitatem vitae (...). Antwerp, (D. Vervliet for) L. Bellerus, 1576, 16mo, cont. calf, gilt spine &
covers (fading) dated “1579” (sl. rubbed, old repairs to spine), spine on 4 raised bands, [8]-168 ff.
(some marg. spotting or soiling). Good copy.
Rare Antwerp repr. of a devotional work by the Cologne Carthusian Lansperg (1489-1543), 1st
publ. Cologne 1538. Old ownership entries.
Pettegree NB 17977. BT 8638. BCNI 3568. Not in
Adams, BnF, STCDutch (BL).
1128 [Architecture]
GRAPALDI Francisco Maria
- Lexicon de partibus aedium [rev. ed.]. Lyon, (M.
& G. Trechsel for) Heirs of Simon Vincent, 1535, 8vo, cont. limp overl. vellum, flat spine titled in
ink, 361-[47] pp. (minor spotting, tiny worming in blank bottom margin of 1st ff.). Good copy.
Early dictionary (1st Parma 1494) by F.M. Grapaldi (1465-1515) and “probably the first to include
architectural terms” (Fowler). Woodcut mark of Vincent on title. Woodcut cartouche at the end.
Printed in italics. Old names on title and flyleaf.
Pettegree FB 72443. Fowler 148. SvGültlingen
(Trechsel) 46 = Baudrier XII:244. Adams G-1014.
1129 [Astrology]
SCHUUTE, Cornelis
- Pronosticatie van de(n) Jare ons heren M.CCCCC. en(de)
XLIIII. [Antwerp?, W. Vorsterman?, 1543], 4to, mod. quarter calf (rubbed, tanned), marbled paper
on sides, gilt spine with gilt label, [4] ff., (bottom of ff. 1 & 4 gone with loss of text, holes throughout
with loss of words and letters). “Not a good copy”.
unique and unrecorded (but defective) copy
of a prognostication for 1544 by the 16th-c.
Bruges physician and astrologer Cornelis Schuute. Woodcut arms of Schuute on A1r. Printed in
gothic type with quotations in
. Bound with: a xerox copy of an article on Schuute (Biekorf
Not in BT, Pettegree (Cp. 27663: for 1543).
1130 [Astronomy - chronology]
SACROBOSCO, Joannes de
- Libellus (...) de anni ratione, seu
ut vocatur vulgo, Computus Ecclesiasticus. Cum praefatione Philippi Melanchthonis. Paris, [B.
Prevost for] G. Cavellat, [c. 1564], 8vo, old marbled wr. (1st quire loosening), 50 ff. (marg. soiling,
bottom-edge dampstained, tear in f. 46). Good copy.
Very rare undated (re-)issue of the 1561 Cavellat ed. (Renouard 171) of the medieval standard
treatise on the (astronomical) calculation of the year. Ill. with
7 astronomical woodcuts
in text.
1...,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285 287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,...432
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