Ecclesiae sacrum: Von der Warheit der Altkyrchischen Liturgy und Opfferung das ist Catholischer
Wissen. Antwort (…) wider den Matthis Illyric. zu Magdenburg. Cologne, J. Quentel, 1551, [96] ff.
[and with]
HELDING, Michael -
Etliche schone Christenliche Predig von dem Glauben und guten
Wercken (…) Gepredigt zu Augspurg im Thumbstifft Anno M.D.xlvij [ed. Joannes Fabri O.P.].
Dillingen, S. Mayer, 1551, [56] ff., 3 works in 1 vol., 4to (paper age-toned, a few single wormholes,
1st title loose), fine cont. blindstamped pigskin over wood (spine rubbed, sm. wormholes in covers),
bevelled edges, roll stamp with sm. scenes (man and woman), a central geometrical decoration,
metal clasps and catches. Exc. wide-margined copy.
Cfr. ill.
Copy from the library of Sebastian Stattmüller, abbot of the
with abbot’s stamp and presentation inscription: “Closter Schönthall”, “(...) Sebastiano Abbati
Schontalen(si) 1551”. Schöntal binding? Throughout cont.
marg. annotations
Extr. rare German trsl. of “De veritate corporis & sanguinis dominici in Eucharistia” by the Liège
teacher and Cluny monk Algerus (d. 1131),
edited by Erasmus
(Freiburg 1530) with a dedicatory
letter (Allen 2284) to B. Mercklin (1479-1531) on Transsubstantiation. Large woodcut (Last Supper)
on title and
4 woodcuts in text
all coloured
VD-16 A-1872. Erasmus Online 3753. Not
in Ind. Aur., Adams, STCGerman (BL), BnF.
Refutation of the Lutheran controversialist Flaccus
Illyricus (1520-1575) by G. Witzel (1501-1573), a Catholic theologian who first turned Lutheran,
but later rejoined Catholicism.
VD-16 W-4007 [9]. Not in Adams, STCGerman (BL), BnF.
German sermons on the hot items of faith and good works, dedicated to Johann Count Nassau by
the Augsburg Dominican Fabri (1504-1557). Title in red & black.
VD-16 H-1591 [6]. Bucher,
Dillingen, 12. Adams, STCGerman (BL), BnF.
- Apophthegmatum ex optimis utriusque linguae scriptoribus (…) libri VIII (…).
Basel, Froben Press (H. Froben & N. Episcopius), 1558, 8vo, skilfully rebound in calf over wood
with remains of old blindstamped calf pasted on, covers with blindstamped title, bevelled edges,
[16]-750-[98] pp. (somewhat stained, tear in Gg4, 2 single wormholes in margin of 1st quire). Good
Voluminous ed. of Erasmus’ popular book of classical quotations, 1st publ. Basel March 1531. With
the 2 dedications to William Duke of Cleves (Allen 2431 & 2711). Woodcut mark on title and at the
end. In italics. Mod. bookpl. Philippe van Heurck.
Index Aur. 163.620. VD-16 E-2046. B.B.
II:450 E-351. Vanderhaeghen I:13. Erasmus Online 391. Bezzel 218. Cat. Rotterdam 23. De Reuck
- Auctarium selectarum aliquot epistolarum Erasmi Roterodami ad eruditos, et horum
ad illum [ed. Beatus Rhenanus]. Basel, J. Froben, August 1518, 4to, mod. limp vellum, flat spine,
223-[1] pp. (some marg. staining, unobtrusive sm. single wormhole in last quires). Good copy.
1st ed. 1st issue
(2nd March 1519) of an important collection of letters from, to, or about Erasmus,
edited by Beatus Rhenanus (1485-1547). Correspondents include G. Budé, J. Eck, P. Gillis, J.
Grolier, Henry VIII, J. Lefèvre d’Etaples, Th. More, and C. Tunstall. Title within elaborate woodcut
border. Large woodcut mark at the end. Numerous marg. ms. notes.
Erasmus Online 2062. Ind.
Aur. 161.521. VD-16 E-2936. Adams E-849. Bezzel 1015. Not in De Reuck.
- Ecclesiastae sive De ratione concionandi libri quatuor. Antwerp, Guilielmus
Montanus, 1539, 8vo, old blindstamped calf (rebacked, skilfully repaired), 549 (= 544)-[32] pp.
(age-toned, bottom margin stained). Good copy.
Very rare Antwerp ed. of Erasmus’ long treatise on the art of preaching, 1st publ. Basel 1535. Title
within woodcut border. Woodcut mark at the end. Old ownership entries i.a. “Johannis puce pbri
Sancti Jacobi lexouie”.
NKr. 2923. Index Aur. 162.977. Erasmus Online 1682. Vanderhaeghen
I 78. Cat. Rotterdam 94. De Reuck 179. Adams E-631. Machiels E-405. Not in Bezzel, STCDutch
(BL), BnF.
1...,283,284,285,286,287,288,289,290,291,292 294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,...432
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