1133 [Basel imprint]
MYLAEUS, Christophorus
- De scribenda universitatis rerum historia libri
quinque. Basel, J. Oporinus, March 1551, [8]-317-[3] pp. [bound with]
- Apophthegmatum sive responsorum memorabilium (...) collectorum, loci communes,
ad ordinem alphabeti redacti (...) ed. Philipp Bech. Ibidem, August 1555, [14] ff., 988 cols, [1 blank]
f., 2 works in 1 vol., folio, cont. blindst. pigskin over wood (rubbed, clasps gone), bevelled edges,
spine on 4 raised bands, metal catches (paper age-toned, dampstaining in I, extensive dampstaining
(partly mouldy) in II, tear in prel. f. 2 of II, hole in F1 of II with loss of some letters).
Old acquisition and ownership entries on titles; some schoolboy’s notes; cont. notes, i.a. a prayer, on
endpapers and flylvs.
Important major work by one of the 1st authors of cultural history. Mylaeus
(Milieu?) was the 1st to use the term “historia literaturae” and to have a critical conception of this
genre. Woodcut mark on title and at the end.
VD-16 M-7363. Adams M-2100. STC German (BL)
Extensive collection of commonplaces and anecdotes by the Alsatian humanist Wolffhart
(1518-1561). Woodcut mark on title. Large woodcut arms of dedicatee on verso of title.
W-4313. Adams W-246. Not in STC German.
1134 [Basel imprint]
VIVES, Juan Luis
- Excitationes animi in Deum. Praeparatio animi ad orandum.
Commentarus in orationem Dominicam Preces & meditationes quotidianae (- generales). Eiusdem
Ad ueram Sapientiam introductio. Satellitium animi (…). Basel, J. Oporinus, August 1548, 16mo,
mod. board
, 410-[6] pp. Very good copy (stain at bottom of title).
2nd ed. (1st 1540) of this collection of devotional and philosophical texts by the Spanish & Low
Countries humanist Vives.
VD-16 V-1893 (has “408 (= 410)” pp.). Estelrich 85. Not in Adams,
STCGerman (BL).
1135 [Bible - Exodus]
PEPIN, Guillaume, O.P.
- Expositio in Exodu(m)/ iuxta quadruplice(m) sacre
scripture sensum: literale(m) scilicet, moralem, allegoricum, & anagogicum [ed. Thomas Laurent
& Jean Benoît]. Paris, Cl. Chevallon, 1534, 8vo, old limp overl. vellum (ties gone, lower joint
splitting, sm. def. at head & tail), spine titled in ink, [4]-dccj (= 700) ff. (some dampstaining and
spotting, tear in y5). Good copy.
Very rare, posthumously publ., ed. of an extensive commentary on Exodus by the Dominican
theologian, and prior of Evreux, G. Pepin (d. 1533). Gothic type in 2 cols. Woodcut mark on title.
Old ownership entry on title.
Pettegree FB 82160. Moreau IV:1106. Adams P-627.
~ Regulation of book trade in the Low Countries ~
1136 [Book trade - Low Countries]
Ordonnance, statut et edict provisionnal du Roy nostre Sire
sur le faict & conduyte des imprimeurs, libraires & maistres d’escolle. Brussels, M. van Hamont,
1570, 4to, loose quires as issued, [10] ff. (edges sl. soiled or frayed). Very good uncut & partly
unopened copy.
Cfr. ill.
Rare & important government regulation of the book trade in the Low Countries, issued 19 May
1570 in French (here) and Dutch. It establishes a control system of printers, booksellers and
schoolmasters, who were all made responsible for the books in their possession. Woodcut Spanish
arms on title.
BT 2553. Pettegree FB 43168 = NB 24572. Not in Adams, BL, BnF.
1137 [Bruges imprint]
Alzoo tot beteren onderhout ende ghereeder executie van diueersche
gheboden Stadts (...) vanden Raedt van Oorloghe (...)
. [Bruges, s.n., 1581], sm. broadsheet, c. 31
x 19,5 cm, as issued (minor soiling). Very good copy.
Unique (?) broadsheet
from troubled times. Decree issued 16 June 1581.
Not in BT, Cabrio,
Pettegree NB.
Le comte de Fontaine Sur-intendant de la Gensd’armerie [!] de la Prouince de Flandres,
Bruges, N. Breyghel, 1636, sm. broadsheet, c. 31,5 x 20,5 cm, as issued (marg. soiling, blank
left top corner torn off). On a garrison quartered between Ghent and Bruges. Issued “à Zelsalen le
sixiesme d’Aougst 1636”. Ref. Not in Cabrio. (2 pcs)
1...,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287 289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,...432
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