1087 [Ghent - Gavere]
Solennelen trauw-dach vernieuwt door D’heer ende Mr Marcus Anthonius
Baselius ende Iof. Iudoca Theresia van Overwaele
hun samen verblijdende over het 22 Jaer des
huwelijcx op de 25 Augusti 1691. [Ghent?, 1691], Dutch ms. on paper c. 104 x 52 cm! consisting of
sheets pasted together. Underlaid with cloth (some soiling and marg. staining). In good condition.
Cfr. ill.
Very large manuscript: Dutch poem of some 100 ll., written in 2 cols, followed by a “Jaerschrift”
and a “Vier dobbel jaerschrift”. Written within elaborately decorated border. At top a very large
coloured love emblem (Cupid shooting an arrow through 2 hearts). Wide vividly coloured border
with large flowers. At bottom a (fictitious) coat-of-arms with 6 hearts and the device “Unum sufficit”.
M.A. Baselius was a lawyer at the Court of Flanders, a Ghent alderman in 1676-1677, and Lord of
Lilare (Gavere). On 25 August 1669 he married Jossine Thérèse van Overwaele (° 1639).
1088 [Ghent - printing - pigeons]
Two short manuscript documents on Ghent subjects of the early
19th c.
Good condition (some soiling or spotting).
Curious woodcut with a short biographical text on Pierre-François III de Goesin(-Verhaege)
(1753-1831), printer 1787-1831, paper c. 22,5 x 17 cm, 1 f.
Bibl. gant. IV:253-256.
der groote Societeyt de Merminne, onder den titel van Onafhangelyke lieffhebbers der duyven van
gend. [Ghent, 5 January 1835], Dutch manuscript on paper, c. 26 x 21 cm, [4] ff. With signatures of
the members of the Board. Cont. wr.
1089 [Gunpowder Plot]
Anonymous account, in French
, of the execution of 4 English Catholics
on “16 February”1606 in London, written in a letter from Stepney sent to a “Monseigneur” (in
Brussels?). paper, 2 bifolia, c. 30 x 20,5 cm, [7] pp. (+ 1 blank), expertly written (hole in f. 3 with
loss of a few letters). In very good condition.
On 30 January 1606 four conspirators of the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 were executed in front
of Old St Paul’s Cathedral. In this letter they are named “Syr Edward Digby” (Everard Digby),
“Robert Winter” (Wintour), “Edward Graunt” (John Grant), “Barts” (Thomas Bates).
1090 [Heraldry - Low Countries]
La maniere et les termes dont il faut se servir en blasonant
les escus
, auce une considerable quantité d’ecus blassonez. Ai gouda, 1704, mod. mottled calf “à
l’antique”, gilt spine on 5 raised bands, marbled endpapers. In very good condition.
French manuscript on paper c. 15 x 9 cm, [1]-60-[7] ff. Survey of coats-of-arms of especially Low
Countries (but also German, French,...) families. Alphabetical index of names at the end. With over
500 small coloured coats-of-arms.
Two coloured paper ff. with similar arms
: (a) 1 f. with arms of Van Wonsel, De Ber, Gelder,
Swalen; (b) bifolium with on f. 1r “Les huict quartiers de dame Iacqeline Le Clercq Ditte D’Olmen,
compaigne a messire Jean Francois Godin Seig(neu)r de Beaumetz, Merlicourt etc.”.
1091 [Law - mathematics]
Manuscript with historical documents and mathematical exercises.
[Southern Netherlands], c. 1662, old wr. (soiled), sewn (loosening). In good condition (some marg.
Dutch and Latin ms. on paper, c. 20 x 16 cm, [36] ff., written in brown/black ink. 2 parts:
Historical and legal texts in Dutch:
ff. 1r-4v Dutch trsl. of the Latin patent of nobility granted
by Emperor Charles V to “
Gillis ende Cornelis vanden Boogaerd
, gebroeders van Antwerpen” and
their heirs (Brussels, 16 September 1555), with pendrawn coat-of-arms (f. 2r);
ff. 5r-16r “Gulde
annotatien bequaem ter inleijdinge vande keyserlijcke statuijten” = a collection of quotations from
Marcus Aurelius, De la Noue, Plato, Plutarchus, Terentius, Aristoteles;
ff. 16v-17v quotations
from “Barent van Zutphen Civile Zaecken”;
ff. 18r-28v blank.
9 ff. (in reverse starting from
the end) with ruled border: ff. 1r-4r (= 7 pp.) Mathematical exercises (fractions), dated 23/2/1662.
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