1072 [Surgery]
Mémoires sur les sujets proposés pour les prix de l’Académie Royale de Chirurgie
Nouvelle édition avec notes. Paris, Ménard & Desenne fils, 1819, 10 vol., in-8, demi-veau blond de
l’époque, dos lisses ornés de caissons de fil. et point. dorés, étiq. de titres et tomaisons en cuir rouge,
tr. mouchetées (table du 2e vol. des Mémoires reliée en fin du 4e vol. des Prix). Bon ensemble, sans
les planches.
2e édit. de cette collection (orig. 1768 à 1798). Les mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Chirurgie
comptent 5 vol., les prix sont répartis en 7 parties reliées en 5 vol.
Brunet I-26.
1073 [Surgery]
- L’arcenal de chirurgie (...) [trsl. from the Latin] François
Deboze. Lyon, A. Cellier, 1675, 4to, cont. calf, gilt orn. spine on 5 raised bands, [16]-385-[27] pp.
(spottings mostly in the margins). Good copy.
French trsl. of the “Armamentarium chirurgicum” of J. Scultetus (1595-1645). “Scultetus is famous
for his illustrations of surgical procedures and instruments” (Garrison Morton).
Engr ills: 49 in
(“Tab. XXII” present twice) showing surgical instruments and operations, 2 pl. showing a
'portrait d'un enfant monstre',
. and
engr. dedication
to Monseigneur l’Archeveque Comte
de Lyon by Pinehard. Title in red and black. Ex-libris Remensis Medicinae Doctoris.
Lyon XVIIe s. i.v. Cellier nr. 61 (3). Krivatsy 10757. NUC (2). Not in BL London, BN Paris.
Oude manuscripten ~ Manuscrits anciens
1074 [Belgian Independence 1831 - Lord Palmerston]
Manuscript document written in the name
of Lord Palmerston
“one of His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State
, and sent by Command of
the Lordship J.R. Graham and T.M. Hardy, October 26
, 1831, 5 folio ff., sewn. Folds.
Important document concerning a turning point for the Belgian independence. While Antwerp
was still under Dutch control, Lord Palmerston, after consulting with plenipotentiaries of Austria,
France, Prussia and Russia, left as shown in this draft, clear instructions to Rear Admiral
Frederic Warren to head a naval force off the cost of Holland in case “hostilities against Belgium
unfortunately be resumed by the King of the Netherlands (…) you are hereby required and directed
to proceed forthwith to the Downs (…) for the purpose of taking in board pilots acquainted with the
Dutch coast from the Texel to the mouth of the Scheldt and haven done this with as little delay as
possible you are to make the best of your way to the said Coast (…) stationing your ships in such
manner as will afford you the best and speediest means of communication with Sir Charles Bagot
at the Hague leaving the Viper schooner to keep up a communication with Sir Robert Adair [in
Brussels]. In the event of receiving from either of the above Ambassadors information of the Dutch
the squadron under your command to send into port all vessels navigating under the Dutch flag
wherever met with and by keeping up a strict blockade of the Texel, the Maes and the Scheldt seize
all vessels belonging to Holland whether attempting to enter or come out until you shall be called
by one of the above mentioned Ambassador to act (…)”.
1075 [Benedictine ceremonies]
Three manuscripts describing novitiate ceremonies
of female
novices taking the veil in Benedictine convents. [Southern Netherlands, 1731-1766). In good
“Sermoenÿen [= Ceremonie] vande Crosse; inde cleedinghe der nouitien”. [Southern
Netherlands], 1766, Dutch ms. on paper, c. 15,5 x 10,5 cm, cont. vellumcovered boards with loop
fastening on beads (1 gone), silk marker, [10] ff., written in red & black ink. F. [10]v: “1766... Sr.
Marie Placida Bens”.
“La maniere de recevoir femme ou fille dans l’ordre sacré du tres S. pere
Benoit & de leurs donner l’habit”. [Southern Netherlands?], 1731, French and Latin ms. on paper,
c. 19,5 x 15 cm, cont. wr. (loose), [11] ff., written in red & black ink.
“Maniere de recevoir femme
ou fille dans l’ordre sacré du tres saint pere Benôit [!], et de leurs donner l’habit [and: Maniere de
1...,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269 271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279,280,...432
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