Very rare work by the archdean of Verdun, and probably the 1st book published at Verdun. “Histoire
détaillée des évêques de Verdun, mêlée au récit d’événements généraux étrangers à la Lorraine, et
à des traditions fabuleuses. Il renferme un très grand nombre de documents originaux que l’on ne
trouve pas ailleurs et qui avaient été empruntés par l’auteur aux cartulaires les plus authentiques
des établissements religieux de ce diocèse. La vie de chacun des évêques de Verdun jusqu’en 1508
est le noyau autour duquel l’auteur a groupé l’histoire générale d’une partie de l’Europe, tout en
retraçant avec détails l’histoire ecclésiastique de son diocèse” (Bonnefoi). Large woodcut (Our
Lady of Verdun) on A2r & AA1v. Title in red & black within woodcut border. Bookseller’s stamps.
Pettegree FB 51549. VdVekene, Verdun 1 (p. 54). Cp. STCFrench (BL) 447 (other issue). BnF
(2). Not in Adams.
1234 [Verdussen imprint - binding]
ADRIANI, Henricus
- Catholycke sermoonen op alle de Epistelen
ende Evangelien van de sondaghen ende heylighe daghen vanden gheheelen jare [4th ed.]. Antwerp,
H. Verdussen, 1599, folio, cont. blindstamped embossed calf over wood (expertly repaired), edges
bevelled inside, spine on 5 raised bands, metal cornerpieces, central ornament, clasps and catches,
[8]-323-[1], [228], 266 (of?) ff. (lacking all after Z1; paper age-toned, occ. staining).
Cfr. ill.
Imposing collection of Dutch Catholic sermons by H. Adriani (d. 1607). Extr. rare; the 2 recorded
copies (Bodleian and Ruusbroecgenootschap) are also incomplete. Woodcut Jesuit device on title.
Title printed within border of type ornaments. Gothic type in 2 cols.
BT 4997. BCNI 4468. Cp.
Pettegree NB 104 & 27847. Not in Adams, BL, BnF, STCV.
~ One of the great German woodcut books of the Renaissance ~
1235 VERGILIUS MARO, Publius
- Publij Virgilij Maro(n)is opera [ed. Sebastian Brant]. Strasburg,
Johann Grüninger, 28 Aug. 1502, folio, old blindstamped leather over wood (rebacked), bevelled
edges, cover with circular and lozenge-shaped stamps (i.a. two-headed eagle), modern endpapers,
[6]-CCCCVII (= 410), XXXIIII ff. (lacking V5-6 = ff. 151-152, supplied in xerox copies bound
with; somewhat stained and soiled, tear in 1st and last f. underlaid, tear in CC8, some old marg.
repairs with loss to a few letters in bottom corner of a2). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
One of the great German woodcut books of the Renaissance
, the masterpiece of the artist known as
the “Late Master of the Grüninger Workshop”. Ill. with
large woodcut ills
on title and approx. 210
other woodcuts, some full-page and one double-page (a few touched with amateur early colour).
Sebastian Brant was commissioned by the publisher to edit the work and based his commentary
on that of Cristoforo Landino, adding several poems not in earlier editions of Vergil, as well as
“Book 13” of the “Aeneid” by Maffeo Vegio (1407-1458). Large “grotesque” initials at the start
of each “Book”. Woodcut mark at the end. Title in red and black. Text of Vergil within double cols
with commentary in smaller type. Contemp. marg. ms. notes to “Eclogues” and “Aeneid 4”. Old
ownership entries on title, Liesborn and A2r, “ex libris petri Briconneti ex dono Jacobi Minatij
Legum doctoris”.
VD-16 V-1332. Mambelli “Ed. Virgil.” 99. Ritter 2411. Adams V-457.
Kristeller “Strassburger Buchillustration” (1888), pp. 32-46, nr. 99. Not in Machiels.
1236 [Witchcraft - Switzerland]
STUMPF, Johann
- Recueil entier des procedures tenues a Berne
contre quelques Iacopins executez de mort pour leurs sorceleries & mescha(n)cetez horribles
l’an M.D.IX. De nouveau traduit d’Alleman par Nicolas Marruell (…) Auquel sont accouplez les
Cordeliers d’Orleans en pareilles impostures & execrations desquelles le siege de l’Antechrist
de tout temps s’est emparé. Geneva, J. Crespin, 1566, 8vo, mod. decorative limp boards, 88 pp.
(dampstained, 1st and last ff. soiled). Good copy.
Protestant account of the “Jetzertragödie”. The Dominican Johann Jetzer (1483-1515), who
claimed to have been instructed by the Holy Virgin on her Immaculate Conception, and who had
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