1229 [Trent Council - Reims imprint]
Le sainct, sacré, universel, et general Concile de Trente
legitimement signifié & assemblé sous nos saincts perse les Papes (…) trsl. from the Latin Gentian
Hervet. Reims, J. de Foigny, sold Paris, N. Chesneau, 1564, 8vo, 18th-c. polished claf (rubbed,
joints splitting, lower cover loosening, head def., left top corner of front cover def.), ornamental gilt
border on covers, [4]-236 ff. (cut very short shaving printed marginalia, last ff. strengthened, bottom
corner of Gg3 repaired with loss of some letters, last f. underlaid). Good copy.
Extr. rare Reims ed.
of this early history of the Trent Council, translated by the French theologian
G. Hervet (1499-1584). Woodcut mark on title. Ownership entry on front flyleaf of the Mechelen
collector of historical publications G.J. de Servais (1735-1807).
Pettegree FB 49760. Arnoult
(Reims) Foigny 29. Cioranesco 11519. Not in Adams, BL.
1230 [Trent Council - Salamanca imprint]
Canones & Decreta Sacrosancti Oecumenici, &
Generalis Concilij Tridentini (…)
Cum citationibus (…) collectis ab Horatio Lutio Calliensi (…)
additis (…) Bullis (…). Salamanca, J.B. de Terranova, 1571, 8vo, old leather (worn, joints splitting,
spine def.), sp. edges, [8]-272 (= 280) ff. (cut short, paper age-toned, borders of 1st ff. strengthened,
some staining, blank bottom corner of Ii2 torn off). Good copy.
Extr. rare (2dn recorded copy?) Salamanca ed. of the decrees and canons of the Trent Council.
Woodcut mark on title. A few old marg. notes (cropped). On front flyleaf ownership entry of
“J.F. Vandevelde ex Beveren [17]96”. Collector’s stamp and bookpl. of Capitaine Michiels.
Pettegree IB 5561 (1: Montserrat). Ruiz Fidalgo (Salamanca) 784. Cp. Palau 42393 ff. (other eds.).
Not in Adams, BnF, STC Spanish (BL).
1231 [Trent Council]
Acta Concilij Tridentini
. Paris, R. & Cl. Calderius, 1546, 8vo, 18th-c. burgundy
morocco (sl. rubbed, sm. def. at head), covers with triple gilt ruled borders, richly gilt flat spine,
a.e.g., marbled endpapers, blue silk marker, [64] ff. (1st ff. soiled, tear in title repaired and underlaid,
a few letters completed in ink). Good copy.
One of the 1st publications on the Council of Trent (1545-1563), containing some of the opening
speeches and a list of participants. Woodcut “Tempus” mark on title.
Pettegree FB 67054. BnF
(3). Not in Adams, STCFrench (BL).
1232 [Trent Council]
- Le bureau du Concile de Trente: auquel est monstré
qu’en plusieurs poincts iceluy Concile est contraire aux anciens Conciles & Canons, & à l’autorité
du Roy. [Geneva], E. Viollier, 1586, [8]-382 (= 381)-[31] pp. [bound with]
(pseud. of Scipione Errico)
- De tribus historicis Concilii Tridentini. Antwerp [= Amsterdam?], J.
Verbrugge, 1662, 96 pp., 2 works in 1 vol., 8vo, old polished calf (joints starting to split, head & tail
def.), triple gilt ruled border on cover, gilt spine on 5 raised bands, red edges (cut short, paper age-
toned, blank bottom of title cut off and underlaid). Good copy. Unidentified gilt arms on covers.
Attack on the authority of the Council of Trent, and on its legitimacy in France, by the Huguenot
lawyer Gentillet (1532-1588). The work was 1st publ. in Latin in 1585.
Pettegree FB 22649.
GLIN 3178. Chaix/Dufour/Moeckli 116. STC French (BL) 470. Cp. Adams G-435 (other issue).
Polemical work on the Trent Council by Scipione Errico (1592-1670). A
fake Antwerp imprint
probably produced by E. Weyerstrate in Amsterdam. Woodcut ornament on title.
STCN (3). Not
in Anet, STCV.
~ 1st book published at Verdun ~
1233 [Verdun imprint]
WASSEBOURG, Richard de
- Premier (- second) volume des antiquitez de la
Gaule Belgique, Royaulme de France, Austrasie & Lorraine. Avec l’origine des Duchez & Comtez,
de l’ancienne & moderne Brabant, To(n)gre), Ardenne, Haynau, Mozelane, Lotreich, Fla(n)dres,
Lorraine, Barrois, Luxembourg, Louuain (...). Paris & Verdun, Fr. Girault for V. Sertenas, 1549,
folio, 18th-c. mottled calf (sl. rubbed, front flyleaf gone), richly gilt spine on 6 raised bands with
red label, red polished edges, marbled endpapers, [5]-cccccliii-[39] ff. (lacking general title; occ. sl.
stained, hole in P1 with loss of some letters). Very good copy.
1...,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315 317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,...432
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