1248 [Antwerp]
25 stedelijke ordonnanties
betreffende handel, landbouw en nijverheid, o.m.
producten uit opstandige provincies, houthakken, vuilophaling, werken op zondagen, belastingen,
brood, wijnaccijns, Scheldebakens, veemarkten, transport enz. Antwerpen, z.n., 1625-1657,
eenbladdrukken, 4to of folio, met houtsneden (wapen) bovenaan en een grote sierinitiaal. Meest in
gotische letter (enkele gebruind, met vlekken, wormgaten of rafelige randen). In goede staat.
1249 [Architecture - Ghent]
Reglement generael accord ende transactie tusschen de twee
neeringhen van de timmer-lieden, ende vande schryn-werckers binnen de Stadt van Ghendt
waer naer jder in t’exerceren vande selve neeringhen hem moet reguleren. Ghesloten den 22.
December 1689. ende gheapprobeert (...) den vyfden Mey 1692. Ghent, Heirs of M. Graet, 1692,
folio, 19th-c. quarter calf (rubbed), marbled paper on sides, spine on 5 raised bands with gilt label,
marbled endpapers, 41-[1] pp. (paper age-toned, marg. dampstaining, title underlaid). Very good
Cfr. ill.
Famous regulation of the architectural professions in Ghent. Woodcut mark on title. 7 full-page and
2 half-page engravings with examples to be followed.
Extra-illustrated copy
: front. drawing (?) in
red penwork, and 4 lithograph (?) plates bound with.
Bibl. gant. 1440. STCV (3).
1250 [Architecture]
VITRUVIUS, Marcus Pollio
- De architectura libri decem [ed. Joannes de Laet].
Amsterdam, L. Elzevier, 1649, folio, old vellum (a recasing with new endpapers, some wormholes),
flat spine, 3 parts: [8]-30-[2]-272-[28], 144, 69-[3] pp. (lacking pp. 145-164 of Pt. 2: “Scamilii
Impares Vitruviani”; paper age-toned and spotted, sm. tears in bottom of some ff.). Good copy.
Only Elzevier ed.
of the Roman classic on architecture, containing Vitruvius’ text with notes by
G. Philander, D. Barbarus, Cl. Saumaise, Henry Wotton’s “Elementa architecturae” (1624) in a
Latin version by the volume’s editor J. de Laet (Antwerp 1581-Leiden 1649), (3) the “Lexicon
Vitruvianum” of B. Baldi, (4) similar treatises by L.B. Alberti and L. Demontiosius. The volume
is dedicated to Christina of Sweden. “Questa è fra le edizioni di questo Classico la più ricca di
opuscoli Vitruviani riprodotti con nitidezza d’impressione, e correzione nei testi” (Cicognara). Nice
engr. title. Numerous woodcuts in text.
Willems 1097. Fowler 417. Cicognara 726. STCN.
1251 [Arras/Valenciennes imprint - Ypres]
GAZET, Guillaume
- L’histoire ecclesiastique du Pays-
Bas (…) Ensemble un Catalogue des Saincts (…). Les fondations des eglises, abbayes (…). Plus la
succession des comtes d’Arthois. Valenciennes, J. Vervliet, 1614 (col.: Arras, G. de la Rivière, 1613),
4to, cont. overl. vellum (loose, endpapers gone), spine titled in ink, [8]-581-[9] pp. (dampstain at
Valenciennes issue of the 1613-1614 Arras ed. (B.B. G-149, Labarra 111) of this history of
Catholicism in Southern Flanders by the Aire canon G. Gazet (1554-1612). Woodcut mark on title.
Title in red and black within double ruled border. Ypres provenance: on covers blindstamped arms
of François de Mamez, canon of St Martin’s; at top of title ‘Bibliothecae S. Augustini Ypris ex
dono d. Mamez’.
B.B. III:113-114 G-150. Labarre (Valenciennes) 16. Goldsmith (BL) G-262 =
Simoni G-14.
1252 [Art - Estienne]
- Bulle de N.S. Pere le Pape Urbain VIII. touchant la forme &
le vestement des images sacrées, tant peintes que taillées, tant dedans les Eglises, qu’és autres lieux.
Paris, P. Targa, 1643, 14-[2] pp. [bound with]
- Bulle (...) sur la celebration du Iubilé uniuersel
en la ville de Paris. Avec le Mandement de Monseigneur l’Archeuesque. Paris, R. Estienne for Fr.
Julliot, 1628, 13-[3] pp. [and]
- Bulle (...) sur la celebration du Iubilé (...). Paris, R. Estienne,
1630, 15-[1] pp. [and]
Ordonnance de Monseigneur l’Archevesque de Paris
. Portant cassation
du pretendu Mandement du Prieur de S. Germain des Prez, pour la publication du Iubilé (...). Paris,
P. Targa, 1636, 20 pp., 4 works in 1 vol., 8vo, old boards covered with sp. vellum, vellum fore-edge
1...,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320 322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,...432
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