1286 [Emblems]
DAVID, Joannes, S.J.
- Paradisus sponsi et sponsae in quo Messis Myrrhae et
Aromatum (...) et [second part] Pancarpium Marianum, Septemplici Titulorum serie distinctum (...).
Antwerp, Plantin Press of Jan Moretus, 1607, 2 parts in 1 vol., 8vo, cont. calf (corners sl. rubbed),
gilt orn. spine on 4 raised bands (joints starting to split), [16]-212-[3-1 bl.]-[16]-213-[1] pp. (some
occ. spotting, clear waterstains in the upper corners of the first part, lacking pls 33, 43 and 47 in the
2nd part). Good copy.
First ed.
of these two works on the passion of Christ and the virgin Mary by J. David (1546-1613).
With 99 pl. (51, 48) engr. emblems of which the 1st of the 2nd part signed by Galle. All pl. with
captions in Latin, Dutch and French. Ex-libris “Fr. Leonis vlaming 1803”.
BCNI nr. 5239. BB
II, 81-83. DBS II 1847 nr. 10.
We join
Sailly, Th.
- Thesaurus precum et exercitiorum spiritualium, in usum presertim sodalitatis
partheniae. Antwerp, Plantin Press of Jan Moretus, 1609, 8vo, cont. calf (corners sl. rubbed), spine
on 4 raised bands (joints splitting, head and tail defect.), [32] (with the engr. title)-551-[8] pp. Engr.
title, frontisp. and 26 full-p. pl.
. DBS VII c. 405 nr.7. BCNI 5503. cp. STCV. (2 vol.)
1287 [Emblems]
HUGO, Herman, S.J.
- Goddelycke wenschen verlicht met sinne-beelden, ghedichten
en vierighe uyt-spraecken der ovd-vaeders. Antwerp, Aertssens, 1629, 8vo, cont. calf (corners sl.
bumped), flat spine (head and tail sl. rubbed), [12]-604-[5] pp. (some browning and waterstaining,
small strip of paper lacking from first bl. p.). Good copy.
Rare orig. ed.
of the Dutch translation of “Pia desideria” by the Jesuit H. Hugo (1588-1629).
Nicely illustrated with
48 woodcuts
: title, 1 coat-of-arms and 46 full-page emblems (mostly by
Christoffel van Sichem
after Boëtius à Bolswert). Each emblem with a Latin Bible quotation. Cont.
ownership entry on verso front cover.
DBS IV 518 nr. 6. BCNI 8001. Landwehr 357.
We join
van de H. Barbara, J.
- Het geestelyck kaert-spel met herten troef, oft het spel der liefde.
Verçiert ende vermeerdert met veel schoone copere platen. Antw., J. Van Gaesbeeck, s.d. [c. 1730],
8vo, half calf (corners rubbed), flat gilt orn. spine (head sl. defect.), [8]-520-[8] pp. (lacking engr.
title, some occ. spotting). Later ed. of this curious love emblem book. With 14 engr. pl. by F. Bouttats.
cp. STCV. (2vol.)
1288 [Emblems]
- Voncken der liefde Jesu, van het Godtbegerende zielenvier.
Bloemitjes der salige hoope, tot verheugelykheid der wandelaars, langs den weg, na vreden ryk (...).
Amsterdam, P. Arentsz, 1687, 8vo, old half calf (corners sl. rubbed), richly gilt spine on 5 raised
bands with gilt leather labels, [16]-224-[8] pp. (lacking frontisp.; occ. soiling, a few sm. stains).
Very good copy.
1st ed.
of one of the major Dutch emblem books by the talented artist Jan Luyken (1649-1712).
Ill. with
50 very nice numb. half-page engr. emblems
. Mod. bookpl. Henry Edouard Weber.
Landwehr 485. Hannema/Klaversma (Luyken te boek) 1024-25. Emblem books Leiden 336. Praz
406. Not in BL, BnF.
1289 [Emblems]
POIRTERS, Adrianus, S.J.
- 4 Dutch religious emblem books by the Jesuit A.
Poirters (1605-1674).
1. Het masker van de wereldt afgetrocken
[12th ed.]. Antw.p, for J. Stichter (Amsterdam), 1688,
12mo, [18]-370-[8] pp., engr. title (mounted),
16 emblems
by F. Bouttats, 10 text ills.
653. DBS VI c. 929 nr. 3. Daly/Dimler (Jesuit emblem) J.1173.
2. Idem
[13th ed.]. Antw., J.F. van
Soest, [1738-1749], 8vo, 375-[9] pp. Engr. title,
15 emblems
, 10 text ills.
Daly/Dimler J.1177.
DBS. Not in Landwehr.
3. Idem
[13th ed.]. Antwerp, J. van Soest, [1741?], 8vo, 372 pp. (lacking
final 6 ff. with “Liedekens”). Engr. title,
15 emblems
, 10 text ills.
Landwehr 655. Daly/Dimler
J.1176. DBS.
4. Het heyligh herte ver-eert
aen alle godt-vrughtighe herten voor eenen nieu-iaer,
verciert met beelden en poësie. Antw., C. Woons, 1659, 8vo [14]-192-[16] pp. (lacking engr. title,
printed title cut out and mounted).
15 emblems
after A. Wierix.
Landwehr 674. DBS VI c. 931
nr. 10. Daly/Dimler J.1154.
: [
Spanoghe, C.M.
] - De zes-en-tagentig wonderbaere gezigten ofte Rampspoedige
voorzeggingen van den verligten Jonas der agthiende eeuw over het trotserende Nederlands Ninive
(...). Tweede deel. “Gedrukt buyten Enchuyzen”, 8vo, 216 pp.
60 emblems by G. Bouttats
. Only ed.,
compl. in itself.
Landwehr 907. (5 vol.)
1...,321,322,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330 332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,...432
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