1295 [English Church]
[ANDREWES, Lancelot]
- Een sermoon, ghepredickt in de teghenwoordicheyt
van zijne Conincklijcke Maijesteyt van Groot Britannien/ in zijn Hoff tot Hampton, aengaende
t’recht ende de macht om vergaderingen by een te roepen, ende dat met naeme, Kerckelijcke, als
Synoden, [trsl. from the English]. Leiden, 1610, 4to, old boards (last quire loose), [8]-28 pp. (upper
half dampstained, bottom edge last ff. strengthened). Good copy.
Dutch trsl. of “A sermon preached before the kings maiestie” (STC 615) by the Bishop of Winchester,
La(u)ncelot Andrewes (1555-1626). Woodcut ornament on title.
Van Dorsten (Basson) 164.
Knuttel 1789. STCN (i.a. BL).
Seker vraghen ende antwoorden
: belanghende de leere vande Predestinatie (...) Inhoudende
het gevoelen vande Gereformeerde Kercken van Groot Britanien [trsl. from the English]. Dordrecht,
J. Waters, 1611, 4to, old wr., [4] ff. (cut short shaving bottom of ff. 1-2). Woodcut arms on title. Title
printed within border of type ornaments. In gothic type.
Knuttel 1902. STCN (i.a. BL). -
- De conincklicke wech tot den hemel [trsl. from the English H. Hexham]. Ibidem, 1611,
4to, old wr., 87-[1] pp. (lacking initial quire A1-4). Trsl. by H. Hexham (1580-1658) of “The high-
way to heaven” (1609) of Th. Tuke (d. 1657).
Knuttel 1901. STCN (i.a. BL). (3 vol.).
- Adagiorum epitome. Ex novissima Chiliadum recognitione excerpta (…) Cum indice
rerum ac verborum. Wittenberg, Z. Schürer, 1616, 8vo, overl. vellum (consisting of a leaf from
a 15th-c. Gospel ms. with text of Luke 1, 7-15), [10]-658)[76] pp. (paper age-toned, some paper
flaws). Good copy.
Rare Wittenberg ed. of the Epitome of Erasmus’ Adages by the German humanist Eberhard Tappe
(d. 1542). Woodcut mark on title.
VD-17 547:697674P. B.B. II:344-345 E-184. Erasmus Online
174. Not in BnF, Paisey (BL).
1297 [Esoterics - astrology]
[GADROYS, Claude]
- Discours sur les influences des astres, selon les
principes de M. Descartes. Paris, J.-B. Coignard, 1671, 12mo, cont. sp. sheep, richly gilt spine on 4
raised bands, red sp. edges, [20]-218-[2] pp. Very good copy.
Rationalist essay on astrological beliefs, i.a. on the correlation between season and diseases, on
talismans, on horoscopes. Ill. with 4 sm. engr. in text. Collector’s ticket Champvieux.
4289. Wellcome III:79. Goldsmith (BL) G-11. Not in Krivatsy.
1298 [Esoterics - Christian kabbalah]
- Curiositez inouyes, sur la sculpture
talismanique des Persans. Horoscope des patriarches. Et lecture des estoilles. Paris?, s.n., 1637, 8vo,
cont. limp vellum (some sm. defects, book block somewhat loose), [16]-315 pp. (faint waterstaining
throughout, ownership entries on title removed, leaving two holes). Good copy.
Third ed. (1st 1629) of the “Unheard of Curiosities” by J. Gaffarel (1601-1681), Christian kabbalist
who defended the kabbalah against attacks by Mersenne and others. The work is divided into 4
parts. Part 1 defends orientals, esp. Hebrews, from Christian charges, stating that many Jewish
ideas are not alien to Christianity. Part 2 deals with Persian talismanic sculpture. In part 3 Gaffarel
defends ancient Hebrew, Egyptians and Arabic astrology against the condemning views of Scaliger,
and describes how the ancient Hebrews drew horoscopes. Part 4 presents Gaffarel’s theory that
the stars, according the Hebrews, have been arranged in the form of letters, and by knowing how
to “read” the heavens, one can foretell anything that will take place in this world. This part is
accompanied by
2 fold. woodcut celestial maps
on which stars have been depicted in the form of
Hebrew letters. Ownership entries and annotations on inside covers and title.
Bibl. Esot. 1810.
Brunet II-1433. Cp. Caillet 4293.
1299 [Esoterics]
CAUSSIN, Nicolas, S.J.
- De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia, in qua symbola,
parabolae, historiae selectae, quae ad omnem emblematu, aenigmatu, hieroglyphicorum cognitione
via praestat. Köln, Joannes Kinckius, 1631, 8vo, sewn, paper wr. (defects at spine), 8-150-[6] pp.
(some browning, sm. strip of underside title cut out).
1...,323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332 334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,...432
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