~ Unrecorded Kortrijk imprint ~
1332 [Kortrijk imprint]
Devote meditatie op de
Passie onses Heeren
/ ende van plaetse tot plaetse
de mate gestelt/ daer onsen lieven Heere voor
ons gheleden heeft/ met schoone ghebeden daer
op dienende. Kortrijk, J. van Ghemmert, 1631,
16mo, mod. boards, [13 (of?)] ff. (bottom margin
of ff. 2, 7 [partly] and 9 cut off with loss of text
and underlaid, some margins strengthened).
Acceptable copy.
Cfr. ill.
Unique copy
(?) of an unrecorded Kortrijk ed.
of a popular devotional compilation. Woodcut
‘Arma Christi’ on title, and 3 woodcuts in text.
Gothic type.
Bound with
: fragments (upper
half of 2 ff., with 2 woodcuts) of “De Doorne
Croone onses liefs Heeren Iesu-Christi” usually
accompanying the “Devote meditatie”.
None in STCV, BCNI, Opac KBR, Anet etc.
1333 [LABROSSE, Joseph]
- Gazophylacium linguae Persarum, triplici linguarum clavi italicae,
latinae, gallicae, nec non specialibus praeceptis ejusdem linguae reseratum. Amsterdam, Jansonius-
Waesbergius, 1684, folio, cont. calf (corners bumped and rubbed, lacking part of leather), gilt orn.
spine on 6 raised bands (joints completely split, defect. at head and tail), [18]-18-473-[1]-index-[19]
pp. (lacking front., some spotting and browning, title repaired).
First ed.
of the first proper Persian dictionary. Dictionary entries are in Italian and followed by
translations into Latin, French and Persian along with rules of grammar, for use with Persian
dealings. Labrosse (c. 1636-1697), one of the earliest of missionaries to the region, travelled to the
East in 1664, spending a decade in Persia and Arabia. He composed this work during his stay in the
Levant from 1664 to 1679. Title in red and black. Ownership entry on title.
STCN. Bn-Opale
1334 [Law -Antwerp imprint]
- Consultationes seu resolutiones et advisamenta
diurna. Ad quaestiones a consultoribus, & litigantibus propositas (…). Dat is dagelyckxse
consultatien, resolutien, ende advisen op diversche qestien (…). Antwerp, P. Bellerus, 1671, folio,
cont. calf (rubbed, corners bumped), richly gilt spine on 5 raised bands (def. at head & tail), 2 parts:
[20]-606-[28], [2]-120-[3-1 bl.] pp. (some browning). Good copy.
Only edition
, publ. posthumously, of a commentary on daily legal practice by A. Anselmo (1589-
1668), for the larger part in Dutch. Large woodcut mark by C. Jegher on titles. Title in red & black.
Text in 2 cols. Bookpl. i.a. Philippe van Heurck.
Dekkers p. 5: 6. STCV. Matagne (Namur)
1335 [Law - Antwerp]
Rechten ende costumen van Antwerpen.
[16]-284 pp. [bound with]
Blyde Incomste den Hertochdomme van Brabant
(...). 24 pp. [and]
Ordonnantie ende eeuwich
vande Ertz-hertoghen onse Souvereyne Princen (...). [2]-pp. 19/32 [and]
Interpretatie ende
van seeckere twijfelachticheden ende swaricheden (...). 15-[1 bl.] pp. (some marg.
dampstaining). Cologne [= Netherlands], s.n., 1660, 4 works in 1 vol., 4to, cont. gilt ruled polished
calf (corners sl. bumped), gilt orn. spine (upper joints sl. splitting), gilt red leather title label. Good
1...,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341 343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,...432
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