1347 [Law]
MORNAC, Antoine
- Observationes in quatuor priores libros Codicis, ad usum fori Gallici
[corr. ed.] François Pinson. Paris, A. de Sommaville, 1654, folio, mod. half calf (rubbed), gilt titled
spine on 6 raised bands, red sp. edges, [8]-604-[28] pp. (paper age-toned, sm. hole in Ddd8 with loss
of a few letters). Good copy.
Extensive commentary on Roman law by the lawyers A. Mornac (1554-1619) and Fr. Pinson
(1612-1691). Woodcut royal arms on title. Libr. bookpl. Law Library, Los Angeles Co. Calif.
Goldsmith (BL) M-1487. Not in BnF.
1348 [Leiden imprint]
TACITUS, Publius Cornelius
- Agricola, et in eum Marci Zuerii Boxhornii
Commentarius. Leiden, 1642, [4]-258-[2] pp. [bound with]
BOXHORNIUS, Marcus Zuerius
Apologia adversus Dialogistam pro Commentario ad Agricolam Taciti. Ibid., 1642, 24 pp., 2 works
in 1 vol. 12mo, 19th-c. marbled boards (rubbed), gilt flat spine, sp. edges (some spotting, 1st title
mounted). Good copy.
Very rare ed. and commentary of Tacitus’ Agricola by the Leiden historian Boxhorn (1612-1653).
With the rare defense against his critics. Woodcut mark on titles.
STCN (1). BnF. Not in BL.
- Caius Suetonius Tranquillus cum annotationibus diuersorum. Amsterdam
(= Paris), Wid. Cl. Thiboust & P. Esclassan, 1671, 24mo, cont. sheep (rubbed), gilt spine on 4
raised bands, gilt sides, sp. edges, 369-[15] pp. (a few sm. stains). Fake Amst. ed. A Paris piracy
of the 1671 Amst. Elzevier ed. Engr. title. Old names on front flyleaf.
Cp. Willems 1461 (same
collation and pagination). BnF (1). Not in STCN, Goldsmith (BL), Schweiger. (2 vol.)
1349 [Lexicography]
CALEPINO, Ambrogio
- Dictionarium (...) tot recens factis accessionibus ita
locupletatum, ut jam Thesaurum linguae Latinae quilibet polliceri sibi audeat. Adjectae sunt Latinis
dictionibus Hebraeae, Graecae, Gallicae, Italicae, Germanicae, Hispanicae, atque Anglicae (...) [rev.
ed.] Laurent Chifflet S.J. [corr.] Joannes-Ludovicus de la Cerda S.J. Lyon, J. & J. Anisson & J.
Posuel, 1681, 2 vol., folio, cont. blindstamped vellum, spines on 7 raised bands (joints split but
firm), [8]-1004, 862-[2] pp. (some marg. staining or spotting). Good copy.
One of the most extensive editions of this monument of Latin lexicography, with trsls into 7
languages, here edited by the “Belgian” Jesuit Chifflet (1617-1658) and his Spanish colleague J.-
L. de la Cerda (1560-1643). Titles in red & black with large woodcut mark. Printed in 2 cols.
Merland, Anisson 48. Labarre (Calepino) 196 (ext. descr.). DBS II c. 990 nr. 7 & 1139 nr. 21.
1350 [Liège imprint - Cortenbosch]
LAMBERT, Robert, O.P.
- Diva virgo de Cortenbosch, eus
miracula (…). Liège, J.M. Hovius, 1656, 12mo, cont. calf, spine on 4 raised bands (sl. rubbed),
[24]-391-[6-1 bl.] pp. (some staining).
Early devotional work on Our Lady of Cortenbosch by Lambert (1617-1666), prior of the monastery
of Averbode.
Engr. ills:
1 on title and 1 full-page pl. by
L. Neeffs.
Ownership entries F.S. Blijckaerts
and F.H. Van De Can. (Rel. Averb.). Libr. st.
de Theux 213. BCNI 11247.
1351 [Louvain imprint]
- Contra secundam Iuliani responsionem, operis imperfecti,
libri duo priores, quos anno 1617. ex vetustissimo manuscripto codice Parisijs primum editos (...)
restituere conatus est F. Michael Paludanus. Louvain, C. Coenesteyn, 1642, 4to, cont. blindstamped
sheep (rubbed, sm. def.), spine on 4 raised bands, [8]-464 pp. Good copy.
Rare Louvain publication (also issued by J. Zegers, with variation in prelims) of a recently
discovered Augustinian treatise, edited by the Louvain Augustinian theologian Paludanus (1593-
1652) in the wake of the hype caused by Jansenius’ “Augustinus” (1640). Woodcut mark on title.
Old name on title “Motmans”.
Willaert 2183. STCV (2). BnF. Not in BL.
1...,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344 346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355,...432
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