1394 [Stralsund imprint]
Form zu Beichten/ vnd Christliche Fragstücke/
für dieselbigen/ so zum
Abendmahl des Herrn gehen wollen. Wie sie zum Stralsund in Pommern in den Kirchen den Kindern
vnd Gefinde von der Cantzel vorgelesen werden. Stralsund, M. Meder, 1640, 8vo, mod. wr., [8] ff.
(paper flaws, some staining, hole in A3 touching some letters). Good copy on coarse paper.
Extr. rare complete copy of the regulation for confession and eucharist in Stralsund (Pomerania).
Title within border of type ornaments. Gothic type.
VD-17 23:642370D (2, both inc.). Not in
BnF, Paisey (NL).
5 other Stralsund imprints
1. Threnodiae in obitum
(...) Philippi Friedliebii
(...) in Ecclesia Jacobaea (...) pastoris (...). Stralsund, M. Meder, 1660, 4to, [6] ff. Latin and German
2. Ultimum vale exsequiis
(...) Adami Fabricii, theologi (...). Ibidem, 1682, 4to, [4] ff.
Latin and German verses.
3. Viro juveni
(...) Hartwig Fabricio (...) subrectori Scholae Stettinensis
(...) [and]
Rottmann, Z. -
Beatis manibus (...) Hardovici Fabricii (...) [and]
Letzter Ehren-Dienst
(...) Hardwig Fabricio. Ibidem, 1692, 4to, 3 parts of a larger work (?).
Pylius, C.
- Iubilaeum
Sundense, solutae feliciter, ante centum annos. Obsidionis Wallensteinianae, animi orisque pietate,
in Gymnasio Sundensi, d. XXVI., Julii Anno M DCC XXVIII, actu oratorio celebrare (…). Stralsund,
G.C. Schindler, 1728, 48 pp.
5. Orthus, Z.
- Lobgedicht auf Stralsund. Einleitung, lateinische
Urschrift, Uebersetzung, Anmerkungen und Anhang von Ernst Heinrich Zober. Stralsund, C. Löffler,
1831, x-152 pp.
1-3: not in VD-17 (3c not identical with 7:685010Z!). (6 pcs)
1395 [Sweden - Poland]
- Animorum in Europa, et vicina Asia motus. De
Suecici belli motu in Polonia. Upsaliae recusi & aucti. [Frankfurt/Main, W. Serlin], 1656, 4to, cont.
vellumcovered boards, flat spine, cloth ties, 77-[3] pp. Very good interleaved copy.
Rare Latin verses, in the style of inscriptions, by the Alsatian diplomat Frischmann (1612-1680),
variously in Swedish, German and French service. In 1658 Mazarin appointed him French resident
in Strasburg. Three Neolatin poems on Carolus Gustavus of Sweden and on Poland in cont. ms. on
f. between A1-2.
VD-17 23:625868S. Paisey (BL) F-1162. Warmholtz 4581.
1396 [Theatre]
BREDERO, Gerbrand Adriaensz.
- Alle de wercken soo spelen, gedichten, brieven,
kluchten en liederen [corr. ed.]. Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1678, 8vo, cont. vellum (title and last part
loose), flat spine, [16]-732 (= 728), [2]-62 pp. (marg. dampstaining almost throughout).
Last complete 17th-c. ed. of the popular plays and poems of Bredero (1585-1618).
Engr. portraits
on *8v and part title. General title printed in red & black. Bookseller’s ticket.
Unger I. E. STCN
(i.a. BL). Not in BnF.
1397 [Theatre]
- Claudius Domitius Nero Tragoedie. Antwerp, G. van
Tongheren, 1618, 4to, later half calf, flat spine, [12]-55-[1] pp. (paper age-toned). Good copy.
Only ed.
of an early Dutch tragedy in verses on Emperor Nero by Willem van Nieuwelandt (1584-
1635), a member of the Antwerp Chamber of Rhetorics “De Olijftak”. Engr. on title.
IV:475 N-4. STCV (3). Simoni (BL) N-297.
1398 [Trade - Antwerp]
Nievwe liiste van t’recht vande licenten,
datmen voortaen betalen sal voor
alle toeghelaten ende ghepermitteerde waeren, ende coopmanschappen, varende ende komende
naer de landen gehouden by den Vijant ende Rebellen (...) lanckx de riviere van Antwerpen, Sas van
Gendt, ende de riviere komende van de stadt Sluys naer de stadt van Brugghe. Antwerp, Verdussen,
1629, 4to, sewn, as issued, [20] ff. (partly unopened, old vertical fold). Good uncut copy.
Rare decree on trade in the Scheldt region, issued April 1629. Woodcut arms on title.
Not in
STCV, Anet.
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