1416 [Antwerp imprint]
Three rare Antwerp editions
on Vilvoorde, Willebroek andAntwerp. In very
good condition.
1. Kort begryp der historie van (...) O.L. Vrouwe van Troost
(...) tot Vilvoorden in de Kerke der
Carmeliterssen. Antwerp, J.E. Parys, [1780-1806], cont. wr., 77-[1] pp.
STCV (1). -
van (...) Joannes Benedictus de Clerck
, pastor van Willebroeck (...) overleeden den 4 July 1804.
Antwerp, C. Parys, (1804), cont. goldtooled green calf, flat spine, 200-[2] pp.
Devolder L-343. -
3. Guide des étrangers dans la ville d’Anvers
ou Description succincte de tous les principaux objets
d’art en peinture, sculpture, architecture etc. Antwerp, Ph. Ville, 1821, cont. decorative wr.,102-
[14] pp.
Devolder G-613.
1417 [Antwerp]
Antwerpsch chronykje, in het welk zeer veele en elders te vergeefsch gezogte
geschiedenissen, sedert de jare 1500. tot het jaar 1574.
(…) byzonderlyk op het stuk der geloofs-
hervorminge voorgevallen, omstandig zyn beschreeven. Leiden, P. Vander Eyk, 1743, 4to, mod.
vellumcovered boards, in slipcase, [12]-260 pp. (a few stains in last ff.). Exc. copy.
Account of the religious troubles in Antwerp at the start of the Dutch Revolt. Variously ascribed
to “Frater Gasper Verstockt” (1614-1683), to Gerard van Loon (1683-1758) and to “Franciscus
Godefridus Ullens”. Woodcut ornament on title.
Anet. STCN (i.a. BL).
1418 [Antwerp]
BOUVAERT, Godefridus, O.Cist.
- Almanach voor ‘t Jaer ons Heere J.C. 1777.
Verçiert met de beschrijving van den toren der Cathedrale Kerke van O.L.V. binnen Antwerpen. In
Nederduytschen Rym. Antwerp, P.J. Parys, [1776], old decorative wr. (margins and spine repaired
with paper strip), [28] ff. Good, partly interleaved copy.
Almanac containing also the verse description of the spire of the Antwerp Cathedral, by G. Bouvaert
(1685-1770), 1st publ. 1723. 1st parts within decorative border. Ownership entry on front flyleaf. A
few ms. texts in Latin and French in blank spaces.
Anet (1). Not in STCV.
1419 [Antwerp]
[ROUVEROY, J. de ]
- Chronyke van Antwerpen (...). Met alle het Gedenkweerdig
tot den Jaere 1775. Vercierd met 54. Copere Plaeten. Antwerp, J. de Roveroy, [1775 (approb.)],
folio, half calf (paper on covers worn, corners and sides bumped and rubbed), spine on 6 raised
bands (rubbed, joints splitting), 32-368 pp. (tear in half-title, little labels pasted on title).
Chronicle of Antwerp with on each page a printed border composed with volutes and crowns.
Illustrated with engr. of Bouttats, G. Donck and J. de Man
: vign. on title, armed headpiece on dedic.
leaf by L. Fruytiers, 33 devotional pictures within elaborated borders, a suite of 18 emblematical
vign. depicting the
victory on the Turks
and 2 engr. showing the outside of the cathedral and the fire
in the church of the Jesuits. Copy interleaved with +/- 100 blank ff. with the same printed border.
Some with ms. notes.
STCV (2). de le Court, p. 264, 209.
1420 [Architecture - Trier imprint]
- Traité d’architecture, ou Proportions des trois
ordres grecs, sur un module de douze parties. “Imprimerie Electorale”, sold at Nancy & Metz, N.
Gervais & Marchal, 1768, 4to, cont. quarter calf (rubbed), sp. paper on sides, gilt spine on 5 raised
bands, red sp. edges, [54]-186 pp. (minor soiling). Very good copy.
Rare textbook on architecture by the Metz architect Antoine. The author proposes (pp. 116-128)
a new plan for the center of Metz i.e. a large square surrounded by public buildings. Pt.1 is an
alphabetical dictionary of architectural terms; pt.2 is a systematic survey. 5 folding woodcut plates
+ numerous woodcut ills (incl. some 35 full-page).
Conlon 68:522. Not in Fowler. Berlin Cat.
1421 [Architecture]
- Del Teatro Olimpico di Andrea Palladio in Vicenza.
Discorso, [2nd enl. ed.]. Padua, Stamperia del Seminario, 1749, lge 8vo, cont. vellum (sl. soiled),
flat spine with gilt label, xij-[4]-153-[3] pp. (Pls. 3-4 loose). Good copy.
1...,350,351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359 361,362,363,364,365,366,367,368,369,370,...432
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