1399 [Trade - Bruges imprint ]
- Tafel van interest/ waer-inne
lichtelijck ghevonden konnen worden de interesten/ ofte verloopen van alderhande renten (…)
Seer nut ende gherieuigh voor alle cooplieden, rentiers, ende ontfanghers [2nd rev. ed.] Bruges, L.
vanden Kerchove, 1672, narrow 4to (agenda format), cont. limp overl. vellum (sl. loosening), [16]
ff. Very good copy.
Extr. rare Bruges ed. of tables of interest, for the use of local merchants and officials. Probably
printed in a limited number of copies, to be replaced by later editions. Woodcut ornament on title.
Not in STCV, Cabrio, Opac KBR.
1400 [Trent Council]
GILLOT, Jacques
- Instructions et lettres des rois tres-chrestiens, et de leurs
ambassadeurs, et autres actes concernant le Concile de Trente, pris sur les originaux [4th enl. ed.
by Pierre & Jacques Dupuy]. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1654, 4to, cont. gilt sp. calf (rubbed, joints
splitting, spine dam.), double gilt ruled border on covers, gilt spine on 5 raised bands, sp. edges,
[24]-609-15] pp. (some minor spotting, sm. hole in blank part of title).
4th ed. (1st 1608) of an extensive collection of documents illustrating the role of the French delegates
in the Trent Council, and its reception in Gallican France. Engr. mark on title. Ownership entry on
title erased.
BnF. Not in Goldsmith (BL).
1401 [Turks - Balkan]
’t Slaen der Turcken bij Budua door de Venetianen 1686.
Amsterdam, A.D.
Oossaan, 1686, large broadsheet, c. 59,5 x 39,5 cm (some soiling, tears underlaid). Good copy.
Very rare illustrated
newssheet on the Batlle of Budva
(Montenegro) between the Venetians and the
Turks in 1686. The upper half is an engraving, c. 22,5 x 39,5 cm by
Jan Luyken
(1649-1712). The
lower half consists of two columns with a text in French and in Dutch: “Copie d’une lettre escrite
au Doge de Venise, par Monsieur le Comte de St. Pol = Copy van een brief aen den Doge van
Venetien geschreven, door den Grave van St. Pol”.
Van Eeghen (Luyken) 807. Not in Muller
(Historieprenten), Knuttel.
1402 [Verdussen imprint]
Herderlycken brief van den H. Carolus Borromaeus
, vyt-ghegheven
in’t VI. Concilie van Milanen. Antwerp, H. Verdussen, [1691-1693], broadsheet, c. 48,5 x 38,5
cm (some spotting, tears underlaid with loss of some letters in central fold). At top mounted on
cardboard, under passe-partout. Good copy.
Rare Verdussen broadsheet on attending Mass. At the top an engraved portrait, c. 9 x 6,5 cm of
Borromeo (1538-1584) by
Van Lanckbelt
. Text printed in 2 cols.
1403 [VOC]
Ooghen-salve tot verlichtinghe, van alle Participanten, so vande Oost, ende West-
Indische Compaignien
, mitsgaders verscheyden notabele consideratien. The Hague, L. de Lange,
April 1644, 4to, mod. half leather, 35-[1] pp. (paper age-toned, title stained at top). Good copy.
Pamphlet on the situation of the Dutch East and West India Companies. Gothic type.
(VOC) 65. Knuttel 5123. Tiele 2942.
1404 [VOC]
Three pamphlets on the situation of the VOC in 1644.
4to, mod. half leather.
1. Twee deductien
, aen-gaende de Vereeninge van d’Oost ende West-Indische Compagnien. 21-[3]
pp. (cut short at top shaving pagination). Good copy. Arms on title. Gothic type.
(VOC) 57. Knuttel 5113. STCN (i.a. BL).
2. Aenwysinge:
datmen vande Oost en West-Indische
Compagnien, een Compangie [!] dient te maken. Mitsgaders Twintich consideratien op de trafyque,
zeevaert en commertie deser landen. [18] ff. (paper age-toned, title soiled). Good copy. Woodcut on
title. Gothic type.
Landwehr 58. Knuttel 5117.
3. Bedenckinge
over d’Antwoordt der Heeren
bewinthebbers vande Oost-Indische Compagnie. [4 (of 20)] ff. (prelims only). Woodcut arms on
Landwehr 61. Knuttel 5116.
1...,346,347,348,349,350,351,352,353,354,355 357,358,359,360,361,362,363,364,365,366,...432
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