1378 [Papacy - Sedan imprint]
- Nouveauté du papisme, opposee a l’antiquité
du vray Christianisme. Contre le livre de monsieur le Cardinal Du Perron, intitulé Replique a la
response du serenissime roy Jaques I. Roy de la Grand’Bretagne. Sedan, J. Jannon, 1627, folio,
cont. overl. vellum, flat spine, red edges, [68]-1083-[37] pp. (some worming in initial quires with
sm. loss of text). Good copy.
Original ed.
of a voluminous treatise on Church and State, defending the Protestant views on the
subject and on the status of the Papacy. P. Du Moulin (1568-1658) was a Huguenot minister and
professor at Sedan. Woodcut mark on title. Old name on title “Jehan Dibbets”.
Bibl. Molinaei LXXVI. Desgraves, Controverses 34943. Cioranescu 27283. Not in Goldsmith (BL).
1379 [Philology]
- De arte critica, & praecipue, de altera ejus parte emendatrice,
Quaenam ratio in Latinis scriptoribus ex ingenio emendandis observari debeat commentariolus.
Amsterdam, J. Pluymer, 1662, [24]-128-[8] pp. [bound with]
- Priapeia, sive diversorum
poetarum in Priapum lusus [ed.] Gaspar Scioppius. Padua (= Amsterdam), G. Nicolaus V., 1664,
[16]-175-[1] pp. [and]
- De paedia humanarum ac divinarum literarum. Amsterdam, J. Pluymer,
1666, 47-[1] pp. [and]
- In (...) Gerardi Joannis Vossii libro, De vitiis sermonisAnimadversiones.
Ibidem, 1666, 28-[4] pp. [and]
- Verisimilium libri quatuor, in quibus multa (...) loca, Symmachi
maxime, Cor. Nepotis, Propertii, Petronii (...) emendantur. Ibidem, 1662, [32]-168 pp., 5 works in 1
vol., 8vo, cont. vellum (soiled, sm. def.), flat spine with gilt label (paper age-toned). Good copy.
Collection of philological treatises and editions (i.a. the Roman erotic collection of Priapus poems)
of the German humanist Gaspar Scioppius (Kaspar Schoppe, 1576-1649), active in Italy. Engraved
or woodcut mark on titles.
Ref. 1-5
: STCN (i.a. BL).
: Schweiger 821.
- De la vie d’Apollonius Thyaneen en VIII. livres. De la traduction de B. de
Vigenere, Bourbonnois. Reveuë & exactement corrigée sur l’original grec par Fed. Morel, lecteur
& interprete du Roy (...). Paris, A. l’Angelier, 1611, 2 vol., sm. 4to, later half calf, marb. paper on
covers, gilt ruled spines (sm. def.), gilt red and green leather title labels, [48]-904, 759-[40-1 bl.] pp.
(some spotting, burning hole in p. 381).
French trsl. by de Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596) of Philostratus’ (170-245) biography on
Apollonius of Tyana, a philosophizing mystic of the 1st c. With plenty of mystical and orientalizing
tendencies to counter Christian propaganda.
Engr. ill.
on title depicting the portrait of Apollonius.
Title in red & black. Bookpl. Philippe van Heurck.
BnF. BL (2).
1381 [Plantin Press - Antwerp]
SCRIBANI, Carolus, S.J.
- Antverpia [and] OriginesAntverpiensium.
Antwerp, J. Moretus, 1610, 2 works in 1 vol., 4to, cont. calf (rubbed), covers with gilt central
ornament within single gilt border, spine on 4 raised bands (defect. and loose, joints split, lacking
part of leather at head), [8]-146-[1-1 bl.], 24, 172-[3-1 bl.] pp. (minor spotting).
1. First ed.
of a history of Antwerp by the Jesuit Carolus Scribani (1561-1629). Illustrated with an
engr. printer's mark on title and
7 folding engravings
: 3 maps & 4 views (Cathedral, Town Hall,
Hanseatic House, Exchange). Includes the 24 pp. with Greek and Hebrew poetry. Cont. ownership
entries, stamp on title erased.
DBS VII, c. 984, 6. Brouwers/Gilmont, Scribani S-435. Matagne
(Namur) S-158. STCV (3).
2. First ed.
Engr. printer's mark on title.
DBS VII, c. 984, 7.
Brouwers/Gilmont, Scribani S-436. Matagne (Namur) S-169. STCV (3).
1382 [Plantin Press - Brabant]
HARAEUS, Franciscus
- Annales ducum seu principum Brabantiae
totiusq. Belgii. Tomi tres (...) cum ducum seu principum imaginibus (...). Antwerp, Plantin Press
(B. Moretus, Widow J. Moretus & J. Meursius), 1623, 3 parts in 2 vol., folio, cont. calf (sl. rubbed,
corners repaired), richly gilt spines on 6 raised bands (upper joints sl. rubbed), red edges, [36]-707-
[115], [8]-678-[117] pp. (some spotting, last bl. lacking, 1st vol.: sm. hole in margin of p. 89, tear in
p. 145 rep.). Good copy.
Extensive history of Brabant (615-1623), with special attention to the recent period of the Dutch
Revolt by Haraeus (1550-1632), professor of rhetoric in Douai, later canon at Louvain.
Engr. ills
2 titles by C. Galle and L. Vorsterman after Rubens and
44 (43, 1) full-page portraits
of i.a. Dukes
of Brabant, Princes of Netherlands, and Albert & Isabella. At end woodcut printer’s marks. Bookpl.
i.a. Wittock.
STCV. Matagne (Namur) H-19. Judson-Van de Velde 51-52. BL (2).
1...,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351 353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,...432
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