1368 [Münster imprint]
BUSENBAUM, Hermannus, S.J.
- Medulla theologiae moralis, facili (...)
methodo resolvens casus conscientiae [10 th ed.]. Münster, D. Raesfeldt, 1661, 12mo, cont. vellum
(def.), spine titled in ink, metal clasps on pins, [66]-660 (= 960) pp. (paper age-toned).
Rare Münster ed. of a popular treatise by the Westphalian Jesuit Busenbaum (1600-1668), 1st publ.
Münster 1645. Cont. ownership entry on title.
VD-17 12:106885U. DBS II c. 446 nr. 3. Not in
Paisey (BL).
Junius, Hadrianus
- Nomenclatoris Hadriani Iunii compendiolum in usum studiosae
iuventutis. Münster, Wid. Raesfeldt, 1692, 8vo, mod. vellum, flat spine, [15 (of 20)] ff. (title reprint
on old paper, lacking A2-3, 6-8; paper age-toned, somewhat stained). An unrecorded (?) school ed.
of the most popular work by the Dutch humanist H. Junius (1511-1575). The present Münster ed.
has German trsls. added to the thematic Latin wordlists. Woodcut mark on title. Roman and gothic
Not in VD-17, Paisey. (2 vol.)
1369 [Nassau]
ORLERS, Jan Jansz
- Genealogia illustrissimorum Comitum Nassoviae. In qua origo,
incrementa, & res gestae ab ijs, ab anno 682 ad (…) 1616. Cum effigiebus XVI praecipuorum (…)
heroum. Leiden, (G.A. van der Marsse for) J. Orlers, 1616, folio, old sheep (worn, flyleaves gone),
spine on 6 raised bands, red sp. edges, [8]-98-[2] pp. (paper age-toned, some soiling, tear in top
margin of title and other ff., worming in blank inner margin of 1st ff., top corner of G2 torn off and
Latin ed. of a genealogy of the House of Nassau by the Leiden publisher Orlers (1570-1646), also
publ. in French (1615) and Dutch (1616). It deals with the Nassau dynasty in Hessen, Saarbrücken
and the Low Countries. Large woodcut mark on title. Folding engr. map of Nassau, 8 folding
genealogical trees (hand coloured) and 16 half-page engr. portraits. Printed within ruled borders.
Haitsma Mulier/VdLem (Repert.) 362c. Lipperheide Gb15. STCN (i.a. BL).
1370 [Neolatin literature]
[BARCLAY, John?]
- Virtus vindicata, sive Polieni Rhodiensis Satyra. In
depravatos orbis incolas. [S.l., s.n.], 1617, 12mo, cont. overl. vellum, flat spine, bottom edge titled,
[16]-269-[1] pp. (incl. blank *8; paper age-toned, some minor worming in blank margin, a few
paper flaws). Good copy.
Very rare Neolatin satire on cont. attitudes and habits, dedicated to Louis XIII of France and
variously ascribed to the Neolatin satirists John Barclay (1582-1621) and Nicolas Rigault (1577-
1654). Ornament on title.
VD-17 14:645226Z (2: Dresden). De Smet, Menippean satire, p. 66.
BL (1). Arbour 20744. BnF (2).
1371 [Neolatin literature]
- L’Argenis de Iean Barclay. De la traduction nouuelle
de M.G. Paris, Cl. Griset, 1633, 8vo, old vellumcovered boards, spine titled in ink, [10]-797-[1] pp.
Good copy.
Rare French trsl. of the famous political novel on the dangers of courtly life, written by the Scottish
neolatinist in France Barclay (1582-1621). The trsl. was made by M[arcassus] G[rimontois], i.e.
the classical scholar Pierre de Marcassus (1584-1664). Engr. title. Old bibliographical notes.
Arbour 14795. Goldsmith 5BL) B-234. BnF.
1372 [Neolatin literature]
STEFONIO, Bernardino, S.J.
- Crispus. Tragoedia. Lyon, J. Pillehote,
1609, 16mo, old sheep (dam.), 191-[1] pp. (stained, wormtrack in blank inner margin).
Rare ed.
of this Neolatin play by the Italian Jesuit Stefonio (1560-1620). “Avec son Crispus, le
jésuite B. Stefonio met sur la scène, à Rome, en 1597, un épisode problématique d’histoire romaine:
l’exécution capitale de Crispe et de sa belle-mère Fausta, decrétée par l’empereur Constantin”
(Torino & Questa 2003). Mark on title. Libr. ticket.
Merland (Pillehotte) 126. Arbour 5559.
DBS VII c. 1528 nr. 2.
Pontanus, Jacobus, S.J.
- Poeticarum institutionum libri tres. Iuxta secundam editionem
Ingolstadij. Lyon, P. Rigaud, 1612, 16mo, contemp. overl. vellum (stained), [12]-289-[3] pp.
(somewhat browning). Good copy. Influential manual of poetics by the German Pontanus
1...,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349 351,352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,...432
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