1383 [Plantin Press - Church history]
BOUCHIER, Gilles, S.J.
- In Victorii Aqvitani canonem
Paschalem scriptum anno Christi vulgari CCCCLVII. (...) commentarivs. Antwerp, Plantin Press
(B. Moretus), 1633, 4to, cont. blindstamped calf over wood (sm. defects), spine on 5 raised bands
(upper joint cracked, def. at head and tail, clasps & catches gone), xxxii-500-[2-2 bl.] pp. (title
somewhat soiled). Good copy.
First ed.
of this work on church history by G. Bouchier (1576-1598), French Jesuit and chronological
scholar. His study on the computation of the date of Easter (the cycle of Victorius of Aquitaine) is
seen as an important chronological document. Engr. vign. on title. Some woodcuts and tables (to
calculate the date of Easter) in texto. Title in red & black. Ownership entry on title.
DBS I c.
1867 nr. 2 (only mentions editions of 1636 and 1664, with different titles). STCV. BnF.
1384 [Plantin Press - emblems]
[BOLLAND, Jean, S.J. e.a.]
- Imago primi saeculi societatis Jesu
a provincia Flandro-Belgica eiusdem societatis repraesentata (…). Antwerp, Plantin Press (B.
Moretus), 1640, folio, cont. vellum (corners bumped), spine on 5 raised bands (upper part repaired,
joints sl. splitting), [8]-952-[22-2 bl.] pp. (somewhat spotting and browning, upper margins sl.
dampstaining, sm. part of blank lower corner of p. 191 torn off).
Cfr. ill.
1st and only ed.
by J. Bolland, Jan de Tollenaer and others. Each book is followed by “Exercitatio
poetica” (Latin verse, some Greek, Hebrew) by Sidronius de Hossche, Jacob van de Walle and
Engr. ills
: title by C. Galle after Ph. Fruytiers, 1 large ill. on *4 and
125 emblems
borders of varying designs. Mark at end. 17th-c. ownership entry on title: “coll. Germ. et Hung.
Bibl. insompt 20. Jan 1671”. One of the most beautiful emblem books printed in the Low Countries.
DBS I 1625, n. 5. Landwehr 378-379. STCV. BCNI 9332.
1385 [Plantin Press - Netherlands]
- Liber de antiquitate Reipublicae Batavicae.
Leiden, Plantin Press (Raphelengii), 1610, 4to, mod. wr., [12]-LX pp. Nice wide-margined copy.
1st ed.
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), advocate-fiscal of the province of Holland, in 1610 wrote an
official version of historical events leading to the foundation of the Dutch Republic as recognised
by the States-General, in which he attempted to establish the continuity between the Batavians, as
described by Tacitus, and the rebellious Dutch Republic warring with Spain. His main argument
was that the Dutch had been a free people from ancient times onwards: free to elect their sovereign,
and free to remove this same sovereign if he did not act in the best interest of the people. Woodcut
mark on title.
B.B. III 337-338 G-341. Ter Meulen/Diermanse 691. Knuttel 1734. Simoni (BL)
1386 [Plantin Press]
BEYERLINCK, Laurentius
- Seminarij Antuerpiensis parentalia in funere (...)
Ioannis Miraei Antverpiensium Episcopi (...) VII. Kal. April. M.DC.XI. Antwerp, Plantin Press
(Widow & Sons of J. Moretus), 1611, 36-[2] pp. [bound with]
DELRIO, Joannes
- Oratio in funere
(...) Ioannis Miraei (...) habita XVI. Ianuarij M.DC.XI. Ibidem, 1611, 20-[2] [and]
LAURENS, Joannes
- Oratio funebris in obitum (...) Ioannis Miraei (...) habita Duaci in Consessu
Academico, XIII. Kal. Martij. An. M.DC.XI. in Aula Collegij Regij. Douai, P. Auroy, 1611, 26-[2]
ff., 3 works in 1 vol., 8vo, 18th-c. polished calf (sm. def.), richly gilt spine on 5 raised bands with
green label, marbled endpapers, silk marker. Nice copy.
3 funeral orations for the Antwerp bishop J. Miraeus (1560-1611), 2 held at Antwerp, 1 at Douai.
Engr. arms on title. Woodcut mark at the end. Ownership entries of “G.J. de Servais” and
“J.Fr. vande Velde” (partly erased).
Ref. 1.
STCV (5). Simoni (BL) B-113. VdWulp, Meulman 1239.
STCV (5). Simoni D-41. VdWulp 1237.
Labarre 508. Not in Simoni.
1387 [Plantin Press]
- De Vesta et Vestalibus syntagma [rev. enl. ed.]. Antwerp,
Plantin Press (J. Moretus), 1609, 4to, mod. wr., [8]-58-[6] pp. Very good copy.
Rev. ed. incorporating Lipsius’ personal notes on the 1st ed. of 1603, of one of his model studies of
classical subjects, viz. the cult of Vesta, Roman goddess of the family, and the life of her priestesses,
1...,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,351,352 354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363,...432
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