“Recueil fort rare et parfaitement gravé” (Saffroy). Il s’agit d’un des 1ers ouvrages héraldiques à
utiliser systématiquement le système des hachures pour l’expression des métaux et des émaux, qui
ne fut mis au point que dans les années 1630.
Saffroy I, 2985. Guigard, 3249.
1322 [Ingolstadt imprint]
FONSECA, Christophorus, O.E.S.A.
- Amphitheatrum amorum [trsl.
from the Spanish Cornelius Curtius O.E.S.A.]. Ingolstadt, W. Eder, 1623, 8vo, cont. overl. vellum,
flat spine, [16]-747-[29] pp. (erasure holes in blank part of title underlaid, bottom edge of final
quires inkstained, minor dampstaining). Good copy.
only ed.
of the Latin trsl. by the Brussels Augustinian Curtius (1590-1638) of Cristobal
Fonseca’s “Tratado del amor de Dios” (Salamanca 1592). Title within engr. border. Text printed
within ruled borders. Old name on flyleaves “Cuyermans”.
VD-17 1:075305F. Palau 93172.
Not in BnF, Paisey (BL).
1323 [Inquisition - Tournon imprint]
SOUSA de MACEDO, Antonio de, O.P.
- Aphorismi
inquisitorum in quatuor libros distributi, cum vera historia de origine Sanctae Inquisitionis
Lusitanae, & quaestione de testibus singularibus in causis fidei. Tournon, L. Durand, 1633, 8vo, old
blindruled calf (rubbed, spine broken), red edges, [8]-606-[16] pp. (lacking final blank; book block
broken in 2). Good copy.
Very rare Tournon (Ardèche) ed. of a treatise on the Portuguese Inquisition (1st Lisbon 1630) by the
Dominican Sousa (1580-1632), ambassador in Spain. Woodcut mark on title. Title in red & black.
Unidentified gilt arms on covers.
VdVekene 158. Chomarat (Tournon) 136. Palau 320753.
Goldsmith (BL) S-867.
1324 [Inquisition]
CARENA, Caesar
- Tractatus de officio Sanctissimae Inquisitionis, et modo
procedendi in causis fidei (...). Opus hoc omnibus Episcopis, Inquisitoribus (...) perutile (...). Hac
novissima Editione addita fuit Praxis Inquisitorum Francisci Pegnae. Lyon, L. Anisson, 1669, folio,
cont. sheep (rubbed), gilt spine on 6 raised bands (joints splitting), marbled endpapers, [28]-501-
[67] pp. (paper age-toned and spotted). Good copy.
Lyon ed. of the often reprinted Inquisitors’ manual of Cesare Carena (fl. 1631-1669), 1st publ.
Cremona 1636. Woodcut mark on title. Title in red & black. Printed in 2 cols.
(Inquisition) 240. Merland (Anisson) 194. Not in Goldsmith (BL).
~ Handbook of the Inquisition ~
1325 [Inquisition]
DEL BENE, Thomas
- De officio S. Inquisitionis circa haeresim, cum bullis (...).
Pars prior (- posterior) [2nd ed.]. Lyon, Arnaud & Borde, 1680, 2 vol., folio, cont. limp vellum (I
somewhat loosening, sm. def. at edges), flat spines titled in ink and with gilt labels, endpapers of I
made of printed waste paper, [16]-634-[78], [8]-662 (= 710)-[44] pp. (some spotting). Good copy.
2nd ed. (1st Lyon 1666) of an extensive handbook of the Inquisition, describing in great detail the
procedures to be followed in dealing with heresies. Large woodcut mark on titles. Titles in red &
black. Text in 2 cols. Old ownership entry. Libr. stamps i.a. Libreria de la Victoria de Madrid.
Merland, Arnaud 335. VdVekene, Inquisition 259. Goldsmith (BL) D-299. Not in BnF.
1326 [Italy]
La rédvction de la ville d’Albinga
, et de plusieurs villes et chasteaux de l’Italie: A
l’obeyssance du serenissime prince de Piedmont: Depuis le 13. may 1625. jusques à present. Soubs
la conduitte des armes de France et de Savoye. Paris, impr. de Cl. Hulpeau et N. Alexandre, 1625,
petit in-8, bradel carton bleu postérieur, étiq. de cuir rouge titrée or en long, 12 pp. (petits manques,
trous et mouill. marg.).
Rare public. décrivant de façon détaillée le début de la campagne menée par le duc de Savoie contre
la république de Gênes du 13 au 14 mai 1625 (André, 3544).
Bn-Opale plus.
1...,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339 341,342,343,344,345,346,347,348,349,350,...432
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