1433 [Biblical encyclopedia]
LAMY, Bernard
- Apparatus biblicus, sive Manuductio
ad Sacram Scripturam (...). Editio novissima magis ac magis adauéta. Cum
figuris aeneis. Lyon, (P. Bruyset for) J. Certe, 1723, 4to, cont. quarter calf (rubbed), richly gilt spine
on 5 raised bands with title label, red edges, decor. endpapers, [30]-602[74] pp. (paper age-toned,
1st ff. dampstained at bottom, a few tears in plate folds). Very good copy.
Cfr. ill.
“In this work, Bernard Lamy (1640-1725), the renowned French Oratorian mathematician and
theologian, calls in question the historical character of the book of Tobias and book of Judith,
and maintains that even after the Council of Trent a difference of authority should be recognized
between the proto-canonical and deutero-canonical books of the Bible. This study examines also
such subjects as the history of the Hebrews and the Holy Land, a description of the Tabernacle and
Temple, a history of the scriptures, and a great many tangential matters like the plants, animals,
minerals, diseases, and customs mentioned in the Bibie. This book is exquisitely illustrated with 1 in
text engraving, and
22 fine copper plate engravings
(including 11 folding). One folding plate shows
the Greek & Hebrew alphabets. Others include 11 pls depicting animals and plants, two maps, a
plan of Jerusalem, a detailed temple plan, a priest with garments, a rabbi with tefillin, and 3 charts
of coinage and measurements.” (Kline). Collector’s ticket Bertulphus Weyl. Libr. stamp on title.
Not in BnF, BL, Conlon.
~ Amsterdam prize-binding ~
1434 [Binding - Amsterdam]
PLINIUS Secundus, Caius
- Panegyricus cum notis integris Francisi
Jureti, Joannis Livineji, Justi Lipsii (...) et selectis aliorum curante Joanne Arntzenio qui &
suas adnotationes adjecit (...). Amsterdam, Janssonius van Waesberge, 1738, [24]-469-[67] pp.
(somewhat browning and spotting) [bound with]
- Panegyricus
cum notis integris Claudii Puteani, Francisci Jureti, Joannis Livineji (...). Amsterdam, wid. and son
S. Schouten, 1753, [10]-xv-[1 bl.]-178-[34] pp. [and]
- C. Plinii Secundi junioris
Vita ordine chronologico sic digesta; ut varia dilucidentur historiae Romanae puncta, quae Flavios
imperatores (...). Editio altera. S.l. [Amsterdam], s.n., s.d., xcii-[4] pp., 3 works in 1 vol., 4to, cont.
gilt stamped vellum (sl. rubbed, def. at 1 single stamp), central coat-of-arms of Amsterdam on
covers within 2 gilt ruled rectangular flowered borders alternated with small coat-of-arms, gilt spine
on 5 raised bands, orn. with the city coat-of-arms, remains of green ties. Nice, large paper copy.
1...,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362,363 365,366,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,...432
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