1265 [Calligraphy]
- [Deliciae variarum insigniumque scripturarum]. (1 of
4 eds 1604-1649). oblong, disbound,
44 engravings
, c. 10,5 x 16 cm, numbered 4-47 (lacking title
and 1st ff., and 5 ff. at the end; soiled, some edges frayed with loss of plate margin, worming in
blank inner margin of last ff. occ. touching pls). S.w.a.f.
Nice example of one of the 1st works of the great Dutch writing-master Jan van den Velde (1568-
Croiset van Uchelen (Van den velde, 2005) pp. 130-134.
We join
- Système d’écriture américaine dévoilé, ou L’Art d’apprendre à écrire
l’Anglaise et perfectionner la plus défectueuse écriture dans l’espace d’un mois, sans le secours
d’aucun maitre, 5th ed. Brussels, L. Dumont, 1828, oblong, cont. wrappers, [2]-17-[1] pp. + 17
lithogr. plates by Macaire after Kreins, good copy (edges soiled or sl. frayed). Very rare Brussels
repr. of a popular writing manual.
Opac KBR (1). Not in Devolder, BnF. (2 vol.)
1266 CASSANDER, Georgius
- Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia, Epistolae CXVII. et Colloquia
II. cum Anabaptistis, nunc primum edita. Paris, A. Pacard, 1616, folio, 17th-c. blindstamped Dutch
vellum (joints splitting, tail def., ties gone), spine on 5 raised bands with gilt black label, [8]-1352
(= 1350)-[18] pp. Good well-preserved copy.
The rarest of the 2 issues of the collected works of the Flemish irenic theologian Cassander (1513-
1566). It was placed on the Index the following year, on account of its partially protestant views.
On pp. 1251-1269 his “Oratio in laudem urbis Brugarum”.
Nice engr. portrait
of Cassander (â4r).
Large woodcut mark on title. Title in red & black. Old ownership entry on front flyleaf.
Goldsmith (BL) C-394 and BnF (both the Drouart issue).
1267 [Church history]
Historia Ecclesiastica
. Dat is warachtighe beschrijvinghe aller ouder
Christelijcker kercken. Ten eersten de Historia Ecclesiastica Eusebij (...) elf boecken. Ten anderen
de Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita, Sozomeni/ Socratis/ ende Theodoreti twaelf boecken (...). Noch
is hier van nieus bijghevoeght/ eene Historische ende Warachtighe gheschiedenissen/ wat de Kercke
Gods wedervaren is in verscheyden Provintien. insonderheyt in Vranckrijck. Beginnende van den
Jare 1517. tot het Jare 1556. Dordrecht, P. Verhaghen, 1613 (Pt II: 1612), 3 parts in 1 vol., folio,
cont. overl. vellum, [24]-488-[42]-xxxvi pp. (minor dampstaining). Good copy.
Rare Dutch trsl. of the oldest histories of the early Christian Church by Eusebius of Caesarea
(265-340) and Cassiodorus’ (486-580) Latin version of the “Historia Ecclesiastica Tripartita” by
various Greek scholars. With an additional chapter on the dawn of the Reformation in France.
Large woodcut on title. General title in red & black. Text in gothic type in 2 cols.
STCN. Not in
Simoni (BL), BnF, NUC, Matagne (Namur).
1268 [Church history]
SALIANUS, Jacobus, BARONIUS, Caesar, a.o.
- Generale kerckeliicke
historie, van het begin der werelt tot het iaer onses heeren Iesv Christi M DC XXIV (...). Doch
verrijckt (...) met eene bysondere kerckeliicke historie van Nederlandt (...). Alle getrocken uyt oude
registers ende tijt-boecken door F. Dionysius Mudzaert (...). Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussen,
1624, 2 parts in 2 vol., folio, cont. blindstamped calf over wood (rubbed, lacking parts of leather),
spine on 5 raised bands (joints rubbed, head and tail defect.), [18]-541-[1], [8]-644 pp. (title soiled
and dusty). S.w.a.f.
New enlarged edition of this extensive church history by the Praemonstratensian historian Mutsaerts
(c. 1580-1635), with a new chapter relating to the Netherlands. Text printed in 2 cols. Without the
engr. title in the 2nd part. Ownership entries on front endpaper.
STCV (5). Cp. BN Paris (1
part). Not in BL London.
1269 CICERO, Marcus Tullius
- Oratio pro A. Licinio Archia poeta. In usum studiosorum seorsim
excusa, & Alexandri Scot Scoti studio dissecto. Cologne, Birckmann Press at the expense of H.
Mylius, 1634, 8vo, decorative wr., [8] ff. (browning).
Apparently unrecorded ed. of one of Cicero’s speeches, intended for the use of students: marginal
paragraph numbering! Printed on coarse paper. Woodcut mark on t.-p.
Not in VD-17. Not in
Paisey (BL), BnF, NUC, Matagne (Namur).
1...,316,317,318,319,320,321,322,323,324,325 327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,...432
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