tabs (somewhat short, soiled and dampstained, tear in fore-edge margin of II touching woodcut).
Good copy.
4 rare Paris ecclesiastical publications, 2-4 on the Holy Jubilee (
incl. 2 eds by the last Estienne
and esp. 1 on
religious art
. Woodcut papal or episcopal arms on titles 2-4, woodcut Estienne mark
on verso of titles 2-3, large woodcut with initials “TX” at end of 3.
BnF (1-4). 3: Goldsmith
(BL) R-1040 (1-2, 4 not in BL). 2-3 not in Renouard.
1253 [Belgium]
CHRISTYN, Jean-Baptiste
- Jurisprudentia heroica sive De jure Belgarum circa
nobilitatem et insignia (...) [- Pars secunda]. Brussels, Balthasar Vivien [- Foppens], 1668 [- 1689], 2
parts in 1 vol., folio, contemp. calf (corners rubbed), gilt orn. spine on 5 raised bands (joints splitting,
head and tail defect.), [16]-586-[29-1 bl.] pp. (some browning and spotting, mostly marginal, tears,
some underlaid, waterstaining mostly marginal). Good copy.
2nd edition of this important legal handbook on the Belgian nobility and their devices by Christyn
(1622-1690). With many documents in Latin, Dutch and French.
Engr. ills
: frontisp. by P. Danoot
Fr. Quellin
, title-vignette by P. Clouwet, “Schema metallorum”,
5 full page portraits
(of 18?) double-page genealogical tables
, num. smaller coat-of-arms, coins or scenes in text. Title
in red & black.
Saffroy I 8286: “Son livre forme un important traité qui renferme une foule
de détails curieux et intéressants pour l’hist. de la noblesse belge”. Ghellinck Vaernewyck 313:
“Oeuvre maîtresse en la matière”. Dekkers, p. 35: 1. STCV.
1254 [Bible - Haarlem imprint]
Biblia sacra
. Dat is de heylige schriftuer, bedeylt in het Oude en
Nieuwe Testament. Oversien ende verbetert na den laetsten Roomschen text. Amsterdam, J. Stichter;
Haarlem, N. Braeuw, 1690, folio, cont. calf (rubbed, minor def., corners rubbed and bumped), spine
on 5 raised bands (splitted joints, def. at head and tail, title label rubbed), [553] ff. (some min.
browning, some sm. wormtracks in the 1st pages). Good copy.
Rare reprint of the standard 1599 Moretus ed. of the Dutch Catholic Bible. The (unillustrated) book
was intended for Catholics in the Dutch Republic. Engr. titles. In 2 cols, gothic type. Stamps. Several
ownership entries, some erased.
STCN. Not in Darlow & Moule.
1255 [Bible commentary - Antwerp imprint]
- Commentaria in Salomonis
Proverbia. Antwerp, J. Meursius, 1649, folio, old blindruled calf over wooden boards (sl. rubbed,
sm. piece of leather on upper cover lacking), spine on 5 raised bands (def. at head), gilt green leather
title label, catches and clasps pres., [8]-903-[1 bl.-110-2 bl.] pp. (somewhat browning and spotting,
margins last ff. sl. mouldy and stained). Otherwise good copy.
2nd enlarged ed. of the voluminous commentary on the “Proverbs of Solomon” by the Flemish
biblical exegete Cornelius Van den Steen (°Bocholt 1567-1637), professor at Louvain and Rome,
where he finished his celebrated erudite commentaries.
Engr. title
by Corn. Galle after E. Quellinus.
Ownership entry on endpaper “H.S. Donneaux”.
DBS IV 1519 n. 7. STCV (3). Not in BnF.
1256 [Bible N.T. - binding]
Tès kainès diathèkè apanta
[Greek]. Amsterdam, W. Blaeu, 1633, 24mo,
goldtooled calf, covers with gilt central and corner ornaments within double ruled border, richly gilt
flat spine, covers with later decorative silver corner pieces, tooled silver clasps and catches, a.e.g.,
454-[6] pp. Exc. copy.
The revised Greek New Testament text of Th. Beza (1519-1605) in a beautiful pocket ed. by Blaeu,
luxuriously bound. Engr. title. Entirely printed in Greek.
Bibles Paris 3719. Darlow/Moule
4681. STCN (i.a. BL).
1257 [Bordeaux imprint]
Abregé de l’histoire du tres-sainct et precieux suaire de N. Sauueur
transporté de l’Orient en France dans l’Abbaye de Cadouin, de l’Ordre de Cisteaux,
Dioceze de Sarlat en Perigord. Avec le procez verbal faict & dressé (...) par (...) Euesque de Sarlat.
1...,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321 323,324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,...432
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