Woodcut mark on title.
Pettegree NB 13763. BT 5867. Voet, Plantin Press 1260 (no copy in
MPM). BCNI 3507. Not in Adams, BnF, Sorgeloos, STCDutch (BL).
1212 [Plantin Press]
- Elucidationes in omnia sanctorum Apostolorum
scripta. Eiusdem in S. Ioannis Apostoli et Evangelistae Apocalypsin significationes. Antwerp, Chr.
Plantin, 1588, 4to, old overl. vellum, flat spine titled in ink, blue edges, 481-[3] pp. (title soiled,
some minor spotting, marg. staining on pp. 204-205). Nice copy.
Text of the Letters of the Apostles and of the Apocalypse with notes by B. Arias Montano (1527-
1598). The Apocalypse (pp. 429-481) has notes with the explanation of its symbolic meaning
proposed by
Hendrik Barrefelt/Hiel
. Woodcut mark on title. Old ownership entries on title. Old
bookpl., libr. stamp.
Voet (Plantin Press) 583. BT 157. Pettegree NB 2523. Ind. Aur. 107.297.
Palau 16484. Adams B-1867. Not in Sorgeloos.
1213 [Plantin Press]
- De Paradiso commentarius (...) Adiecta (...) Basilii
Caesariensis Episcopi Leitourgia (...) Praeterea professiones fidei duae (...) [trsl. from the Syriac]
Andreas Masius. Antwerp, Chr. Plantin, 1569, 8vo, cont. limp vellum (loosening at front), flat spine
titled in ink, 276-[4] pp. (some minor spotting, blank bottom margin of A1-2 and bottom corner of
G3 cut off, bottom corner of quire S frayed). Very good copy.
Rare Plantin ed. of an extensive commentary on the Paradise story in Genesis 2-3 by the 9th-c.
Jacobite bishop of Beth-Raman, translated by the Brabant humanist Andreas Masius (1514-1573).
Complete copy
with the often missing “Professiones fidei”. Woodcut mark on title. Libr. stamps.
Pettegree NB 21730. BT 2167. Voet, Plantin Press 621 (incompl. copies only!). Adams M-1863.
Sorgeloos 122 (cpl.).
1214 [Plantin Press]
DU PREAU, Gabriel
- Collectio plurium locorum e divina Scriptura excerptorum,
ad orationis Dominicae, articulorum Fidei, & decem Praeceptorum Legis interpretationem non
parum conducentium. Antwerp, Chr. Plantin, 1567, 16mo, mod. boards, 127-[1] pp. Nice copy.
Collection by the French scholar Du Préau (1511-1588) of biblical quotations useful for the
understanding of the principal Christian prayers. Woodcut mark on title.
Pettegree NB 10456.
BT 6586. Voet, Plantin Press 1958. BCNI 3088. Not in Adams, Sorgeloos.
1215 [Plantin Press]
- Ad C. Cornelium Tacitum curae secundae. [Leiden], Plantin
Press (F. Raphelengius), 1588, 8vo, mod. gilt green half morocco, marbled endpapers, [16]-160 pp.
(some sl. marg. dampstaining). Good copy.
The rare
1st and only separate ed.
of a series of new critical notes on Tacitus’“Opera” by the great
Justus Lipsius. With a long liminary poem by Janus Dousa. Sm. woodcut coin ills. Woodcut mark
on title.
Pettegree NB 19292. Typogr. Bat. 3134. B.B. III:1077-1078 L-519. Voet, Plantin Press
1564. Not in Adams, Bibl. Lips. Brux.
1216 [Plantin Press]
Montis Domini totiusq. Sacri Templi exemplum
ex antiquis descriptionibus
a bened. Aria Montano observatis, ad apparatus sacri instructionem. Antwerp, Chr. Plantin, 1578,
copper ill. broadside, 37,5 x 54 cm, engraving 37,5 x 47,5 cm with to the left a printed text 37,5 x
6,5 cm, b/w (sl. frayed & soiled edges, sm. marg tears rep., splitt. c’fold well rep.). Good copy.
Extr. rare, apparently not present in Belgium
, copper engraving showing in detail the Temple at
Jerusalem “according to old descriptions by Arias Montanus”. The mention “Ad apparatus sacri
instructionem” seems to imply that the broadside was primarily intended to give supplementary
(visual) information to the description (and the accompanying illustrations) as given in the
“Apparatus” of the Polyglot Bible (more esp. vol. 8) (Voet). The printed text gives the key to the
engraving with underneath: “Antverpiae, excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, M.D.LXXVIII”.
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