1196 [Luther - Eilenburg imprint]
- Ordnung und berechunge des Teutschen
ampts zu Alstadt durch Tomam Müntzer/ seelwarters ym vorgangen Osteren auffgericht. 1523.
Eilenburg, N. Widemar, 1524, 4to, mod. boards covered with a rubricated incunable leaf, [6] ff.
(paper age-toned). Very good copy.
Very rare early imprint from Eilenburg (near Leipzig, Saxony). In 1523 the protestant Leipzig
printer Stöckel opened offices in Eilenburg and Grimma, to escape the restrive measures of George,
Duke of Saxony (1471-1539) against Lutheran sympathies. The fierce Reformation theologian
Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525) in 1523 became pastor in Allstedt (Saxony-Anhalt), where he married
a former nun. “In December 1523, Müntzer produced the first completely German liturgy, the
Order of German Church Service, for use in Allstedt. On 13 July 1524, he apparently delivered
his “Sermon to the Princes”, allegedly given to Duke John of Saxony and his advisors in Allstedt.
Probably as a result of this event, combined with Luther’s “Letter to the Princes” of early July 1524,
which attacked Müntzer and Karlstadt, Müntzer and others from Allstedt were called to a hearing
at Weimar before Duke John of Saxony on 31 July or 1 August. He decided that the printing press at
Allstedt was to be shut down. Müntzer fled Allstedt soon after” (Wikipedia). He became a leader of
the Peasants’War and was decapitated after their final defeat in 1525. Large woodcut arms on title.
Cont. reader’s marks.
VD-16 M-4891. Köhler (Flugschriften) 3387. Not in Adams.
1197 [LUTHER, Martin]
- Passional Christi vnd Antichristi. [Erfurt, M. Maler, 1521], 4to, mod. sheep,
[14] ff. (paper age-toned, some marg. staining). Good copy.
1 of 3 Erfurt reprints copied after the 4 original Wittenberg editions, all from 1521. Ill. with
26 half-
page woodcuts
(13 “couples”) by
Lucas Cranach Sr.
and his Workshop
, depicting
Luther’s views of the Pope as Antichrist: scenes from the Passion of Christ were matched by a print
mocking practices of the Catholic clergy, so that Christ driving the money-changers from the Temple
was matched by the Pope, or Antichrist, signing indulgences over a table spread with cash. “Texte
(ausgewählte Bibelsprüche) unter den Szenen mit Christus von Philipp Melanchthon; Texte unter
den Papstszenen von dem Wittenberger Juristen Johann Schwertfeger aus dem Kanonischen Recht
entnommen” (cat. Wittenberg 1986, p. 114). In a letter to Spalatin (7 March 1521) Luther called
it “ein gutes Buch für die Laien”. Title within elaborate woodcut border (title space & columns
old coloured). Gothic type. A single old pen correction in text.
Benzing 1020 (“Passional mit
i-Punkt”). VD-16 L-5579. Not in Adams etc.
1198 [Luther]
CAPITO, Wolfgang Fabritius
- Vas man halten vnd antworte(n) sol/ von der spaltung
zwische(n) Martin Luther/ vnd Andres Carlstad. [Erfurt, J. Loersfeld], 1525, 4to, mod. boards
covered with an incunable leaf, [8] ff. (marg. staining). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Rare pamphlet by the Strasburg Reformer Capito (1478-1541) on the position of Luther and his
fellow Reformer Karlstadt (1486-1541). “In July 1524, Luther described Karlstadt as a dangerous
sectarian with revolutionary tendencies. On 22 August 1524, Luther preached in Jena. Karlstadt
hid in the crowd during Luther’s preaching, and wrote to Luther, asking to see him. This led to the
well-known confrontation at the Black Bear Inn in a conversation recorded by a Martin Reinhardt.
Karlstadt continued to reject the violence that led to the German Peasants’War. In September 1524
he was exiled from Saxony.” (Wikipedia). Title within elaborate woodcut border.
VD-16 C-849.
Ind. Aur. 131.642. STCGerman (BL) 180. Not in Köhler (Flugschriften), Adams.
1199 [Luther]
HUS, Jan
- Epistolae quaedam piissimae & eruditissimae Iohannis Hus, quae solae
satis declarant Papistarum pietates, esse Satanae furias. Addita est D. Martini Lutheri Praefatio.
Wittenberg, Johann Luft, 1537, 8vo, cont. blindstamped calf over wood (rebacked, clasps lacking,
endpapers renewed), covers with “Lucretia” stamp, edges bevelled inside, spine on 3 raised bands,
[172] ff. (lacking 1 blank, minor soiling, holes in blank parts of t.-p. repaired). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
The anti-papal complaints of the Bohemian reformer Jan Hus (1372-1415) were picked up as
another weapon in the Lutheran Reformation. Luther himself contributed a Preface to the new
Wittenberg ed. of 1537 (WA 50, 123). Woodcut mark at the end. In italics.
VD-16 H-6165.
Benzing 3254. Adams H-1206. STCGerman (BL) 438. Not in Machiels, BnF.
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