1203 [Maaseik - Liège imprint]
[ROTZ, Zacharias, S.J.]
- Historie van het leven der heyliger
maechden Harlindis ende Relindis, wt de legende int cortste ende ghetrouwelijckste ouergestelt
(...). Liège, Chr. Ouwerx, 1596, 8vo, mod. limp marbled boards, blue edges, [40] ff. (paper marker
pasted on fore-edge title margin). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Extr. rare work by the Flemish Jesuit Rotz (1552-1605) on the Maaseik saints Harlindis and Relindis,
who “hebben gheleeft int Iaer ons Heeren seuenhonderdt en dertich, haer lichaemen rusten nv
inde Stadt van Maezeyck int lant van Luyck daerze gheert ende besoecht worden. Den principalen
feestdach is den xxij. Martij” (title). Woodcut mark on title. Full-page woodcut ill. on verso of title.
At the end woodcut arms of bishop Ernest of Bavaria (1554-1612).
Pettegree NB 26954 = BT
8500 (2). de Theux 26. BCNI 4323. DBS VII c. 221-2 nr. 2. Not in Adams, BL, BnF.
~ Not in Belgian libraries ~
1204 [Martens imprint]
HUTTEN, Ulrich von
- Outis [Greek]. Nemo. Louvain, Dirk Martens,
October 1518, 4to, old calf (18th c.?, rebacked), red edges, [12] ff. (title soiled, sm. def. in fore-edge
border, old strengthening of fore-edge margins). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Extr. rare ed. (no copy in Belgian libraries) of the satirical poem “Nemo” II of the German humanist
Hutten (1488-1523), 1st publ. Augsburg (August) 1518. It is a revised and extended version of an
earlier poem (“Nemo” I, 1510). Elaborate woodcut title copied after the original Augsburg ed.,
showing the Polyphemus scene in Homer’s Odyssey. Large woodcut mark at the end. Old ms. note
on verso of title. A few cont. marg. annotations (cropped).
Benzing, Hutten 67. NKr. 1149.
Pettegree NB 16113. Heireman A-315 (long note). STCDutch (BL) 100. Not in Adams, BnF.
1205 [Mysticism]
- In Quartum Decretalium libru(m) epitome.
Item in titul. de testament. & Co(n)stit. Bonifacii VIII. ultima, quae incipit, Alma Mater de senten.
excom. Interpretatio. Lyon, (H. Penet for) Heirs of J. Giunta, 1558, 8vo, cont. limp overl. vellum
(holes in front cover), flat spine, [40]-549-[3] ff. (occ. staining). Good copy.
Lyon ed. of one of the major treatises on canon law by the Spanish lawyer Diego de Covarrubias
y Leyva (1512-1577), 1st publ. Salamanca 1550. Woodcut mark on title. Text printed in 2 cols.
Latin notes on flyleaf. Libr. bookpl. Law Library, Los Angeles Co. Calif.
Pettegree FB 63557.
SvGültlingen (Penet) 14 = Baudrier VI:290. Ind. Aur. 145.957. Cp. Palau 64178 (1550 ed.). Not in
1206 [Neolatin poetry - Ingolstadt imprint]
- In Iesu Christi promissi & exhibiti
Messiae, Dei & Mariae filij natalem, carmen elegiacum. Ingolstadt, [A. & S. Weissenhorn], 1558,
4to, paper strip on spine, [12] ff. (some spotting & marginal dampstaining). Good copy.
Rare Latin Christmas poem, with liminary verses by J. Aldenburch and N. Marius.
W-1486. Not in Stalla, Adams, BnF, STCGerman (BL).
Poematia sacra
, augustissimo Christi corpori dicata a B. Mariae Virginis Congregatione
Acadaemica, [ed. Dionysius Grasser]. Ingolstadt, W. Eder, 1583, 4to, disbound, red edges, [2]-18
ff. (minor soiling). Nice copy. Latin verses on Christ, and against Luther and Calvin. Libr. stamp.
VD-16 P-3833. Stalla 904. STCGerman (BL) Suppl. 40. Not in Adams, BnF. -
Wolfgang, Thrybius, Georg
- Poemata sacra de augustissimo Eucharistiae sacramento scripta B.
Virginis Academicae Congregationis nomine [ed. Joannes Faber]. Ingolstadt, D. Sartorius, 1584,
4to, disbound, red edges, [14] ff. Nice copy. Latin verses on the Eucharist, and against Luther. Title
within border of type ornaments. Libr. stamp.
VD-16 J-92. Stalla 1504. Not in Adams, BnF,
STCGerman. (3 vol.)
1...,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307 309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,...432
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