1207 [Nobility]
CHASSENEUX, Barthélemy de
- Catalogus gloriae mundi (...) apud aquas sextias
in senatu decuriae praesidis (...). Lyon, A. Vincentius (for G. Regnault), 1546, folio, later calf
(damaged), gilt orn. spine (def. at head & tail, wormholes, joints rubbed, music leaf in vellum
to reinforce the spine), [8]-330 ff. (F3 loose, F4 lacking, browning, heavy dampstains, some
wormtracks, tear in f. 13). Used copy.
Rare 2nd ed.
(1st 1529) of this discursive survey of all ranks of society by the Lyon jurist Chasseneux
(1480-1541). Ill. with
: 96 initials, 48 (of 51) coat-of-arms, 13 full-page plates, 1 small
ill. in text and a half-page ill. at end. Printer’s mark on title. Ms. notes on title and end. Stamp
Bibliotheek van het Ruusbroec-Genootschap.
Saffroy I 8849. BL. BnF. Not in Adams, Machiels.
1208 [Nobility]
- L’estat et comportement des armes. Livre autant util, que necessaire
à tous gentilshommes et officiers d’armes. Brussels, J. Mommaert, 1597, folio, cont. vellum (sl.
rubbed), flat spine (def.), [11-1 bl.]-88 (=107 )-[1] pp. (large brown spots on title and A2, prelim. ff.
spotting, some dampstaining, sm. wormtrack in upper margins, errors in pagination).
First ed.
of this heraldic and genealogical work by Scohier (1530-1609), canon of Berghes. Ill.
114 woodcut coat-of-arms
, num. genealogical trees in text and beautiful head- and tailpieces.
Woodcut printer’s mark on title.
Saffroy 2072. BT 4310. Machiels S-232. Not in Adams.
We join
Menestrier, Claude-François, S.J.
- La nouvelle méthode raisonnée du blason, pour
l’apprendre d’une manière aisée (...). Lyon, Bruyset, 1734, 12mo, cont. calf (corners sl. bumped),
gilt orn. spine (sl. rubbed, def. at head, upper joints sl. splitting). Engr. front. and 31 full-page pl.
Bookpl. i.a. comte de Nedonchel.
Saffroy 2204. DBS V 937 n. 127. (2 vol.)
1209 [Orléans imprint]
- Traité de la preparation a la saincte Cene de nostre seul
Sauveur & Redempteur Iesus Christ. “Suiuant la copie imprimée à la Rochelle, par Barthelemy
Berton”. Orléans, Eloy Gibier, 1565, in-8, carton. mod., 77 pp. (manque le f. blanc E8). Bel ex.
Très rare édition d’un traité théologique de Y. Rouspeau (1540-1601).
Pettegree 46829 (1:
Bodleian). Desgraves, Gibier 96ter. Pas dans Adams, Machiels, BnF, BL, NUC.
1210 [Plantin Press - Flanders]
- Les chroniques et annales de Flandres:
contenant les heroicques et tresvictorieux exploicts des Forestiers, & Comtes de Flandres (...)
depuis l’an (...) VIc. & XX jusques a l’an M.CCCC.LXXVI. Antwerp, J. Withagen for Chr. Plantin,
1571, 4to, 17th c. sheep, spine on 5 raised bands (repaired and strengthened), [19]-340 ff. (some
waterstains). Good copy.
Only ed.
of this history of the County of Flanders up to 1476. P. d’Oudegherst (Lille 1540-Madrid
1592) was a Flemish lawyer and historian, at one time in the service of Emperor Maximilian II, to
whom the work is dedicated. The Biographie Nationale attributes part of the text to his father Jean
d’Oudegherst (d. 1559). The text is preceded by a prologue by Fabio Masqui d’Urbino. Plantin had
too much work with his famous Biblia Polyglotta and had a number of printing tasks done by his
colleague Jan (Ver)Withagen. Publisher’s mark on t.-p. Woodcut historiated initials and ornaments.
Coat-of-arms pasted on verso front cover.
Voet (Plantin Press) 1841. BT 2314. Pettegree FB
40114 = NB 23327. Adams O-422.
1211 [Plantin Press - Louvain]
- Indictio sancti Iubilaei. De eodem Epistola (…)
Cardinalis Borromaei (…) Quibus accedunt tres Quodlibeticae quaestiones Henrici Cuyckii habita
Louanij in Scholis artium pridie Calendas Ianuarias Iubilaei Anni 1575. Antwerp, Chr. Plantin,
1575, 8vo, later half calf (worn, backstrip gone), marbled endpapers, 79 (= 83)-[1] pp. Good copy.
Rare Plantin publication on the Holy Year 1575. Copy with the “Litterae (…) suspensionis omnium
indulgentiarum” (2 ff.), that were added during the production of the book and bound between
pp. 8-9. According to Voet Plantin had it
printed by Joannes Masius at Louvain
. The work also
contains some texts by the Louvain theologian and bishop of Roermond H. Cuyckius (1546-1609).
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