1200 [Luther]
HUTTEN, Ulrich von
- Ad Carolum Imperatorem, adversus intentatam sibi a
Romanistis vim & iniuriam, conquestio (...). [Strasburg, J. Schott, after 28 Sept. 1520], 4to, mod.
boards covered with incunable leaf, [24] ff. (sl. browning, title somewhat soiled, upper corner of
title repaired). Good copy.
Defense of Hutten (1488-1523), champion of the free Imperial knights against attacks from Rome.
On title “Martino Luthero” (16th c. hand).
VD-16 H-6237. Köhler (Flugschriften) 1667.
Benzing 133. Adams H-1216.
1201 [Luther]
MUSAEUS, Raphael (pseud?)
- Murnarus Leuiathan, vulgo dictus, Geltnar/ oder
Gensz Prediger (...) Raphaelis Musaei in gratiam Martini Lutheri, & Hutteni (...) ad osores Epistola.
[Strasburg, J. Schott, 1521], 4to, mod. boards covered with incunable leaf, [16] ff. (somewhat short
at top, paper age-toned, def. at top margin of C4 with loss of 2 letters of running title, tiny hole in
blank part of title). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Satirical dialogue in defense of Luther and Hutten against Thomas Murner (1475-1537), who
is described and depicted as a drake/monster in monk’s dress. “Raphael Musaeus” could be a
pseudonym of the Strasburg humanist lawyer Nikolaus Gerbel (1485-1560).
7 satirical woodcuts in
(1 correction woodcut pasted on C4v, by the printer?).
Author’s (?) presentation inscription to
the Wittenberg lawyer, theologian and “Kantor” Ulrich von Denstedt
(1460-1525) and ownership
entry on title.
VD-16 M-7112. Köhler (Flugschriften) 3421. Muller 95 = Ritter 1597. Not in
Adams, STCGerman (BL).
1202 [Luther]
STAPHYLUS, Fridericus
- Theologiae Lutheranae trimembris epitome. De topicis
praedicamentis seu principijs Theologiae Lutheranae. De materia praesentium controuersiarum
Luther. De successione & concordia discipulorum Lutheri in confessione August. Antwerp, Joannes
Withagius, 1558, 8vo, mod. calf, 56 ff. (clear dampstain, some marg. soiling, sm. hole in blank part
of title, tear in E1-2, some scribbling on last p.). Good copy.
Cfr. ill.
Early Antwerp ed. (same year as the orig. ed. in Germany) of this anti-Lutheran work by the
German theologian Friedrich Staphylus (1512-1564), at 1st a Protestant and then a Catholic
convert. It severely attacked the lack of union in Protestantism, the worship of Luther, and religious
subjectivism. Woodcut mark on title.
BT 4407. Adams S-1641. STCDutch (BL) 193.
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