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les collections aristophil



(1785-1863) and



Linguistes, philologues et collecteurs de contes allemands.

German popular stories with illustrations after the original

designs of George Cruikshank; edited by Edgar Taylor; with

an introduction by John Ruskin MA.

London : John Camden Hotten, [1869]

3 000 / 4 000 €

In-8, XXVI, 335 p., faux-titre, vignette au titre, 21 planches (eaux-fortes).

Reliure de style “Cosway” par « Rivière & Son », reliure signée sur

la doublure, plats ornés de “miniatures” aquarellées par C.B. Currie,

deux grand ovales sur chaque plats, peintes sur ivoire. Plein maroquin

olive, dos à 5 nerfs fleuronné et doré, double filet en encadrement

sur les plats double d’une ligne de petits point dorés, fers dorés aux

coins des encadrements, miniatures serties dans de grandes frises

ornées et dorées composées de petit fers, tête dorée, frise dorée

intérieure, doublures et premiers feuillets de garde de soie vert olive,

estampille dorée « Miniatures by C.B. Currie », ouvrage conservé

dans une boite articulée de toile verte. Dimensions: 190 x 142 mm

Traduction anglaise des Contes des frères Grimm, traduits par Edgar

TAYLOR (1793-1839) avec des illustrations de George CRUIKSHANK






German popular stories with illustrations after the original

designs of George Cruikshank; edited by Edgar Taylor; with

an introduction by John Ruskin MA.

London : John Camden Hotten, n.d. [1869]

3 000 / 4 000 €

In-8, XXVI, 335 p., half-title, title vignette, 21 plates (etchings). Bound

in a Cosway binding with two large oval miniatures, one on each

cover, of scenes from the stories painted on ivory by C. B. Currie.

Olive crushed morocco, double-fillet border with a parallel dotted

line and gilt-stamped leaf tools at four corners, a frame of the same

leaf tools and gold dots surround the miniatures, top edge gilt, gilt-

tooled turn-ins, olive watered-silk doublures and endleaves, by Rivière

& Son, stamp-signed in gilt “Miniatures by C.B. Currie,” in a green

cloth drop-box. Dimensions: 190 x 142 mm.

An English translation of the Grimm Brother’s tales.

This book of

German Popular Stories

 is the first English translation of

a selection of fairytales collected by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm

Grimm. The two volumes of Kinder und Haus Märchen – literally

‘Children’s and Household Tales’ – were first published in Germany

in 1812–15. The uncredited translator of the stories was Edgar TAYLOR

(1793-1839), a lawyer and author who spoke German, Italian, Spanish

and French. He collaborated with another German speaker, his friend

David Jardine, and in the introduction they express the hope that

publishing these stories will entertain young and old alike, and help

to end the regrettable neglect of the ‘popular tales of England’ as well.

The first edition was published in 1823. The translation was immediately

successful and did much to make fairy tales an acceptable form of

reading material for children in the 19th century. Taylor’s intention that

children should enjoy the tales accounts both for his choice of stories

– he omitted those containing particularly gruesome passages – and

for some of the alterations made in his translation. For example, in a

number of the tales he replaced the devil with a giant. 

The stories are illustrated by George CRUIKSHANK (1792-1878), and

the frontispiece vividly depicts the storyteller reading aloud to a

group of avid listeners. The early German editions of the tales were

not illustrated, but the use of Cruikshank’s pictures in the English

translation set the pattern for future fairy tales.

In 1869, thirty years after Taylor’s death, Taylor’s widow granted the

publisher John Camden Hotten permission to combine the first two

editions of German Popular Stories into one book with the original

prefaces by Taylor, and introduction by the famous critic John

Ruskin, a letter endorsing the book by Sir Walter Scott, and a new

advertisement. This is the first edition in which Taylor’s name as

a translator appeared on the title page.