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britannica - americana

St. Louis 14 October 1931

: “Owing to the depression the only size 17

plain white shirts with attached collars on sale here are those that

have been on sale in the windows. It has not been considered smart

business to stock clean shirts until these slightly soiled shirts have

been sold at reduced prices. You can get a pretty nice soiled shirt

now for around $1.79. If you ever become dissatisfied with your life

with Benchley and that whole gin crazed Saturnalia and want to lead

a cleaner life bring your shortwave set clown to Key West and we

could try to turn an honest penny running Chinamen. The goddamned

Chinamen are still crazy to get into this country and we could bring

them in and then have a hearty laugh at their expense [...]”

[Kansas City 16 November 1931]

. Hemingway announces the birth

of his second son and describes his hunting activities (mentioning

Round-Tablers Dorothy Parker and Donald Ogden Stewart): “Baby

named Gregory Hancock - Gregory for any 3rd Pope you name

and Greg Clark of Toronto Hancock for my Grandfather’s wife Miss

Hancock - and all her forebears - weight 9 lbs - Caeserian - signs of

life in Greg 20 minutes after birth - O.K. now - craps, peas [!] - in fact

the works - had a good sound erection as soon as life appeared -

I’d appreciate your informing Mrs. Parker [...] Tell Mr. Stewart I broke

21 out of 25 in the same afternoon sixteen yard rise - not having had

my shoes off since the morning of the day before. It was evidently

taking my shoes off that buggared my shooting on the boat - on the

other hand no one can say what might have broken with my shoes

off - Those things are hard to figure - Killed eleven live birds straight

at the 30 yard rise same aft. - only three states you can shoot them

in - Here, Kentucky and Pennsylvania [...]”.

29 March


. The news of Dorothy Parker’s latest suicide attempt has

reached Hemingway, and he is obviously trying to show compassion

(in 1926, he had shocked and offended friends - among them Stewart -

with “To a Tragic Poetess”, a venomously misogynic and occasionally

anti-Semitic poem about the caustic critic and her failed attempt to

take her own life): “How’s Dotty? What are you guys doing driving die

poor little woman almost to suicide. Fie on you MacGregor - why don’t

you make Stewart kill himself and really do something constructive -

Poor Dotty - no kidding - How is she-? Where is she-? I’d like to write

her - give her my love [...].” Some 29 years later, Hemingway himself

would shoot himself, as had his own father in 1928.