561 KREUTZER, Conradin
- Autogr. sign. letter, in German, unidentified corresp., Stuttgart, 7/6/1816,
1 p. on a double f., 4to.
Kreutzer (1780-1849), German composer and conductor, sends his correspondent the famous
“Schlacht-Synfonie”, Wellington’s Victory, Op. 91 of Beethoven. He asks to pay as soon as possible.
In that time Kreutzer quits his position as “Kapellmeister” to the king in Württemberg to write
operas i.a. for the Kärntnertor-Theater in Vienna.
562 LANDORMY, Paul
- “Quatuor pour 2 violons, alto et violoncelle en mi b majeur”, [mai 1903-juin
1906]. Manuscrit aut.s., [1]-64 pp. (les 4 dern. bl., dern. f. part. découpé), portées impr., in-8 obl.,
28 x 16 cm, br., couv. de papier rouge titrée à l’encre noire (défr.).
Rare manuscrit complet de ce quatuor à cordes, composé de mai 1903 à juin 1906. Il comprend
trois mouvements, chacun daté au début et à la fin: I “Large”, puis “Vif, chaud et clair”, avril
1905, II “Adagio”, mai 1903, III “Large”, puis “Vif, décidé mais avec ampleur”, juin 1906. P.
Landormy (1869-1943) est un compositeur et critique musical français, également auteur de nombr.
biographies de musiciens.
~ Verhaeren, Baudelaire ~
563 LAPARRA, Raoul
- 2 manuscrits aut. monogr., 4 pp. sur 4 ff., in-4, id., portées mss.
Partitions musicales complètes à l’encre noire: “Les heures claires. O la splendeur de notre joie!
Poésie d’Emile Verhaeren”, datée Le Tréport, 6/8/1924. Fragment surcollé dans la partie sup. du
4e f. - “Spleen. Poésie de Charles Baudelaire”, datée Ménil Val, 2/9/1924. Identifiée “La Parra”
sur le 1er f., qqs traces de crayon repassées à l’encre.
564 LEGRENZI, Giovanni
- Letter to an unnamed person (“V.C.”), Venice, 15 /2/1659, paper, bifolium,
c. 30 x 21 cm, 1 p. In good condition.
Excuses for having missed a visit. G. Legrenzi (1626-1690) composer and organist.
565 LEHAR, Franz
- Autogr. signed photo-postcard, unidentified corresp., Vienna, 20/4/1940, 8,5 x
13,5 cm.
Lehar writes to a friend about his “erster Erfolg”. He received good critique “Das ist der Kommende
We join
: 2 sign. visiting cards of Franz Lehar, autogr. signed by Lehar.
26/11/1928, signed by
Bela Jenbach
Heinz Reichert
, librettists of the operetta “Der Zarewitsch” (1927) with music
of Lehar.
27/5/1929, “Herrn Adolf Lindne(r?), für Erinnerung an die? Friederike”. “Friederike”
(1928) was an operetta of Lehar. (3 pcs)
566 LEKEU, Guillaume
- “Adagio pour violon, alto et violoncelle”. Autogr. signed music manuscript,
2 pp. on 1 folio.
Rare manuscript in black ink by G. Lekeu (1870-1894), Belgian composer influenced by his friend
Cesar Franck. After Franck’s death, he met Vincent d’Indy who introduced him to Octave Maus. He
also composed a violin sonata for Eugène Ysaÿe which is considered as his masterpiece. Although
Lekeu died at a young age, at a time when his compositional skills were not yet perfected, his music
displays a remarkable maturity often with a sense of melancholy.
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