Avec les signatures du
baron Taylor
H. Berlioz
, Dobigny Derval, Dubourjal, Bourquelot (les autres
à identifier).
12 lettres ou cartes aut.s
. émanant d’artistes ou critiques musicaux, corresp. divers, XIXe-
XXe s. Par André Hekking, Calvocoressi, Curt Mey, Adolphe Mayer, Willibalt Gurlitt (en allemand),
Bressler, Arthur Pougin, etc. (13 pcs)
514 BARTOK, Bela
- Autogr. dedic. to Jean Bedetti, Boston, 18/2/1928, on a photogr. portrait by
Nickolas Muray
, 25 x 20 cm. Photographer's stamp on verso.
Black-and-white portrait of B. Bartok by Hungarian-born, American photographer N. Muray
(1892-1965). In upper right corner, “To Mr Jean Bedetti. Many thanks for your excellent playing”.
Bedetti was the principal cellist in the Boston Symphony Orchestra during a concerto for Piano
& Orchestra, 17 & 18 February 1928. Bartok played the piano, Serge Koussevitzky conducted the
515 BARTOK, Bela
- Autogr. sign. postcard to “Frau Irma Laszlo”, Budapest, 28/4/1908, 16 x 13 cm,
with stamp.
In German. Bartok (1881-1945) asks I. Laszlo, his student, to come over ‘jetst Donnerstag d.i. den
30. sten April um 4 Uhr”.
516 BARTOK, Bela
- Autogr. signed letter to M.D. Calvocoressi, Budapest, 19/1/1923, 1 p. on 1 f., 4to,
with envelope and stamps.
Letter in German to the music writer and critic Calvocoressi (1877-1944). Bartok writes about the
talented young Hungarian violonist Zoltan Szekely (1903-2001) with whom Bartok already had
played in public. Bartok hopes everything is going alright with Calvocoressi from whom he lately
heard very little. Székely became a friend of Bartok and was the one to request the composition of
Bartok’s Second Violin Concerto and its dedicatee as well as performer at its premiere in March,
517 BENOIT, Peter, DE GEYTER, Julius
- De waereld in! Kindercantate. Gent, Vuylsteke, 1890, 4to
(enkele roestvl. binnenin), half lederen band met titel in goud (hoeken gerafeld).
Muziek van de componist en muziekpedagoog P. Benoit (1834-1901). Op woorden van Julius De
Geyter (1830-1905), journalist en schrijver, creëerde Benoit een nieuw genre: de kindercantate.
Met handgeschr. en gesign.
van Benoit
aan pianiste “mevrouw? Declercq-Devos”, als
herinnering aan haar medewerking aan de eerste opvoering van de kindercantate.
Overlijdensbericht van P. Benoit.
518 BERG, Alban
- Autogr. letter to a “gnädige Frau”, not identified, s.l., 9/3/1932, on the reverse of a
signed by Berg photogr. portrait by
Trude Geiringer
Horovitz (enbossed sign.).
Interesting letter of A. Berg (1885-1935), Austrian composer and member of the second Viennese
School. The handwriting is hard to read. In the beginning Berg mentions a novel “Golofin” which he
has read (but not appreciated very much). He also writes down a title of a book “Erinnerungen an G.
Mahler v. Natalie Bauer-Lechner”. The 2 photographers Geiringer, autodidact, and Horovitz, who
followed graphic studies, shared a studio for portrait photography in Vienna between 1926-1938.
519 BERLIOZ, Hector
- Billet aut.s. à Joseph Tagliafico, s.l., s.d., 1 p. sur 1 f., in-12, adresse “Monsieur
Tagliafico Très pressé”.
Il lui demande de le retrouver le lendemain matin “dans la cour des messageries notre dame des
victoires. C’est très important, je vous le demande instamment”. Joseph Tagliafico (1821-1900)
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