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eeuwse drukken

figuring children, and Perna’s mark on the title-page. The first collection of Morata’s epistles

was published in 1558.

# Adams M-1741; # Soltész M-789; # USTC 679524; # VD16 ZV 11157; # not in Machiels.

¶ Collections de lettres, épitaphes, oraisons et poèmes de l’érudite protestante Morata donnée par

Curione. Suivi de lettres et oraisons de ce dernier et de traductions d’Ésope et Boccace par Paganutius.

Demi-vélin à coins du 17e s. (bruni, cahier ** relié à la fin -entre les pp. de texte- avec ff. inversés).

274 – (Philologie) - 

VERREPT, Simon.- Grammatices latinae liber primus

[- secundus,- tertius,- quartus] [...].

Antverpiae, apud Antonium Tilenium. Brechtanum [- (excudebat Christophorus

Plantinus)], s.d. [- 1568].

4 parts in 1 vol. in-8° : [72], 174-[1], 128, 85-[3] pp. (slightly browned, dampstains, handwritten



erased on the first title-page, foxing, some underlinings and one handwritten note, wormholes from 3


part on,

sometimes with very small lacks of text, stains on the two last pp.).

Contemporary binding : red tinted vellum with visible sewing, flat spine, blue edges (slightly soiled, wormholes

in the lower board).



1.500/ 1.800 €

Grammar textbook for the use of students, officially summarised from the grammar of

Despauterius, giving the rudiments, the etymology, the syntax, the prosody and poetry

of Latin language. Voet doesn’t consider the summarised arrangements of Despauterius’

grammar of 1571-1572 as written by Verrept but by another scholar. The priest and

schoolmaster Verrepaeus (1522-1598) became in c. 1550 rector of the Thabor Convent

in Malines. The Calvinist rising forced him to an errant life but he finally settled down in

‘s Hertogenbosh where he became canon of the Cathedral Chapter of St. Jan and rector

of the Chapter school.

Very rare work

, Voet listed only our copy but we have found two others in German libraries

(Dresden and Duchess Anna Amelia library). The first part, not dated but probably printed

in 1568, was printed by an unidentified typographer for Antonius Tilenius. The second part

was printed by Plantin as written in the colophon, so were also probably the third and fourth

as they present the same style and type.

First edition

after Voet though the Belgian biographical dictionary mentions a previous

edition lost. Voet recommends not to confound that edition with the later editions of Verrept

published for the first time by Plantin in 1578, no comparison has been made between the

two editions though.

# Voet 2427bis; # USTC 410032 (without collation); # Biogr. nat. XXVII-604/610; # BT

7040 (ed. of 1578 by Radeus): # not in Adams, Soltész, Machiels, Sorgeloos.

¶ Édition originale. Rare exemplaire de cette grammaire latine traitant des rudiments, étymologie,

syntaxe, prosodie et poésie latines. Plein vélin teinté en rouge de l’ép. (lég. bruni, galeries de vers à

partie de la 3e partie, parfois avec pet. manques de texte).

275 – (Religion & Philosophie) - 

[ARISTOTELES]; THOMAS Aquinas.- Expositio

Divi Thomas Aquinatis doctoris Angelici super octo libros physicorus Aristotelis


(Venetiis [Venise], heredii Luceantonii Junte, 1539, mense maii).

In-f° : [6]-147 lvs (occasional light soiling and foxing, wormholes at the inner margin of the first half of the vol.

and at the last lvs, 2 corners with small lack of paper).

Modern binding by Blair Jeary : calf, boards decorated with a double blind tooled border of fillets with little

ornaments in the corners, ribbed spine (small marks of use).



800/ 1.000 €

Very rare edition

of Aristotle’s “Physics”, with extensive commentary of Thomas Aquinas



Giunta ed. : 1535). Translated by Joannes Argyropoulos (c. 1393-1487), Byzantine exile

Greek professor in Florence and Rome and edited by Bartolomeo de Spina (1475-1546),