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Éditions du XVI



Bellarmin (1542-1560), cardinal-archbishop of Capua canonized in 1930, was one of the

most learned controversialists and the first jesuit who taught theology at the University of

Leuven. Neat typography on 2 columns with engraved ornamental initials, head- and tail-

pieces, titles with large papal arms of Clement VIII.

# De Backer-Sommervogel I-1157; # Brunet I-743 (other ed.); # Biogr. univ. III-544/545.

▲ Provenance : ex-dono from Nepolis Dantius to Johannes Roversius (handwritten

mention in Latin).

¶ Troisième édition du 1er vol. et seconde édition pour les deux autres de l’oeuvre la plus influente de

Bellarmin, premier jésuite professeur de théologie à l’université de Louvain. Plein veau de l’ép. sur ais

de bois (défauts).

280 – (Religion) 

Ens. 2 ouvr. en 1 vol. in-12°


Sanctus BONAVENTURA.- Legenda

maior beatissimi patris Francisci a Sancto Bonve[n]tura. Suavissimo et religio-

nis pietate[m] redole[n]te stilo co[m]posita.

Venundantur ubi impressa est Parisiis, in officina Johan[n]is Frelloni (Johannis Barbier

impressoris necno[n] librarii jurati p[er] eode[m] Barbier et pro Johanne Frellon

co[m]morante [...]), [after 1508].

In-12° : [84] lvs (handwritten


rovenance erased on the title-page very slightly browned, some foxing, rare

handwritten notes or corrections in the text).



Century binding : threequarter marbled calf, sprinkled paper boards, gilt decorated flat spine, yellowed

edges (partly rubbed).



600/ 800 €

Very early postincunabulum

of this famous biography of Saint Francis of Assisi. Jean

Barbier and Jean Frellon edition, though no copy has been found with Frellon name, printed

after 1508 as Barbier became that year “librarii jurati”. The “Legenda maior” was ordered

to the Franciscan Bonaventura (1221-1274) in 1263 and is composed of a prologue, the

biography of the Saint and by miracles occured after his death. The theologian and cardinal

of Albino Bonaventura studied at the University of Paris under Alexander of Hales and

John of Rochelle and became Doctor at the same time of Thomas ab Aquinas in 1257. The

same year, because of his order defense against the anti-medicant party, he was named

Minister General of the Franciscan Order. Bonaventura was canonised in 1482 and named

Doctor of the Church in 1587 (nicknamed “Seraphi Doctor”). Text in Gothic typesetting with

ornemental initial letters, mostly dotted, and with the mark of Jean Frellon, also dotted,

on the title-page contrarly of the copy listed by Renouard which presents the vignette of


# Renouard.- Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVI


siècle. Paris, Service des travaux

historiques de la Ville de Paris, 1979, 244; # USTC 143394; # not in Adams, Machiels,

Soltész, STC French.

Bound with

, same condition : PERAULT, Raimond.- Vita dive virgi[ni]s ac martyris :

Christiq[ue] sponse singularis Katherine Costi regis filie [...]. Cum dive Helene crucis Christi

salutifere inuentricis ad calce[m] adiecto Panegyrico [...]. Parrhisios, in officina Ascensiana,

(pridie Penthecostes 1511). [64] lvs. Postincunabulum (1


ed. : Bale, 1504) containing the

biography of Saint Catherine and the praise of Saint Helene by Perault (1455-1505), bishop

of Saintes and cardinal of Gurk, edited by Jean Cavellat. Text in Gothic typesetting with

ornemental initial letters, mostly dotted, and with the portrait of Catherine on the title-page.

# Renouard II-207; # USTC 180647; # not in Adams, Machiels, Soltész, STC French.

▲ Provenance : “Bibliotheca Renessiana” (ex-libris).

¶ Post-incunable de la biographie de Saint François par Saint Bonaventura. Relié avec une biographie

de Sainte Catherine et une louange de Sainte Hélène par R. Perault, cardinal de Gurck. Demi-veau

marbré à petits coins du 19e s. (lég. us., rel. lég. frottée).