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Éditions du XVI



auctions for more than 20 years. VD16 just lists one other copy but without collation and

location. Fifth (?) edition of this collection of Gospels and Epistles with parallel text in Greek

and Latin. Apparently the first edition was published in 1549 and was followed by several

others, all printed by Brylinger or his heirs. Printer’s mark of Bryling on the title-page.

# USTC 654780 (ed. 1559); # VD16 ZV 5566 (id.); # not in Adams, Machiels, Soltész, KVK.

Bound with

 : VERREPT, Simon.- Precationum piarum enchiridion [...]. Editio ultima,

auctior et castigatior [...]. Antverpiae, apud Joannem Bellerum (excudebat Aegidius

Radaeus, expensis Joannis Belleri), 1574. [36]-519-[20] pp. (light dampstains). Collection

of prayers (1


ed. : 1565) by the Belgian theologian Verrept (1522-1598) illustrated with

17 woodcuts repeated in the text. Title-page and feasts calender printed in black and red;

some ornemental initials letters and printer’s mark at the end. # USTC 411735; # Biogr. nat.

XXVI-603/610; # not in Adams, Soltész, Machiels, BT.

¶ Second (si pas unique) exemplaire connu de la 5e (?) édition de cette collection d’évangiles et lettres

avec texte en grec et latin. Relié avec un choix de prières du théologien Verrept illustré de 17 in texto

répétés. Pleine basane du 19e s. (mouill., pet. restauration sur le titre des Evangelia, rel. frottée, rogné

parfois avec pet. manques).

284 – (Religion) 

Ens. 2 ouvr. en 1 vol. in-f°

FABRI, Johannes.- Sermones

fructuosissimi, cu[n]ctis ecclesiae catholicae defensoribus, ac doctrinae eva[n]-

gelicae professoribus, summopere necessarii [...].

(Coloniae, in officina literaria honesti civi Petri Quentel, 1537 (mense februario)).

In-f° : [4 engr. title incl.]-CXLVII-[11] lvs (fore-edge of the title-page short, stamp and handwritten



crossed out on the title-page, nudity of the children hidden in the initial letters, some parts of the copy slightly

yellowed, rare stains or dampstains, rare tears without loss).

Contemporary binding : sprinkled sheepskin, ribbed spine (wormholes, scratches, upper joint partly split, one

joint broken, upper flyleaf lacking, trimmed).



200/ 250 €

First edition

of this postincunabulum gathering a collection of

sermons on the Eucharist, patience, against the Anabaptists

and on the victory against the Turkish during the Siege of

Vienna in 1529. With afterwards an oration to Margaret of

Austria (1480-1530), Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands,

and the “Triumphus beati Job propheatae summi Dei [...]” by

the theologian Gratius Ortwinus (1480?-1542). The doctor in

civil and canon law Fabri (1478-1541), an Erasmus’ friend,

became bishop of Vienna in 1530. Work in a neat typography

with initial letters, mostly historiated figuring children from

the “Alphabet of children” by Hans Holbein the Younger (?)

and one large figuring the Crucifixion with Charles V and

Ferdinand I kneeled and the Evangelists in the corners.

Typographical title within a frame after Hans Holbein the

Younger (?) depicting in the upper part the Transfiguration,

the Evangelists, 4 Church Fathers (Gregory, Ambrosius,

Hieronymus and Augustinus) and below the portraits of

the Emperors Charles V and Ferdinand I with the two coat-of-arms of the Holy Roman

Empire (with the monocephalic eagle and the double-headed) and the arms of the seven


# Adams F-67; # Machiels F-15; # Contemporaries of Erasmus II-5/8; # USTC 626167; #

VD16 F 234; # not in Soltész.

Bound with

 : [REUCHLIN, Johannes.- Primi graecae et sacrae hebraicae linguae autoris

lexicon hebraicum, & in hebraeorum grammaticen commentarii lucubrationes Sebastiani

Munsteri opera absolutae sunt [...]]. (Basileae, per Henricum Petrum, mense martio anno