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eeuwse drukken

1537). Pages 285-418 of this Hebraic lexicon and grammar, printer’s mark at the back of

last leaf. # VD16 R 1253; # USTC 661238.

¶ Édition originale de ce post-incunable contenant des sermons de J. Fabri, évêque de Vienne et ami

d’Érasme, une oraison funèbre de Marguerite d’Autriche et le “Triumphus beati Job [...]” d’Ortwinus.

Titre dans un encadrement richement décoré, initiales extraites de l’“Alphabet des enfants” (?) ou une

figurant Jésus sur la croix. Relié avec les pp. 285-418 d’un lexique de termes hébraïques. Plein veau

moucheté de l’ép. (gouttière du titre découpée, tampon sur le titre, nudité des enfants cachée, trous de

vers à la rel., épidermures...).

285 – (Religion)


Ens. 2ouvr. en1 vol. in-16°


[JORDAN, Raymond].- Contemplationes

idiotae. De amore divino. De Virgine Maria. De vera patientia. De continuo

conflictu carnis et animae. De innocentia perdita. De morte.

Lugduni [Lyon], apud Antonium Vincentium (excudebat Theobaldus Paganus), 1542.

In-16° : 111-[1] lvs (slightly yellowed, small ink stains in some margins, handwritten notes and label on the

title-page, stamp at the back).



Century binding : half calf, marbled paper boards, flat spine, blue sprinkled edges (upper joint party split,

spine partly unstuck, spine et joints rubbed, stamp on the upper pastedown).



250/ 300 €

First edition printed in Lyon

of this work containing six meditations published under the

pseudonym of Idiota for Raymond Jordan, prevost in 1381 of Uzès (South of France). Text

edited by the theologian Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (1450-1537) like the editio princeps

published in Paris in 1519 by H. Estienne. Historiated initial letters and mark of Antoine

Vincent on the title-page.

# Baudrier IV-226/227; # USTC 157449; 235; # STC French (1


ed. 1519); # Adams M-330;

# not in Machiels nor in Soltesz.

Bound with

, same condition : [CLICTHOVE, Josse].- De doctrina moriendi opusculum [...].

Parisiis, apud Galeotum a Prato & Joannem Roigny (in officina Oliverii Mallardi), 1538 (ab

incarnatione domini [...] trigesimo octavo supra sesquimillesimum. decimo quatro. Calend.

aprilis), 156-[4] lvs. Reprint of the Parisian edition of 1534 by Simon de Colines, who also

published the editio princeps in 1520. Clicthove (Nieuport 1472-1543 Chartres) was a

theologian, distinguished opponent to Luther, who collected and summarised the objections

to the Lutherian doctrine for the Synod of Paris in 1528. Woodcut at the end figuring the

Death riding a horse with the caption “Respice finem”. # BB I-606; # Adams C-2183; # STC

French 117; # USTC 147372 (mentions 14 unnumbered lvs at the end); # not in Machiels

nor in Soltész.

¶ Première édition lyonnaise de l’ouvrage de Jordan contenant 6 méditations éditées par J. Lefèvre

d’Étaples. Relié avec un ouvrage de J. Clicthove sur l’art de mourir. Demi-basane du 19e s. (ex. lég.

jauni, dos part. décollé, dos et mors frottés).

286 – (Religion) - 

Liber aureus ab ipsis practicis no[n] desideratus. Regulas

cancellarie apostolice (seu Potius co[n]stitutio[n]es et ordinatio[n]es papales)

articulatim co[m]plectens [...].

(Parisiis, su[m]ptibus Johannis Petit, anno a partu Virginis 1529.die.viii.maii).

In-8° : cxiiii-[9] lvs (dampstains throughout, some handwritten notes, marginal wormholes sometimes with

small lacks of text, upper corner repaired and small hole in lf. ix, rare ink stains).



Century binding : bordeaux morocco, blind decorated ribbed spine, gilt roll-stamps on the edges and the

turn ins (lacks at the turn ins and corners, upper joint partly split, small wormhole in the upper joint, light

dampstain at the lower board, dampstains and mould at the flyleaves).



250/ 300 €


containing rules of the Roman Chancellery promulgated by Innocentius

VIII, Julius II and Clement VII. Text in Gothic typesetting with ornemental initial letters,

mostly dotted and some large; large mark of Petit on the title-page.