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On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or

the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

London: [W. Clowes and Sons for] John Murray, 1859.

30 000 / 40 000 €

In-8 format, IX, 502 pp. with a folding diagram facing p. 117 by W. West,

half-title verso with quotations byWhewell and Bacon, 32-page publisher’s

catalogue dated June 1859 at the end (“Mr. Murray’s General List of

Works”); a few light spots in first leaves. Original publisher’s blind panelled

green grained cloth (with Edmonds & Remnants ticket), spine gilt, brown-

coated endpapers, in a green articulated cloth and leather box with title

piece: “On the Origin of Species. First Edition. Autograph Orchard Plan”.

Slight rubbing on joints with a bit of colour restoration at top of upper

joint, ⅛ inch tear in top edge of upper cover. Dimensions: 200 x 124 mm.

First edition.

Of the first run of 1, 250 copies. Darwin’s seminal book

that shared his theory of evolution with a lay audience. Darwin wrote

in his diary that all 1 250 copies of the first edition, published on

November 24, were sold on the first day; however, more accurately,

nearly all of the edition had been sold to the trade immediately, with the

exception of personal copies set aside for Darwin and review copies.

A handsome copy.

Dibner 199: “The most important single work in

science”. Freeman 373. Garrison and Morton 220. Horblit 23b. Norman

Library I, 594. PMM, 344b: “The five years [of Darwin’s voyage on the

Beagle] were the most important event in Darwin’s intellectual life and in

the history of biological science. Darwin sailed with no formal training.

He returned a hard-headed man of science… The experiences of his five

years in the Beagle, how he dealt with them, and what they led to, built

up into a process of epoch-making importance in the history of thought”

Copies of the original first edition have fetched high prices, including

at Christie’s, London, 24 November 2009, lot 48, where the influential,

green-cloth volume sold for £ 103,250; another copy (presentation

copy) sold at Christie’s, 15 November 2011, lot 54 for 134 500 $; sold

at Christie’s, 9 July 2019, lot 246 for £ 225 000.

Without question a watershed work in the history of modern life sciences,



elaborated a proposition that species slowly evolve

from common ancestors through the mechanism of natural selection.

The entire text is essentially an introduction to, and amplification of the

iconoclastic thesis that Darwin abstracts at the beginning of chapter

4 (Natural Selection): If such do occur, can we doubt (remembering

that many more individuals are born than can possibly survive) that

individuals having any advantage, however slight, over others, would

have the best chance of surviving and of procreating their kind? On

the other hand, we may feel sure that any variation in the least degree

injurious would be rigidly destroyed. This preservation of favourable

variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural Selection.

The book, stripped of references and academic paraphernalia, was

aimed not at the specialists but directly at the reading public. John

Murray agreed to publish it sight unseen. Darwin arranged with Murray

to send out a large number of complimentary copies, fearing the

publication would be a catastrophe. In the event the 1,250 print-run

was oversubscribed and caused an immediate sensation, requiring.

Murray to initiate a reprint almost immediately after publication.


Sarah B. Wheatland (embossed ownership stamp on front endpaper).

Sarah Wheatland was a scientist, active in the 1950s, author for

example of

Oceanography of Long Island Sound,

1952-1954 (1956).

sold together with

Autograph MANUSCRIPT unsigned.

[Description and Enumeration of

Darwin’s Garden and Walk]

, 11 pages [Down House, ca. 1846] a bit of

marginal browning and spotting, pinholes at top left corner of first page.

Dimensions: 200 x 159 mm. Leaves placed in a fitted green folder

with modern description of content: “Darwin’s Description and

Enumeration of his Garden and Walk”.

List of trees and plants for the orchards, walks and gardens at Down

House as planned by Charles Darwin.

Down House stands south of Downe, a village 14.25 miles southeast of

London’s Charing Cross. Darwin moved into Down House in 1842 and

proceeded to make extensive alterations to the house and the grounds.

In 1846, Darwin rented, and later purchased, a narrow strip of land of

1.5 acres adjoining the Down House grounds to the southwest. He

named it Sandwalk Wood and had a wide variety of trees planted and

ordered a gravel path known as the “sandwalk” to be created around the

perimeter. Darwin’s daily walk of several circuits of his path served both

for exercise and quiet contemplation. The present manuscript contains

lengthy lists of a wide array of trees and plants for his expanding grounds.

He begins with a large selection of trees for his orchard including apple,

pear, apricot and cherry trees. Subsequent pages include a list of vines,

shrubs and flowering plants to be situated

against house beginning east


The last two pages contain a list of plants, many flowering for the

front of house garden


right or west side going along walk to garden.

A lovely manuscript revealing Darwin’s great interest in his lush grounds

at Down House and witness to the solace he found in trees and plants.