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La vie et les aventures de Robinson

Crusoë. Ancienne traduction revue et

corrigée sur la belle édition donnée

par Stockdale en 1790, augmentée

de la vie de l’Auteur, qui n’avoit pas

encore paru. Edition ornée de 19

gravures d’après les dessins originaux

entreprise par Charles Panckoucke,

éditeur de l’Encyclopédie

méthodique. Et publié par sa veuve.

A Paris, chez la veuve Panckoucke,

imprimeur libraire, rue de Grenelle

F[aubourg] G[ermain] no. 321, an VIII


3 000 / 4 000 €

Superb copy in a fine binding signed


One of the most elegant editions of the

French translation of Defoe, given by

Thémiseul de Saint-Hyacinthe and Justus

van Effen (the first edition of this translation

was published in Amsterdam in 1720-1721).

3 vol., in-8 format,  frontispiece portrait

(volume I), engraved title-pages at the

beginning of each volume, [5] ff.-CVIII-276

pp (4 plates + 1 folded map [World map

of the Eastern and Western hemispheres

showing the itinerary of Robinson Crusoe’s

voyage, engraved by P. F. Tardieu]) + [2] ff.-526

pp. (11 plates) + [4] ff.-340 pp., 15 plates in all

and one map ; 3 engraved title-pages with

different vignettes for each volume.

Straight-grained green morocco, spine in

compartments with raised bands richly gilt

with various sprays, foliate and dotted tools,

signature of the binder at foot of spine of

volume one: « Rel. P. Bozerian Jeune », sides

with a gilt roll-tooled border, gilt edges,

marbled pastedowns. Binding by BOZERIAN

JEUNE. Dimensions of volumes: 230 x 152


Cohen-Portalis, 217, who signals 18 plates.

Brunet, II, 566, who signals 16 plates: although

the title-page calls for 19 figures, extant copies

only have 15 plates as in the present copy,

numbered 1 to 15.

First print, illustrated by a portrait of the

author by Delvaux, three title-pages engraved

with different vignettes, a world map engraved

by Tardieu, and 15 figures by Stothard

engraved by Dupréel, Delvaux and Deligon.

Shared edition, published jointly by H.

Verdière and la Veuve Panckoucke (Widow

of Panckoucke) : this copy only gives the

latter publisher’s address. Facing the first title-

page, the following concerning the engraved

plates : «  Les estampes de cet ouvrage ont

été gravées sous la direction du citoyen

Saugrain, graveur-éditeur, rue du Cimetière

Saint-André-des-Arcs, no. 10 ».


Charles Hayoit (1901-1984), Belgian bibliophile,

industrialist made war prisoner in 1940, a

renowned resistant during the Second World

War ; his booklabel on the first flyleaf of vol. I.

His collection was sold in five sales between

2001 and 2005. – Benoit Jouvin (1810-1886),

journalist and editor of the newspaper Figaro,

his booklabel, engraved by Stern. – Pencil

inscription on the second flyleaf of vol. I:

« Voir cat. Beraldi - 15 pl. t. I, no. 87 ».