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3. C’est un véritable exploit, et Montgomery veut remercier tous ceux

qui y ont contribué. Cette belle victoire a été apportée plus par les

grandes qualités de combattants des soldats de l’Empire que par

n’importe quoi que lui-même a pu faire…

4. Ils ont été formidablement aidés par la R.A.F., qu’il remercie aussi


5. Leur tâche n’est pas encore terminée. Les Allemands ont quitté

l’Égypte, mais il y en a encore quelques-uns en Afrique du Nord. Il

y a encore une belle chasse à faire plus loin à l’ouest, en Libye… Et

une fois qu’ils seront parvenus jusqu’à Bengasi et aux régions au-delà,

ils ne reviendront plus en arrière.

6. Que cette tâche se poursuive, et bonne chasse à tous…

On joint

2 photographies de Montgomery (tirages de l’Imperial

War Museum).



British Field Marshal.

Signed autograph MANUSCRIPT, signed « B.L.

MONTGOMERY General G.O.C.-in-C. Eighth Army »,


Army. Personal Message from the Army Commander.

To be read out to all the troops,

12 November 1942; 3 pages

in-fol., in pencil; annotations in other hands at head “Army

Com[man]d[e]r wishes to see a proof when ready” and “To

be presented & issued as Army Com[man]d[e]r’s special

message before LIGHTFOOT [code name of the military

operation]” (staple holes and small tears at upper left

corner); in English.

7 000 / 8 000 €

Montgomery’s stirring message to his troops after the victory

at El Alamein.

The comprehensive victory of El Alamein, Montgomery’s greatest

achievement and famously described by Churchill as ‘the end of the

beginning’ of the war, took place over the 14 days from 23 October,

and was the first major Allied victory of the war.

Montgomery’s message raises six points:

1. When we began the Battle of Egypt on 23 October I said that

together we would hit the Germans and Italians for six right out of

North Africa. We have made a very good start and today, 12 Nov,

there are no German and Italian soldiers on Egyptian territory except

prisoners. In three weeks we have completely smashed the German

and Italian Army…

2. The following enemy formations have ceased to exist as effective

fighting formations...

3. This is a very fine performance ... I feel that our great victory was

brought about by the good fighting qualities of the soldiers of the

Empire rather than by anything I may have been able to do myself ...

4. Secondly, I know you will all realise how greatly we were helped

in our task by the R.A.F. We could not have done it without their

splendid help and co-operation. I have thanked the R.A.F. warmly

on your behalf.

5. Our task is not finished yet; the Germans are out of Egypt but there

are still some left in North Africa. There is some good hunting to be

had further to the west ... And this time, having reached Bengasi and

beyond, we shall not come back.

6. On with the task, and good hunting to you all...

Printed in Montgomery’s


(1958), pp. 143-144.

Sold with

2 photographs of Montgomery (prints, Imperial War

