~ Extremely rare huge wall map of the Netherlands ~
972 [Netherlands]
Carte nouvelle de la Comté de Hollande et de la Seigneurie d’Utrecht
Amsterdam, Covens & Mortier, after 1726, 40 plates, 41 x 30,5 cm, printed 2 by 2 on 20 leaves,
(single marg. waterstain, sl. soiled margins). Very good copy.
Cfr. ill.
2nd Covens & Mortier edition (after the dike rupture of 1726) of this
huge wall map
in 40 pls, when
mounted together, 162 x 299 cm!
Splendid impressive cartouches
showing coats-of-arms, Neptunus
and on each side of the main cartouche a fisherman and a landman with their attributes, fish, duck,
plants, basket, net etc.
Blonk-van der Wijst, Hollandia Comitatus 53.6.
973 [Netherlands]
La Hollande en 12 feuilles
dont les six premières contiennent la Hollande
septentrionale ou la partie septentrionale du Comté de Hollande le Texel la Frise Groningue Drente,
et partie de l’Over-Yssel. Paris, Le Rouge, 1748, 12 maps, each +/- 57 x 50 cm, orig. border line col.
(single sm. marg. inkstain). Splendid copy.
Cfr. ill.
1st state of this huge wall map
(when joined together +/- 229 x 151 cm!), each part with a separate
titel. The map showing the VII Provinces is (erroneously) titled “Holland”: in foreign countries
the VII Provinces were often called “Holland”. Titel in rococo cartouche by Mordon.
Van der
Heijden/ Blonk, VII Provinciën, 87.
974 [Prussia]
De Caerte Ofte Zee Custen van Pruijssen, met zijne Haffen ofte Groote Rivieren,
vander Memel off tot Heel tho, alsoe Tlant Aldaer in zijn Wesen is. / Borussiae cum suis portubus et
fluminibus (...). Leiden, L. J. Waghenaer, 1588, 33 x 52 cm, orig. full col. (sm. marg. waterstain &
tears, 3 tiny holes, sm. offsetting stain, fold). Good copy.
Nautical chart, including coastal profiles of Gulf of Gdansk. Oriented southeast. From: Waghenaer’s
“Speculum nauticum super navigatione maris Occidentalis confectum,...” (Sea atlas). Decorative
map with nice cart., sailing boats, dolphins and wind rose.
Koeman IV, Wag5A (39b)
975 [Scandinavia]
Les Couronnes du Nord, le Danemarck, la Norwège, l’Islande et la Suède (...)
Paris, C.F. Delamarche, 1792, 91 x 63 cm, printed on 2 joined sheets, borderline col. (splitt. c’folds
expertly rep.). Very nice copy.
Nice detailed map of the Scandinavian countries by Delamarche, successor of Sanson and Robert de
Vaugondy. With parts of Russia, Poland, Prussia, Germany and France. With inset map of Iceland
in upper left corner.
976 [Spain]
Accuratissima totius regni Hispaniaetabula
. Amsterdam, Dankerts, c. 1690, 50 x
58,2 cm, orig. col. Very good copy with nice cart. Old ms. note in margin. -
Carte historique
et géographique des royaumes d’Espagne et de Portugal (...)
. Amst., from Chatelain’s “Atlas
Historique”, 1719, 45 x 54,5 cm, border col. Good copy of this highly detailed map of Spain and
Portugal, showing coats-of-arms and substantial details throughout. (2 pc)
977 [Switzerland]
Carte de Suisse suivant sa nouvelle division en XVIII Cantons format la
République Helvétique
. S.l., H. Mallet, 1798, 72 x 100 cm, printed on 2 joined sheets, a few col.
details (remargined & splitting c’folds and tear expertly repaired, marg. waterstain). Good copy.
Detailed map of Switzerland with part of France, Austria and Italy. With inset “Partie du Païs des
Grisons” in upper r. corner and in lower r. corner an “avertissement”.
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